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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. LOL - Thanks I needed that to help me ensure this was not just a bad dream
  2. It sounds more like he is exploring and learning how much beak pressure is acceptable. They all go through this learning phase. Believe it or not, a 12 week old grey that wants to bite you, can and will pierce the skin and draw blood. I am not too keen on the beak tapping. It is not neccessary, i do believe. :-) Saying No is great and they learn that word quickly. They are so smart!!
  3. I do not think they start them on seed diets, from what I have watched at my breeders and read on other breeders websites. My breeder for example, when the clutch was around 8 or 9 weeks old started offering zupreem fruit flavored/smell pellets,veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds and a bean/veggie/rolled oats,seed mix she cooks up by the 10 gallon pot full and offered them different things on different days or times. My personal opinion is that a seed based diet with them eating veggies, fruits, legumes etc. is a very good diet that provides all the nutrition, protein, vitamins and minerals they need. In fact, if you read the ingredients of pellets, they contain sunflower seeds, peanuts, almonds etc. along with synthetic vitamins added. So, I kinda of like watching them "Work" to crack open the shells of the various seeds and nuts and rip up the fruits and veggies. :-) It sounds like by providing them with the veggies, fruits and other items you are doing fine.
  4. That was a very cool video of Charly sara!! :-) Thanks for posting it.
  5. Great write up on Ken Talon!! I am envious that you were able to see him "Live". His website is what helped me 7 months ago get my wild breeder Conure "Jake" to step-up finally. Talonsis - Your absolutely right, Ken is the "Fist of Iron" originator that I shared on the "Bite me club" topic. Did he offer any dvd videos at the exposition? I truly hope he joins our Forum, he could give us great advice and tips on overcoming some of our unwanted Parrot behaviour. :-)
  6. LOL LMG - I will when it starts getting a little light. I found very early on that walking them in the dark is a VERY bad idea. I can't see the cats, they can an two dobies on leashes taking off at full tilt "KILL THE CAT" mode has takin me sliding across the grass a few times at 20 miles an hour screaming WHOOOOAAAA as I look like a water skier on land B)
  7. Hi ccilia5767 - It's odd he doesn't go for the seed mix, that's usually what they eat right out of the starting gate after weaning with no coaxing at all. I have a hard time getting Dayo to eat even small amounts of pellets and I have tried several different brands including Harrison's and their palm oil treats. Even if I just place pellets only in his cage, he will not touch them the entire day. So I have to put seeds, nuts, fruits veggies and a 7 bean mix with flax seed, carrots , peas etc. and he will eat ALL of them. From the exhaustive reading I have done on the topic of food and switching them over to pellet diets, in some cases they will starve and lose weight before excepting them in some cases. I still offer pellets everyday and sometimes, he will eat "One" pellet :ohmy: So, my stategy is just ABUNDANCE feeding of every fruit, veggie, legume, pellet and seed mixture everyday....B)
  8. Hey Guys and Girls - Theres only 3 votes and I'm one of them, that means some of you haven't even voted for YOURSELF :ohmy: .... (((Somebody slap me))) :side: :side:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/04 14:09
  9. I'm with everyone else, it's a Pasta, not a dish name. Well, I guess if you just ate the pasta virgin..nothing added, you could call it "Mostaccioli Straight-Up" B)
  10. Ditto on the early darkness....UGH.
  11. 4:49am here. Got coffee, Dobies want their walk and it's 47F here, dark, btu it's going to be a sunny 76 today here in Central California B)
  12. I guess I forgot to ask one more important question, are you cleaning your Grey or just the area your Grey pooped on? If it's the area, they are probably fine. I just use a wet sponge to swipe them right up and then a clean paper towel to dry the spot.
  13. The only thing I can think to ask is 1) Did they previously smell? Dayo's or my Conures do not smell. 2) does the "small poops" within the big poop appear to perhaps be partially undigested seeds or pellets? The best way to resolve your concern, would of course be to take a fresh stool to the vet for analysis to see if you grey may have some type of parasite.
  14. I'm with Lovemygreys, what happened, he seemed so healthy in the photos? If there were others in the clutch, perhaps you could have one of them? I am so sorry to hear this has happened.
