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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I agree with the ready - set - fly theory. Dayo does the same thing when he is either thinking about flying or just before he lifts off.
  2. Placing the Towels in the bottom is a good thing to do. We do the same for our Grey Dayo. They cover one side of the cage bottom and He likes walking around on them much better than the cage bottom cage due to the extra support, softness and Talons not falling clumsily through the bars. :-) We actually place his food bowls on the towels also and that way he is stable and comfortable while eating. You'll go through a lot more wash loads with all the towels you will use in keeping them changed out everyday, but it's worth it, at least to us. Eating more will come as you experiment with different veggies, fruits and perhaps brands of pellets or seed mixes to see what she/he goes bonkers over. :-) The backing away will disappear in time as she gains trust and love for you.
  3. Emma could be a feeling a little threatened to jealous of another Grey getting your attention spilt between the two. In regards actions you should take when she tries to bite. I would think walking away and leaving her alone would be the worst thing to do. She got her way, you didn't have her step up and you left her where she wanted to be. If you want her to step up , you need to insist she do so by not giving in to her warnings. You are the BIG Grey in the Flock and she must respect that. Just my two cents, but I never back off if I want Dayo to step up.
  4. HI Chezron and Welcome!! Your baby Grey that your visiting in the pet store is acting normal. That is a scary environment with all kind of sounds and different people walking about all the time. I don't read anything in what you have posted that would indicate any aggressive behaviour such as growling or lunging at you. So it seems she welcomes contact, just a little reserved about it until she truly trusts you implicitly. So, you need to try to dispel your fear of a bite and focus on positive and loving thoughts as you approach her and reach in for her. As you you continue to visit and interact with her, she will naturally come to view you as a friend and one she enjoys contact with. :-)
  5. Hi GreenT, Most if not all Greys scratch on the floor, cage bottom etc. It does sound like yours is a little more aggressive at doing so, but probably due to first being able to gain some outside access before you rearranged the slide in bottom and secondly, maybe wanting attention, new cage terror or simply out of the cage. Everyone has posted great advice and stories of their Greys exhibiting the same behaviour, so no you didn't get the "Neurotic" one of the bunch :-) When she/he tries to fly down to the floor, is it at a 45 degree angle soft landing or a hard, straight down crash to the floor? It could be the Wings were clipped to severely, in which case would mean you need to place some softening down such as blanket etc. to soften the fall. As you mentioned, you may want to just leave her in the cage for hours at a time, so she understands that is where she will be spending several hours a day when you are gone to work etc. Just make sure she has plenty of toys she likes to play with, to keep her entertained. :-)
  6. BirdMom - Thanks for all the good tips on the heavy enclosed ceramic bowls and Sunflower seed quantities. I leave Dayo's food bowls all on the Cage bottom where he seems to spend most his time. I found that when placing the SS bowls in the holders mid-level in the cage, I had the same issue with Dayo standing on top of the front corner bowl and flinging out his food with one foot while watching and calling to us. Your experience and advice is very helpful. :-)
  7. siobha9 wrote: LOL - Now that's something I never want to see in my home if I can avoid it!! :-) I will try the spaghetti with no sauce though, Dayo likes Pasta! I can also easily remove Pasta from Wall, Ceiling and Floors. Thanks for the tip!!
  8. KatB, It sounds like you have done a great job in removing the roaches and disinfecting the Cage all in one swoop. :-) Pegasus or Capone (whatever you decide) just may like the huge cage/room you provided him, but since he probably views the Cage as "HIS" home, he will welcome the security it provides. I love the mental picture you painted of prisoners running the cup along the Bar's...very funny!!! :laugh: Looking forward to more stories and photos!!
