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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I'm seeing the same thing with Dayo in comparing his early first 3 months of photos to now. They are definitely lightening with age. Speaking of feet, which are attached to the leg ;-)...Dayo constantly picks at his leg band sometimes as if it bothers him or is irritating his leg. Anyone know of any reason why I could not remove it?<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/14 15:40
  2. What an experience Melody. Thanks for starting this topic, as it is also helping many of us come to a good understanding of what's happening and the steps we should take when a Grey female starts to lay some eggs. Good luck at the vet and keep us updated. :-)
  3. Thanks for the update Clay. It sounds like yo uand Tank are making the best of a bad situation. The news thats good to hear is this will not be a long drawn out ordeal for you. Hang in there and best wishes!!
  4. Yep, sorry I guess I should have clarified that, it is the current age and if they talk or not. B) Thanks for bring that up Mark!! All- Please ensure that on top of the wonder information your posting that you go to the poll link and vote!! Thanks. Once their in, I can save the image and show it here on the Forum. Then we'll have our on mini-poll and can get a percentage on this that will at least be somewhat or close to actual data that is correct. :-)
  5. MrSpock is right on..as ALWAYS. Yes, there is a TON of dis-information on the web that is just confusing and pure hogwash written by someone that made is bunch of assummptions based upon their one experience, not research and truth.
  6. danmcq

    feeding ???

    Welcome William!!! In addition to the pellets, you should also be providing veggies, fruits nuts and seeds at different times through out the day. Please visit the foods room where there is a ton of information regarding this.
  7. Awwww, how cute is that :-) Cherish those touching moments, they are too short and only occur once. Unless you are planning on getting more baby Greys ;-) Thanks for the additional info on the feeding. We'll look forward to hearing of her progress and seeing some photos.
  8. Welcome Kibibi!! Yes, I have visited your website in the past and have always found the news articles enjoyable. :-) BTW - Your link is not correct and therefore none functional. It should be: http://www.InfoSuperFlyway.com We hope to hear more from you.
  9. I agree registering birds is a good law as is registering Dogs, cats etc. But, to have a law requiring a husbands permission for getting your Tubs tied is Archaic to say the least. Are Birth Control pills also at the husbands permission also. If not, then whats the damn difference? other than one is permanent? But, Judy...well don't we have an attitude
  10. Oh, thanks for clarifying that Ronda. The first and last out/in are ok then :-) It's the 12 hours in between that are the issue...light bulb on :-) Now that is an entirely different aspect and the dimly lit room will probably help the out time and her getting used to you interacting with her while she is out. It's cute that she wants to be situated in her cage so she can see you :-)
  11. Thanks for voting folks, now if we can just get all the other members to cast theirs, we should have some meaningful stats!! :-)
  12. Welcome back Karla!! Can't wait to hear more from you again :-)
  13. Well, growling is a sure indication she's going to attack you if you get closer and try something :ohmy: If you just stay there and slowly get closer and closer and SLOWLY move your hand towards her,what does she do? I still think leaving the Cage door open for her to come out when she wants is the wrong approach. Her only exit from the Cage should by you offering to have her step-up. If doesn't, she does not come out of the Cage. Of course the flip side, is she may decide fine, I'll just stay in my home and you keep the heck out too :-) You will need to play it by ear, but you definately need to change your tactics. I like the dim room idea with her having no where to run and no where to hide. They will normally not fly if they can nnot see well.
  14. Welcome HannibalTheCrow !!! You and your new Grey sound like a great match off to a wonderful start. :-) We'll look forward to hearing more from you and perhaps seeing some photos.
  15. Not a bad looking travel cage. :-) I know others here have purchased some travel cages too that can jump in with some thoughts and perhaps comparisons.
