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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Saturday, as usual, we went to the breeders to pick Dayo up for a few hours of fun at our house. He was hanging on the front of the Cage when we got inside and the minute the Breeder opened the door He came flying to us. He went into his carrier no problem and when we got to our house, he couldn't wait to get out. So, for the next 8 hours here, he ate pretty well, drank water and constantly wanted to be on or with one of us at all times. He seems to like Kim a little more than me. :angry: I took down My Furby (yeah I've had it for years, it's fun) and sat it in front of Dayo. He was on that Furby instantly as if it was and old friend. As you know, Furbies have pressure points and sensors everywhere and as Dayo pushed, pulled or bit them, the Furby would make all types of sounds and talk. After 15 minutes of that, I decided to put Furby up , because I got jealous...I mean, I wanted to get Dayo going on some other new experiences with toys, cage, food etc. We had to go to a birthday party for 2 hours, so I placed Dayo in his cage, fighting, kicking and protesting all the way. No bites, but he did NOT want to go in the Cage. When we got home, he of course looked like a Monkey climbing all over the Cage in anticipation of us letting him out which of course we did. Kim had to go to the store for a few minutes and when she got back, Dayo took off running after her into the Kitchen, Mommy..Mommy.....Leaving me like chopped Liver So, we had a great time as did Dayo. We placed him in his carrier no problem. We get to the Breeders, open the carrier to let Dayo out and he would not come out. He ran to the back and started trying to dig under the Carpet. I finally had to just get him with both hands and bring him out gently. The breeder, after a few minutes went to put him back in the cage and he jumped off her arm and flew across the room to me and landed on my Head So, I played with him a minute, then passed him back to the breeder, which this time, had a firm grip on his toes as he flapped furiously to get free once again. So, it was a great time and we can't wait until next Saturday to finally bring him Home for good :woohoo:
  2. Hi Geoff, I will keep your morning harness workouts in mind for Dayo when I get him home this next Saturday. LOL - Yes, rough housing usually always ends up with some residual pain....but it's a good pain, when you have the good memories of what caused it :woohoo:
  3. danmcq

    Free Flying

    I will keep you posted Judy :-) In fact, I will be posting yesterdays adventures in Baby sitting Dayo a little later. Along with some photo's....I gotta tell ya though, he likes my Furby :woohoo: More later..............
  4. Hopefully Jacques is just becoming more socialized. Just because he lets someone else hold, pet or scratch him, does not mean he has diminished love or appreciation for his Mom or Dad :-) which or whomever he chooses as that role. I'm rooting for you though Tricky, since you want it so badly :woohoo:
  5. Congratlutaions Miltie!! That is a Great looking baby Grey you have there. I know how excited you must feel. :laugh: Once you have started interacting with them as you have, it just intensifies the excitement :woohoo: I am so happy for you. And, thanks for posting that photo!!!
  6. Thanks Judy and Lidia for your informative and helpful replies. I did have a T-Shirt on, but Dayo is just to young with very limited balance at this point as Judy pointed out. Maybe I'll put a little saddle on my shoulder for Dayo to ride Yeeeee Haaaaaw !! Gidee up walking tree!! :woohoo:
  7. danmcq