  9. HI BirdMom, Your original Post when you first introduced yourself is in the room at the Top, in the Topic "Attention all new Members. :-) It does take a while to find you way around here and also to keep track of what Topic you started and in which room. You'll get the hang of it soon :-) Not only can you learn from other owners on this forum, but with your obvious experience and background with Grey's, we can learn from you too!! The information you posted regarding the vet visits for other illnesses and now a yeast infection which probably resulted from the antibiotics is great information for others here with female Greys that may someday encounter the same thing. Thanks for posting this and we look forward to hearing more from you!! :-)
  10. Ameen & Sameera !!! It's great to have you on this Forum. :-) That is a young Grey, you must be hand feeding it still , I would think. Ask away with any questions you may have or just share your stories as your new baby progresses. There are many very experienced Grey owners here that are more than happy to help in any way. Also, when you get a chance, post some photos of your new baby. We love photos here!! :-)
  11. Welcome Angie!! Wow, thanks for the great introduction you posted. You have a huge Flock there and a wide variety of Parrots and other critters. It sounds like a wonderful place to pass away the hours in enjoyment of a tropical forest type setting and just take in all the sights. :-) We'll look forward to hearing much more from you regarding your experiences, funny stories and of course photos...we love them :-) Again, WELCOME!!!!
  12. And we look forward to hearing from you too Judo!! We love to read of the excitement when a person is getting a new Grey and the interesting and comical things every Grey does at those ages. :-)
  13. Yeah - Uh Huh - Right.... Judy, but don't tell me he is also going to sling the Spaghetti all over my face and shirt too!!!! Sometimes your just not right!!! I can just see the flying Spaghetti and Meatball monster coming at me now..
  14. Sorry to hear you went through that Kiwibarb. That is a VERY common scam seen often on craigslist too. They say they need a good home for their baby or re-home etc. Once you email them, they send back saying they are in Cameroon or some other such country/city and how the baby is so wonderful they just want you to send the cost of airfare and that's all they want to ensure their loved baby will have a good home.... It must work, they post those come-on Ad's all the time. :-(
  15. Welcome Judo!! It's sad to hear how you lost Rico and I hope to that he is thriving in another loving home. It's good to hear you are getting a new baby soon and welcoming back the joy a Grey brings with it. :-) I look forward to hearing more about your new Grey and maybe seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  16. Thanks folks, I couldn't resist showing what a real "Tude" looks like. :-)
  17. Thanks Joe for everything!! You do awesome work.!! To the rest of you Forumites - 2A is mine, all mine! :-) So you better get your orders into Joe before they run out. :woohoo: You won't find a better deal than what Joe is providing only for us GreyForums members!! Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/10/06 23:15<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/10/07 00:41
  18. I just checked Spaghetti off the list of foods to try with Dayo! :ohmy: along with anything else that has any type of sauce associated with it. :-)
  19. Wow, I give up already LMG...your good, very good :-)
  20. Good advice Joe. It sounds like the safest way to do it and the bleach will kill any remaining bacteria and disinfect it as well.
  21. If anyone out there has a Grey going through a little rebelliousness, I have found the cure.... A 13 year old Grandaughter....Dayo shudders when I mention her name..... <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/10/06 16:44
  22. LOL - Good photo illustration MakenasDad. The results are in and it looks like Katee wins with a skunk 1/0. :-)
  23. Welcome Carissa!! We look forward to hearing more from you and maybe some photo's of the little guy :-)
  24. Yes, They will keep asking and begging for food even when it just gurgles out and down the sides :-) Congratulations on your new baby Grey!! It's great to have you here on this Forum. You'll find a ton of information here and many experienced Grey owners that are more than free in giving out information when needed. :-)
  25. OK, since no one else besides Joe sa far has gotten with the spirit of this topic. Here's something quick and mmmm mmmm good: Take a Pyrex large cake dish about 12 inches wide, 24 inches long and 3 inches deep. Throw a 3 lb good cut of tri-tip or London Broil in it. Season the meat with the normal meat seasoning you love. I use plenty of Season-All for Meat, Pepper, Garlic Powder and dried parsley flakes. Cut up a bunch of Potatoes and throw them in there. Then get a 1 pound bag of baby carrots and throw them in there all around the meat in the center of the dish. Then take 2 cans of condensed mushroom soup and put in a bowl along with 2 or 3 more cups of water. Stir it up good then poor it all over and in the dish which should bring the soup level up to about 1/2 inch from the Top. Cover it with aluminum foil and throw it in the oven at 350 for 3 hours. Now get a loaf of sourdough garlic spread bread, place the two halves on a square pizza sheet and smoother the two halves with your favorite cheese blend and toast it in the oven at 475 for about 12-15 minutes. Make your favorite salad and your done.
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