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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Well, there you go, MrSpock always provides a great answer. I'll keep my hands masculine though Dayo closes his eyes too sometime when doing that. It is cute, as you say :-)
  2. You can relax Sterling, Greys scratch naturally and sometimes in the oddest places..even in their food bowls. :-)
  3. lovemyGreys wrote: (((sigh))) Ok, well I hate to take on the atmosphere of the well known tabloids, but here's the latest dirt.. MRSpock and Judy (Honey buns he calls her) have been VERY quite lately on the Forum due to their having secretly eloped and have been posting from their get away hide out in Cabo San Lucas. Talon met Tod Nugent (Long Hair crazy) at the Ken Globus seminar and they have been jetting around the country together on his gigs since. Makena and MakenasDad are really under-cover mad scientists that are secretly developing a "Super Grey" breed that they will breed and slowly take over the world with their new loyal genetically altered Super Luftewaffe Flock. That's all for now. I know you guys must all be in shock and awe. So I will wait to break the latest news on CeasarsDad, LoveMyGreys, BrainsMom Aka Beccy and Nevada Joe... just to mention a few buzz names ;-)
  4. He's Either cleaning his Beak on you or it just feels good to him, I would imagine. Dayo does that all the time too. Is this something he jsut started with you? Maybe he's letting you know he's in Love :-)
  5. It sounds like you are on the right track now Sandra. :-) Feeding from the hand is a great way to gain his trust and as you said, learn that all good things come from you or your hubby. We'll look forward to hearing more on how things a going.
  6. Thanks all, so whats new ;-)
  7. Congratulations on getting your new baby in 2 weeks. I would not put the new baby in with your present Grey. I would recommend getting a 2nd cage and housing them separately. They will first need to get used to each other and decide IF they will be "Best Friends".
  8. I found a few in your area there in Greensboro NC that list Avian as one of their services: University Animal Hospital 1607-B W Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27403-1208 (336) 279-1003 Small Animal/Avian/Exotics Certified Avian vets in NC: Durham, NC - Gregory Burkett (Avian Veterinary Services - Birdie Boutique) - 919-490-3001 - http//:www.birdieboutique.com Huntersville, NC - Lauren Powers (Carolina Vet Specialists) - 704-949-1100 - http://www.carolinavet.com Kannapolis, NC - Chris Griffin (South Ridge Vet Hosp) - 704-933-1414 Kernersville, NC - Carmen A. Lindheimer (Hopkins Road Animal Hosp) - 336-996-2190 Raleigh, NC - Laurel Degernes (NCSU) - 919-513-6800 Raleigh, NC - Keven Flammer (NCSU) - 919-513-6353 Hope this helps in your search for the closest Avian Vet.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/11 18:46
  9. The poo's seem to indicate his last feeding in the evening is comprized completely of the Katee Exact formula nad not eating seeds, veggies or fruits afterwards. Is that correct? Thats what his poo seems to indicate. It would still not hurt to atleast take the poo in for the v Avian vet to see, perhaps test and comment on. If they are not an avian vet, they may not know if it is normal or not just by looking at it.
  10. It sounds like you are having loads of fun and that he is very smart in learning to open his feed doors. Youre on the right track in wanting to ensure he can no longer "escape" by double locking those doors. Thanks for the update on him :-)
  11. One question, I just remebered that your Grey is around 16 to 17 weeks old. Are you still feeding him formula? If so, Their poo is the color and form your picture indicates. If you are still feeding formula, how much is he accepting at the last evening feeding before bed time?
  12. Hi Bronxboomer, You can not stop them from fighting if they chose to do so. I think you will find your 8 month Grey is very protective of HIS Home (Cage). I do not know of anyone that would ever recommend putting two Parrots in the same Cage unless they are a known breeder "Pair". Your first step when bringing a new Parrot home is in seeing IF you can even have them out of the Cages at the same time.
  13. Awww, thank you Judy :-) I love you too and enjoy this Forum immensly, which is made up of it's members like you and all the others that make this place so special..... {Love-000200C5}
  14. Thanks for starting this topic LMG :-) It is Veterans Day here in the USA also and many parades, memorials and observances take place today honoring and recognizing the sacrifices made for the freedoms we all have come to know. We owe it to all of those brave honorable service members that made it all possible in the past and also to those still laying down their lives today for this same purpose. I am a Veteran and know there are others here too, such as NevJoe. We are still amongst the living, but we never forget our buddies and those in the past that are not. Many do not realize this simple reality, but we are always only ONE GENERATION away from it all changing, if these truths and values are not transmitted to our next up-coming generation.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/11 15:58
  15. Those are awesome photos Heather and very interesting looking Geckos. Thanks for sharing them :-)
  16. Great photo Tari, thanks for sharing that! :-)
  17. Welcome Chuckles!! Thanks for the nice introduction and for adopting/rescuing those those Greys. :-) We'll look forward to hearing more about your Greys and perhaps seeing some photos when you get a chance to post them.
