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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I suspect as others, that the large box cutting with the sight and sounds of it were perhaps a little stressful. In addition, if you replace an older tube type tv with a flat screen lcd, led or plasma their screen refresh rate are much higher at 120, 240 and up 600 hz. An old tube tv at 60hz appears to greys fast vision like a fast slide show of images flipping through, versus a 120hz to 600hz refresh the see as a full motion movie like us plus the definition is much higher as well and they can see details they did not previously. But, they good news is they get over new things and events after a few days normally.
  2. Just some words of advice on Parrots and their diet. Parrots originating from different regions have different dietary requirements. Parrots from the countries surrounding Australia, such as cockatoos, were primarily grain and corn eaters, and required a low fat diets. Parrots from these areas were dying from fatty livers and tumors in captivity. A seed diet was just too high in fat. African greys from the African Congo area eat red palm fruit as a main staple. Also, they metabolize calcium differently than most parrots and have problems with calcium, vitamin A and D3 deficiencies. Be careful researching the web. Most have contradictory information and are lumping all parrot species together in a general diet for all. That is a huge mistake and affects their parrots health negatively. Please read the African grey specific stickies in both the food and health rooms. They are chalk full of information for you to consider. An example would be the need to include Red Palm Oil in your Greys diet.
  3. Thane is beautiful. These photos are GreYt, thanks for sharing them.
  4. Congrats! It is always exciting to hear the first words. When they are learning and calibrating words, they do so under their breath and when they believe no one is in ear shot. I have no doubt Felix has man words and phrases that will continue to shock, amaze and make you laugh over the coming weeks and months. I look forward to hearing of the new things he comes out with.
  5. Hahahahahahahahaha, I love it!!! Pure Grey logic. They are so stinking smart, we cannot but admit their logic is impeccable and follow suit with their reward. Then break the bad news, the rules just changed and it must be the actual TIME to go night night. But, knowing them, they would just say "Well it's night night time somewhere"..... hmmm, sounds like a song.
  6. Too tragic to truly comprehend. You and They are all in our thoughts and prayers.
  7. GreYt photos. Now the REAL adventure begins! Oh and please don't hesitate to ask for help when things mysteriously go missing ( hint, look in their favorite stashing place) or are found dismantled.
  8. Cute photo, thanks for sharing it! As others, I lost count of keyboards, mice, remotes and anything else my grey can get a hold of. Instant destruction can happen seemingly in the blink of an eye. Oh, forgot to mention phones both home and wireless... I know there's more, but that's enough insight for a new grey owner right now. Don't want them to start reconsidering if they really want a grey or any other parrot for that matter.
  9. Very true Dave. A persons life can change in the blink of an eye. So in the case of Oklahoma for me it is a devastatingly sad moment for all affected by it. But, I am happy and thankful the things we are enduring at the moment are mere child's play in comparison.
  10. Thanks for posting this Greywings. I was going to post that same video of them on the ground feeding and watering down, but just to busy at work to do it. I have never read or heard anyone studying greys in the wild note that they were observed dining on a carcass. The danger of even trying that when it was obviously killed by a very dangerous predictor and probably still near by would make it a least likely food source for a grey. I nor can anyone else say they don't perhaps grab a bite if they have observed from on high that there are no predators in sight and decide to take a quick bite and flee. But, as researchers have noted in the wild, the main food sources are red palm fruit, maize, fruits, insects etc. not meat. I do however give my grey a bite now and then of chicken, beef or fish when dining. They love large chicken bones as well obliterating them to small fragments getting to the cherished bone marrow.
  11. LOL, I'll bet it feels good to get an "Awesome" rating on food from Smokey Joe! All I ever get from Dayo is a list of things I didn't happen to include like rigatoni, coconut, enchiladas, chicken bones etc. He seems to never be thankful for what I give him on a particular day. I guess I just need to go the "Smorgasbord" route and let him pick and chose, then call the local homeless shelter to bring some folks over to eat all the let overs each meal.
  12. Judy's right. My post was in jest for the most part and why I used the tongue in cheek emoticon. I will say though, that Dayo has been in the exact position described and nailed me. However, when he is showing that same exact relaxed asking for a scratch position for his love muffin my wife, He never bites and blissfully enjoys the scratches.
  13. It could be. It could also be a setup for an okie doke, nail ya and can't believe you fell for that one again. They have such poker faces, but how can you resist and apparent offer to receive a scratch?
  14. LOL! Good one. It is VERY familiar. Thanks for sharing this.
  15. danmcq