  15. It sounds like things are going great with introducing Oisin to your flock. Thanks for the update and I love your sense of humor :-)
  16. Hi Jeanie, Wow, that is great care, dedication and attention you pay to your Grey. If you don't mind my asking, how old is your Grey? Does anyone know if Cataracts are common in Greys as the grow older? Please update us on what the Avian vet says about them and if surgery is available for this.
  17. Hi GreenT, If I remember right, your Grey is a baby, maybe 5 or 6 months old? If so, what you heard the first time could have just been garble talk that sounded like hello :-) Greys start their first words sometime between 6 to 12 months old. So don't think he's not paying attention to you!! One thing though, some greys may never speak. Our Dayo is 6 months old and makes all kinds of sounds and whistles and garbles stuff, but no words yet. I, just as you, I one day could have sworn Dayo said " What are you doing?" under his breath garble talking, but have never heard anything close to it since then. So just hang in there and keep speaking to him as you are. :-)
  18. OMG Harley Our thoughts and prayers are with you both. We are hoping and praying for better results than the worst case scenario.
  19. I'm with you Ronda. Ive been talking about getting a B&G Macaw in a year once we have Dayo out of the "Baby" mode. I figured I would turn our Family Room into a Jungle Room theme with nothing but Parrots, bamboo on parts of the walls, perches and trees everywhere Etc..... Kim came back with, "You want more Parrots, we buy a BIGGER house!!:ohmy: So, I guess, a bigger house it is then, next year :-)
  20. danmcq


    Hmmmmm, I haven't noticed a color preference. Guess I'll get the Legos out and check each color on Dayo and see. This is an interesting topic. It almost sounds as if they are like humans that have a favorite color. I do know, Dayo does not like Spiked hair or Halloween masks, he will scream at both of them. My grandchildren came over and I have never heard Dayo scream as loud as he did, when one had on a horrible looking Halloween Mask :woohoo: I must say though, Dayo scared my grandson so badly, he took that mask off in about 1/100th of a second :side:
  21. I have 1 CAG. If I remember correctly, TAG's are harder to find due to the percentage of breeders that have TAG's versus CAG's. Probably along the lines of 80% CAG and 20% TAG??
  22. Welcome Ccilia5767!! What a day at the Pet Store you had :-) I agree with siobha9, it was surely fate, for both you and that fortunate Grey that came home with you. Yes, they take as much of your time and attention as a human baby don't they :-) Thanks for the nice introduction you wrote and we will look forward to your many questions and perhaps some photos when you have a chance to post them. One question though out of curiosity, you said that the Websites over there had different information. Could you give an example of that? It would be interesting to hear what other thoughts on Grey's are around the world :-)
  23. Thats good to hear Ronda. :-) What a great looking TAG she is, thanks for sharing this photo!!
  24. I agree with the information everyone has posted so far, mostly. One thought though, if a person such as yourself is doing all the research ahead of time. Understands the personalty traits of the type Parrot decided on and has enough love and compassion based on the knowledge they have gained to search the rescues, spend some time with the adoption candidates and finds one that seems to like them also. Then by all means, rescue that Grey or other Parrot type you have chosen and they seemingly have chosen you also. The key here, I believe is understanding upfront, what a large responsibility your taking on and have the love, compassion, patience and determination that, no matter what, that Grey or other Parrot is yours for life and you will love it unconditionally. This means, they may not like cuddling, scratches or much interaction, love them anyway. They may never speak a word, love them anyway. They may only allow you close enough to have them step to carry them someplace, but that's all, love them anyway. It may take a year to just get them to step up, love them anyway. If you can do the things listed above, you would be a good candidate to rescue any Parrot. If you cannot do the above, you would not only be the wrong person to adopt a Parrot, you would also be the wrong person to ever purchase a baby Parrot. They both would require unconditional love. I have a Peach Front Conure that I purchased and was a wild breeder. It has been over a year now and he will only step up. That's all. He does not want to be touched in anyway. It took tons of time and commitment to get him to step up. But, I and my wife love him dearly and can still honestly say he brings he smile to our face each and everyday just by being himself. He will probably never speak a word and will bite if a hand comes near him, but it is expected if it's not to have him step up...IF HE wants to. So, you have a lot of time to research, think and come to conclusion before you decide which path you will take in the next year or so. I appreciate your researching and asking questions far a head of time before taking the plunge!!
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