  16. Poll as requested by mervyn :-) Lets get a true percentage of how many Greys talk and what age they are. Does your Grey Talk and at what age? http://poll.pollcode.com/a4R
  17. Good Question Mervyn, but I doubt anyone truly has any scientific stats on that. It's going to all be opinions based on the few out of the 10's of thousands of Greys that exist. I guess we could do a mini poll here and just have people with Greys respond with "talk" or "no talk". Also, enter the age of the Grey. Hmmm, lets do a Poll: Does your Grey Talk and at what age? http://poll.pollcode.com/a4R<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/13 15:11
  18. Thanks for posting that Jane and also thanks to MrSpock for the answer. :-) Dayo is going on 7 Months and we noticed he is very dry in that same spot when we give him scratches, which he loves immensely. We spray him with Aloe every other day and its still not moist. Maybe be time to put some gel on that area then then for Dayo.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/13 14:51
  19. Strangers are a threat unless you have socialized your Grey with many people coming and going from the start. If not, then they are a threat to the Flock and that seems to be how your Grey is responding...an enemy has entered the Camp Regarding how your Grey treats the others that live in your home, that seems to change from time to time in some cases, but can be overcome by the one being shunned just being patient, maybe offering some treats and you passing your attached Grey over to that person, as long as your Grey is OK with it. Others will chime in with some great observances and info also. :-)
  20. ClayRP - Wow, I am sorry to hear of the fire in your building. Thank God the both of you got out unscathed and in good health. Hopefully you two will not be in the Hotel too long and you both fair well while living out of a suitcase. Please keep us posted on the process of cleaning. I would imagine everything in the apartment will need to be thoroughly cleaned of any residual chemicals left over from the smoke that filled your apartment. Take care my friend. :-)
  21. Welcome Teko's Dad!!!!!! It's great to have you here and we look forward to hearing more from you and maybe seing some photo's when you get a chance. :-)
  22. Ok FairY - I'm in assignment now ;-) The others silence is very suspicious....... Except for that evil pair Makena and Makenasdad...hmmmmmm makes one wonder what those two have come up with now B) Dan - Over and out here in HollyWeird - Back to you FairY :-)
  23. Wow LMG!! That is not a small amount as one might expect when receiving samples. I'm calling those numbers. Can't beat free and maybe I will find a pellet Dayo will eat :-)
  24. Hi Ronda, Everyone has already given great advice. My only suggestion, since you mention that Sweetheart will pretty much stay on her stand now, would be to take the stand into the room you want to sit with her in and place it close to you. This would get her slowly more comfortable to being away from her cage and closer to you. You could try slowly offering treats to her while on her stand to get some interactions going with her while away from her safety net..The Cage. In regards clipping more feathers. If she is able to fly fairly well, I would not clip more than one more feather on each side, following the same line your breeder began. It sounds like your breeder did not clip the 5 feathers short enough to begin with. I assume you can see her clipped feathers showing out from underneath the major covert Feather line? Usually Feathers are trimmed back so that the cut end is just under the major coverts. If she is just able to keep a level flight path and cannot gain altitude, the clip is probably sufficient. As Bmustee noted, you do not want her to drop like a rock. :-) I know this must be painful for you, because you have so much love for Sweetheart and it is not yet being reciprocated, but it will come. :-) Thanks for the update. Maybe it would help you a little more, if you posted questions more often. This would help you correct or change things in a more Real-Time manner and get the advice applied sooner. B)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/12 14:37
  25. Welcome Shaun!!! Wow, that is a VERY YOUNG baby Grey you purchased. Your Grey will receive all the fluids it needs from the formula mixture. I assume you are feeding it something like Katee Exact at around 40 - 60 cc each feeding? You can start laying veggies and fruit pieces in front of him to experiment and try out around 8 to 10 weeks old. Is this the first Parrot you have ever hand fed? Did your breeder give you complete instructions on how tho administer each feeding and proper clean of the feeding utensils? Hand-feeding a baby is something only experienced or trained individuals would normally do. I wish you the best with your new baby Grey. :-)
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