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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. LOL Timbersmom! Thanks for posting that image and the link.
  2. Welcome Chris! Birdhouse provided excellent advice and comments. Plucking is many times a mystery as noted and even avian vets are perplexed many times. I won't try to add anything to all the information already posted here. The bottom line is, if you decide to rescue any parrot, it must be done unconditionally with the rock solid intent that your home will be the last home. If your going in to a rescue with expectations you have and want such as a bird or any other creature enjoying cuddles, scratches and being with you most the time. Then a grey like you describe may not be what you want. You just never know IF they will stop plucking or IF they are a cuddle muffin, especially greys. One note on a female being wanted because you believe they are more prone to being gentle cuddle muffins. This is absolutely not true when it comes to greys. Regardless of sex, they either will or will not want lots of interaction with scratches and hanging out with you or will prefer to sit, chill, preen and eat on a stand or couch etc. with you in the same room. Adult greys are much more independent than other parrot species such as a Macaw for example. I wish you the best in coming to the right decision.
  3. It's wonderful you have decided to go with a TAG as you originally wanted and that one may be available. Thanks for updating this and I hope to hear more as this progresses.
  4. Awwww, well after the last couple of days you both needed a nice get together like that.
  5. He did get around pretty well on that. Cute.
  6. Cool! I checked out the photos on your blog. Lola's body and back end looks like a pretty bug body. Thanks for sharing this.
  7. I agree with Steve. Consult with a professional and get the whole house treated. You, family and flock will need to stay somewhere else until it is safe for all to return.
  8. Thanks for sharing this. I enjoyed it.
  9. Hi Dee, The thanks are just well Thanks. You see the # of times you have thanked users and also how many times they have thanked you. Then under you member name at the top left you see green bars, those are the reputation you have built up by users clicking on the builds * up your reputation.
  10. Welcome fastcar911! Congratulations on your new baby grey. At 7 1/2 weeks old, he is still on hand feeding I assume. How is that going for you? I look forward to hearing more from you and seeing photos when you get a chance.
  11. Very cute! The younger you introduce it especially in a favorable setting they look forward to the better! I wish I would have started Dayo on his harness training at 6 weeks old. It would have taken less blood. Thanks for posting this.
  12. Thanks Julie, very funny, I can REALLY relate to the 3rd look on that greys face... What did you just put in there.
  13. Yes, you did yours while smiling. I did mine smiliing with my tongue out the side. Either way works.
  14. Many new members here and maybe even some long time members may not know this. I see members here that post good stuff constantly, yet their reputation does not reflect that sadly. If you see the green bars at the top of each member post, they are the reputation of that member. You can only add reputation 2x a day. So if you find a post helpful by a member, please click on the Star * at the lower left of their post to show your appreciation.
  15. Excellent news!!! Thanks for this update.
  16. Dayo and Jake. Both know their names, respond to them and call each other by their respective names. Although Jake the conure has a very high pitched scratchy voice, unlike Dayo that sounds exactly like me.
  17. Nice photos, she seems to be enjoying it. What type of harness is that?
  18. Gilbert is certainly becoming very bold and adventuresome these last few weeks. It is so wonderful to read of this after all this time. You BOTH deserve this and I look forward to hearing more as it continues to progress almost daily now.
  19. danmcq

    Alfie says

    I had made this mistake once when Dayo was around 6 months old when they came in season. I had Pomegranate all over the walls and floor of my Kitchen before he had finished. So Murfchick was right, my uncontrollable laughter was not at you but with you. Been their done that and learned to be prepared when he got another Pomegranate.
  20. Welcome and congrats on your new baby grey. I look forward to hearing a lot more about her.
  21. Welcome Janelle and Flock! Wow, 28 Years with your Macaw. Congratulations on finally getting a Grey after all this time. Thanks for rescuing him and giving him his permanent landing home. It sounds like you two are already becoming familiar with each other and he is adjusting to his new home very well. It does take a Grey that old a long time to get used to the new surroundings and people. They are one of the most intelligent creatures on the planet earth. The are also so detail oriented that soon he will have every item in the home mentally mapped out down a fraction of an inch placement,, it's color, pattern etc. The best advice I can give is go very slow with him and don't expect him to reveal his true self, likes, dislikes, talking abilities etc. fully for months. When introducing new things like toys, go slow, let him see them from a distance at first slowly over perhaps days move them closer to his cage until finally hanging it on the outside at first for him to look at and perhaps beak, then move it inside once you know he is comfortable with it. Toys or other items he is already used to of course can be placed directly in the cage with no issues. They are very cautious of anything new. How long have you had him now? I would love to see photos of your flock when you get a chance.
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