    Urgent help

    How is the preen gland looking now after a few days? The plucking is from a different issue it seems, unless the preen gland was bothering her previous to being discovered (suspected). I have no doubt you are doing the best you can and kudo's to you. We all fret over our greys and members greys here as well. Just like we would over a human child having or exhibiting some type of symptoms of possible illness.
  16. danmcq

    Urgent help

    Oh! Ripping obviously is not good. It sounds like your taking the right actions with the Aloe Gel with the irritated area, the misting with 100% Aloe juice well help as well. Maybe just use it rather than bathing with water more than 2x's a week which can dry the skin too much. I would recommend calling your avian vet and see if this is possibly a reaction to the meds? I know you did say your grey had previously taken the same meds with no ill affects
  17. Loved these videos of Marco. Very entertaining to watch. Thanks for sharing them.
  18. That is the official USDA site and it seems was last updated in 2007. The leg band is in the correct format for pre 1992 imported birds. As Dave said though, a breeder could have used that leg band up to years after importing was allowed.
  19. Awww, beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing them.
  20. danmcq

    Urgent help

    Down feathers are ok and may be just because it is nearing summer time and both my birds are dropping down feathers through out the day. In regards sleeping on the water bowl, maybe it's more comfotable right now? Where does she normally sleep? Now the bottom of the cage would alarm me as well as you I suspect. But, ultimately you know her and we do not. If you suspect she is in need of seeing your avian vet again to ensure she is ok, then I would certainly recommend getting in to see them.
  21. Earthchild - Never be sorry for asking opinions. You had no control over other people highjacking this thread in to a slug out. Thanks you so much for responding. I thought we had lost you. It is wonderful to hear the updated news and that you are going forward in working with Irwin. :) Kudos to you!!!!!
  22. Amen Jeff!!! Lets get off this human topic, stop replying and get back to the reason and key topic of this entire forum. Our Greys! This has become ridiculous and I haven't even bothered replying in any of the other threads because it's a waste of time and just keeps escalating. Enough!!!!!!!!!!!Stop!!!!!!! Now a civil on topic question on this GREY FORUM. How is everyones Greys doing? Dayo is fine and calling me so gotta go!
  23. danmcq

    Urgent help

    Good to hear She's responding well. It will be interesting to hear the answer on the shafts possibly causing more irritation in the future.
  24. I am glad to see this thread turn back around to on topic and and helpful posts. We all have opinions and experiences to share to hopefully help someone make the best decision for themselves and their parrots. Someitmes that includes questions to the original poster asking for help and thoughts. I personally appreciate all posts in this thread and oopinions. the more a person has to review, the better the can come to a conclusion on what best fits their present lifestyle and capabilities to deal with a given situation that will result for the betterment of both the human and parrot. The problem with written language is it does not emote what we feel as we are writing it. Thus the need for smiley, cheeky, mad etc. emoticons so it cannot be misconstrued. I know I often write very short and speedy responses with no thought whatsoever how it may come across. My bad, but many times I am in a hurry and just want to respond and then get back to the task I need to be working on. I hope to hear an update from Irwin's Parront on this and that they are still on this forum. Also in regards Edits. I am glad we have that ability because I write fast many times as already stated. Then sometime later so dumb spelling mistakes or incomplete sentences I have written and edit them so I do not appear as some uneducated moron of a person that cannot spell or write a complete sentence.
  25. Well I gave Dr. Phil a jingle and he said "There is no help I can provide. You are all Nuts and beyond help". I just said back to him one of his favorite one liners "Ya Think???". So I guess we are out of luck on a Counselor ...
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