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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Wow, 70 species breeding in the wils is a lot!! Yeah, we have a few here in Cali as you mention. Closest to me is a big flock of breeding Indian Ringnecks in the Bakersfield area.
  2. Thats good news mas, it sounds like you are doing all the right things. :-) I'll bet your already getting a lot of enjoyment out of his company. :-)
  3. Hi Jujube, It is certainly good of you to take Sukar in and have all the tests done to find all that need to be done and absorb the expense of doing so. :-) I'm sure you will be rewarded will health and happy Greys in the near future that you will get many years of love from. :-)
  4. Wow Kiwi - Nice Photos. The one of your Grey in flight is beautiful. :-) Thanks for posting this link!!
  5. Very interesting BMustee . I googled wild Parrots in Florida and it seems there are several species in the wild there that escaped from zoo's in Hurricanes etc. The Quaker population seems to be what they claim is the largest population?
  6. Welcome kiwi1108 !! It's great to have you here. :-)
  7. It's a cool 50 F here in California this morning. High of 72 F this afternoon and rain on the way for thursday.
  8. Welcome Cyard!! We'll look forward to hearing more about the Breeder and Greys when you get a chance to update on that. In the mean time, enjoy the Forum. You will find tons of information here that will help you along the way in taking care of your new Grey once you get him/her home. :-)
  9. Welcome Stephanka917 !! Its saddening to hear how Merlin has apparently been raised at the Breeders? This is a very stressful way to obtain your first Grey, but God bless you for doing what you have so far to ensure he has the best chances of making it by having your pet shop friend nurture him back to health. Where do you live? We'll look forward to hearing updates on how he is doing. :-)
  10. Congratulations Joe!!! I just noticed this.....Guess I need to start visiting the News Room every once in a while :-)
  11. Good point Valerie :-) Your right, those watching or reading a debate can learn something from both sides. Hopefully, if they are interested enough in the topic, will go research it for themselves and come to their own conclusion.
  12. Sounds like you and Romo are having a great time getting to know one another and is interacting nicely with you fairly quickly. Thanks for sharing this Deb :-)
  13. We searched various African Dialects most common names and found "Dayo" which means "Joy Arrives". It fits him perfectly. :-)
  14. Welcome Kim!! Nice intro, your travel cage looks great for your new baby grey. :-)
  15. Thanks for the Video Zarlock, very cool interaction going on between the two Greys. :-) Your right Oliver, this Forum is a great asset to us all in more ways than we can imagine, as in your case. :-)
  16. jessupsmom wrote: Hi Jessupdmom, I think as you state above we are ALL inconsistent in relation to finding a mutually unimposing environmental middle ground for both Humans and Parrots to live in. We all do our best, based on what knowledge and understanding we have along with all that we can glean from reading books, articles, blogs etc. Each of us, I believe, come to meld all this informational flood into what works for us and our Parrots personalities as we try/fail/succeed and learn from our mistakes and triumphs. I personally do not believe anyone has a perfect philosophy that works in all environments and all individual personalities of Humans and Parrots worlds collide. Each case must be handled one on one. Greys have as diverse personalities as humans. Some are shy, some are boisterous, some are hostile, some are adventurous etc. each must be met in a fashion that fits their personality. I do not believe any of us can judge anothers method of positive and negative reinforcement style, barring outright blatant cruel and unusual punishment, which I have not seen here in my opinion.
  17. Debbie, are you two still in the bar Sorry, I couldn't resist :woohoo:
  18. Ah Love, yes they are mates for life and separating them would be the cruelest thing anyone could do. Funny though, how babies just appear ;-)when two love each other.
  19. MrSpock - I didn't question if, when, or how many times youve been bitten.B) I was merely pointing out that a Grey can and will deliver a serious bite if they have a mind to. :-) I would think, due to the pure size of a Grey's beak compared to a Quacker, the bite would be much more severe if the Grey inteneded it to be.
  20. Well Radar, I like the way you look setting there on your Cage in your Avatar....so Karma to you for making me laugh :-)
  21. I give Karma for informative posts. I take karma away when I just don't like how someone looks ;-) Just kidding, your right though, everyone should use it. Thanks fo reminding everyone and perhaps mnay new users just haven't notice it until now. :-)
  22. MRSpock Wrote: "Any way, a quaker's bite is worse than a grey because when a quaker bites it holds on and pushes the beak in deeper." Ah, maybe youve never experienced a Grey that really wanted to hurt you? I have had a grey bite, hold on and keeping clamping as hard as he could..... Thank God it was a boney part of the hand that didn't have a bunch of loose thick flesh or it would have taken a BIG chunk right out.
  23. zandische the cat story is quite a picture and hurous. shim101 - the freezer is too funny, I am going to see how Dayo reacts to it :woohoo: BIG FUN
  24. Hi Deedee, As LMG indicated, just keep up the good work, have patience and just love her :-)
  25. MrSpock and others are correct. Powder coating is the only safe solution and the cost of having it done correctly would be more than a bew Cage.
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