  18. Hi Cyard, You hit the nail on the head when you said: ""I think that as long as I am attentive and in tune with Newton then he should be just fine."" A bird sitting on your shoulder ALWAYS represents a danger to your Ears, Face and Neck areas. As long as you are always alert to your Parrots body language, specifically where his Beak is and the grip of his Talons on your shoulder, you should be "A" ok. Most injuries occur by owners not paying attention to their Parrots body language, leaving earrings, eye rings etc. in or by making the mistake of letting a guest or relative allow the Parrot to climb on their shoulder. The Parrot is not with a "Loved" companion when they are on a strangers shoulder and the stranger may not know anything about Parrots. If something alarms your Grey, they can react in various ways and one of which is to bite you to make you move out of that alarming situation. This could lead to a very bad situation for you or your guest. So just a word of caution on this. I enjoy Dayo on my shoulder also and he enjoys being along for the ride or just sitting there and getting scratches :-) The others also hit on a great point too, you can walk around and get things done. Which you could not do if you had him on your Arm or Hand. It sounds like you have a wonderful loving relationship with your Grey that is mutually rewarding.
  19. Only your friend and the Greys present owner could determine if the new owner would be a "Match". Your friend should go and visit with the Grey (if possible) and let them get to know one another. It is so good to hear of a devoted Grey owner such as this, that even when faced with certain death, their life long companion is one of the first considerations in their mind. It is also great to hear your friend is willing to do so. That Grey may readily accept a new home and owner or may not. It just depends on the Greys personality. But, the bottom line is, no matter what, the Grey will be going to a new home regardless. So if your friend has the love and compassion for Parrots required, he could accept the responsibility with no reservations or conditions and just provide a good loving home for this poor Grey for the rest of it's life, no matter what. That's what rescue and adoption is all about, in my book. :-)
  20. TycosMom is right on. That is not normal looking poo for a Grey or any other Parrot.
  21. My Grey Dayo is presently 6 1/2 Months old. From the beginning at the breeders, which had 2 clutches of Greys when we starting visiting at 8 weeks old that would all "Pant" and make like chirps. By the time they were 12 weeks, they would all chirp, or I would say more of a short whistle, which gets louder and louder if you don't pay attention to them. At around 4 months old, the wolf whistles, gurgles, knocking sounds and others start coming out. But, yes, from watching and listening to all these fellows grow up, they all have a common "Base" set of sounds whistles they all make in the beginning. :-) Cute, aren't they? :woohoo:
  22. This is all interesting information on members experience with Zon's. However, I think Demonio71 probably already made a decision back in March when this topic was started by him. Regarding Zon's, one thing I noted when I decided I wanted a larger talking Parrot and starting looking at rescues, was their are a TON of Amazons in rescues. It is very sad, due to the fact that as we all know, people go out and buy a Parrot with out any research, thought or dedication to ensuring that precious Parrot has a home for life and will be loved unconditionally. The reason I purchased a Grey, rather than adopting a rescued Amazon, was due to my fear of not having enough experience to properly recuperate, train and educate a mistreated or just neglected one. They sound like wonderful Parrots, for the right owners. I just wish people were more responsible, but we know for the most part, they aren't. After gaining the knowledge and experience I have now, I know I could be happy rescuing and providing any Parrot with a loving and good home, regardless of whether they wanted to be a magnet or an island and just bring joy by their presence and personality. Thanks for all the information provided so far on Zon's and their personalities. :-)
  23. OUCH Loviechick, now that is a serious bite!! I'll bet you said "Dang that hurt" on that one ;-)
  24. The Harrison Palm Oil Treats I ordered are at this link: http://www.google.com/products?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLR,GGLR:2005-47,GGLR:en&q=harrisons+palm+oil+treats&um=1 I give Dayo Palm Oil mixed in with his scrambled eggs in the morning. :-) he does not know it's in there. I tried microwaving the oil and dripping some on his pellets and seed....... That was a big "No Way Jose" on that one from Dayo. He wouldn't touch anything I had dripped it on.
  25. Very Nice collage Connie!! Thanks for sharing it :-)
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