    Free Flying

    Hi Ian, I have not brought Dayo Home fulltime yet from the Breeder. I had hime here yesterday for 9 hours, but no harness training has taken place yet. He will be coming home next Saturday for good at 14 Weeks old and the Harness training will begin. :laugh:
  8. With Dayo here climbing all over us yesterday, one spot he visited was the shoulder on both my wife and I. Not for long grant you, because you must keep him from playing with the funny fleshy appendages sticking temptingly out. He really likes the Bling-Bling (earrings) of which my Wife found out in short order :ohmy: Thankfully due to Talons :laugh: first hand expert experience, my wife quickly got control of the situation and removed Dayo back down to her arm. Dayo would mainly explore gently nibbling hair, cheeks and neck, but he grabbed my ear pretty good once in which I had to use a finger on each side of his beak and pry it open while saying no-no-no in a calm voice. As, you know, I think the risk is great, but yesterday I did enjoy walking around with him perched on my shoulder while he stood guard for the Dobies :woohoo: But, I am VERY conscious of going slow and making sure he does not lose balance.....my ear or other facial appendage is not a perch to be grabbed full force to save himself :woohoo: That, is my worst fear..... :ohmy:
  9. Hi Shanlung, Thanks for posting the link with great information. It's always a pleasure when you post! :laugh: Your website is very unique with obvious love, attention and detail to every facet of it that you have pored heart and soul in to. Visit us more often :laugh:
  10. Hi Geoff, Mirek is really the character! I like the way he will "rough house" with you and be a good sport about it. Your description of the 20 minute "Mirek Workout" with hangs, flips, on the back etc. is a great mental visual that I can not wait to try with Dayo next week! I think you used the term of personality correctly for Mirek. He has plenty of it! :woohoo: The loooong wait between updates from you this week was well worth it!! THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. LOL - Judy, your Hubby will be taking her with him Turkey hunting, once She gets that down perfectly
  12. No usurping going on Tricky :-) I'm just seeing if we can find the meanest, nastiest looking Grey ready to take a chunk out of somebody :woohoo: I like the Photo of Yours, but just thought I would throw some more ideas in the mix, before we get to the voting and printing the winner stage.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/28 17:16
  13. Wow - The Jolly Ball for Que is HUGE ! I am going to buy one for Dayo. It looks like it is just natural instinct for them to want shelter like that.
  14. Looks like your Husband is pretty handy :-) Thats going to make things a lot easier and more mobile for you. Thanks for posting the Photo!
  15. Thats a great photo and Topaz obviously loves that Jolly Ball!! That Ball looks Huge. How big in diameter would you estimate it is?
  16. Yes, until the 31st, thanks for considering it FairY!
  17. This question really made me perform a search of my time-line in deciding to get a Grey. You know, the first Parrot I purchased was a Wild Peach Front Conure and I cannot for the life of me, remember what lead to that. :ohmy: For some unknown reason, I just started reading about Parrots, then became more interested and more....Then Internet searches for them available in my area and one Day BANG, there was the ad for my Conure.... During the year of working with and taming "Jake" and reading articles on the like. I also started becoming more interested in all Parrots and their peculiar characteristics. After time, the Grey won my Mind and my Heart, due to the challenge and reward of owning one. So I started watching for baby Grey's available in my area. It took a few Months for this search to come to fruition, but it did 5 Weeks ago with the first visit to the Breeders and purchase of "One" of them. After 2 weeks, it became obvious that one of them was seemingly choosing us as his parents. The 3rd week it was with Iron Clad certainty that we said, "This is the One". Now at 13 weeks old today, Dayo is already in our Hearts and visiting here at out home for 5 - 6 hour stints, which today is happening again! The Breeder states Dayo should be weaned and ready to come home next weekend! We can't wait :-) to have him here forever....... So, my reason may seem a little ambiguous, but I honestly cannot claim that I had an epiphany or a finite point in time that I can say "Why"....Destiny???? :huh:
  18. LOL Tari! Hey, normally in the early hours, they have some of the old series like "I Love Lucy" on. That funny show would wake up your Babies and may even get your Grey saying "Lucy, I'm HOOOoooome" Might drive you Bonkers though :laugh:
  19. I am resurrecting this Topic. I find the "Bird Setter" video's intriguing and this topic in general. Do the ones that own this video, leave it on everyday when your gone? Do your Greys end up imitating the Parrot noises and squawks after hearing and watching for a while?
  20. Shawzy - I like the Tribal Tattoo! Very nice. Thanks for Posting these :-)
  21. Hi FairY, You don't need to post a pictorial rendition of your Idea. If you have a Slogan you like and just an idea of what image should accompany it, just post your Idea :-) We always have room for more T-Shirt Ideas :woohoo: As you can see, Melissa is very talented at putting the Idea to a great Image format!!
  22. What a great story of "Joshua's Adventures" :-) It sounds like He is such a well mannered and pleasurable Grey to be around. I hope Dayo becomes well socialized also. It is so great, to think about going out in public and letting our Grey's enjoy themselves and give people joy also!
  23. A Grey in this position for example, but even a meaner look...I'm still searching.... :-) <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/28 12:32
  24. Melissa....AWESOME Work!!! One thing though, could you change the Fist of steel, to Fist of Iron? I am going to see of I can find a photo of a Grey fluffed-up, beak open and ready to Bite for the poor hand shot of Josh's. Ok, Folks, lets vote!! I don't see anymore Ideas coming in, so lets Vote for which entry we want to go with....
  25. danmcq

    Treat Question

    It's a Licorice brand, regular, cherry, strawberry flavored etc.
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