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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. It is sad to hear what events have been taking place at your home regarding your friends visit. It sounds like your friend has no respect or concern for your home or property when visiting. Personally, I would have ended the visits a long time before you did, with a person that allowed that type of behaviour. I will sit down a grandchild or group of children at my house in a heartbeat if they start getting out of control, even with their parents present, if I perceive their parents are not going to act of their own accord. The times I have had to do this, were normally the only time I had to. The parents realized from that one incident, that I had rules and expectations in my home that needed to be followed or the party was over. Most "Normal" people realize this and appreciate the friendship, good times and socializing enough that they do not want to jeopardize it in any way. People that do not appreciate some type of order and boundaries will either quit coming over on their own, change or never be invited over again. With a lifelong friend as you describe, I know it is very difficult, but it sounds like between the choice of continued friendship or your sanity and well being, one needs to be given up. I can only assume the pain of keeping your friend has exceeded the pain of letting them go. :-(<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/18 15:31
  2. Wow, what an experience with the fly paper! I hope all is going well this morning and that you were able to remove the remaing goo from the vent area. Atleast we all now have some ideas on what to use in removing a sticky substance.
  3. Thanks Mark, Yes, I realized the species was different, but just wondered if you had noted a similar pattern. Thanks for the links. :-) I can not find any data on the AG specific to molting patterns at all. The only information that does seem to exist, is that the Primaries regrow in a set of two pattern as you noted in your post. I guess I will need to pay careful attention when Dayo goes through his first molt and note the pattern as it takes place. I know, I may be getting a little too obsessed with this, but inquiring minds need to know B)
  4. I am not sure how you are using the term "Bond", but it is possible they could become friends or maybe just tolerate each other. You never know. Greys are very protective of their "Home", which is their cage. Even if they start playing together outside the cages, does not mean they want the other over to their house for dinner :-) They could also go the other way and not be able to even be outside their cages together at the same time. Only time will tell. Siobha knows this from the same question posed by her a month ago, as she stated. Siobha, how are the two getting along?
  5. LOL Siobha!! What a mental image that painted :laugh: Sounds like he was having a "Grape" Time!!
  6. Welcome Bobby!! It's wonderful to here you have taken on a life long commitment to an AG. your making fine progress with him and it sounds like he is taking to his new home too. We'll look forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  7. Welcome Rachel!! Sorry to hear of your loss, but it's great to hear you are now on the path to healing and starting a new life long companionship with and AG. You will not be disappointed. :-) We'll look forward to hearing more from you.
  8. That's good news bronxboomer :-) I mix up a bean mix similar to what that website sells, along with some other ingredients such as pasta and Dayo seems to like it also. Don't be such a stranger, we love to hear from you and about your Greys progress !!
  9. Very detailed explanation Mark, thanks!! It sounds like you had quite a fun and sometimes harrowing experience through out the moulting process :-) Did you notice a pattern in the Moulting process as described in the clip from wikipedia? "For example, most passerines have a focus between the innermost primary (P1, using the numbering scheme explained above) and outermost secondary (S1), and a focus point in the middle of the center pair of rectrices.[29] As passerine moult begins, the two feathers closest to the focus are the first to drop. When replacement feathers reach roughly half of their eventual length, the next feathers in line (P2 and S2 on the wing, and both R2s on the tail) are dropped. This pattern of drop and replacement continues until moult reaches either end of the wing or tail. " The ONE feather that has come in is not in the apparent order this article describes. I am starting to suspect that the original Primary was possibly damaged and removed when he was very young and has thus regrown, rather than from the moulting process starting to begin. Did you notice a pattern similar to the one described above?
  10. Having Thanksgiving at our house with Sons, in-laws and outlaws all coming over. I will need to apply MrSpocks..."Remove the Grey and Place back on Stand technique" :-)
  11. Welcome Chris!! Nice looking Grey you have there. :-) Thanks for posting the photo.
  12. Awwww, Congratulations Shazbaby!!!
  13. LOL Laurie!! They are just like children, you can't take your eyes off of them for one second and when they become mysteriously quite, they are up to no good!!! :-)
  14. Congratulations Shazbaby!!! Can't wait to hear of the homecoming and seeing some photos!! :woohoo:
  15. Morning Ziggy - Have a Blast!! BTW - There is a daily "Good Day/Morning" Topic in the "Off Topics" room also :-)
  16. Yes, Mervyn, you are providing plenty of time out of the Cage for your Grey. Your right, it does no harm and I would think 2 to 3 hours out of the cage is the most that 90 percent of Grey owners could provide each day. Thats all Dayo gets on weekdays we are at work. On some days, he may in fact only get 1 1/2 hours out due to having errands to run after work. :-) I notice that in many cases when viewing videos of Greys on YouTube, that several of them are on there cages and interacting with there owners from with-in them. I believe the key is that they can atleast see you from the cage, which makes them feel like part of the flock. Getting to come out and romp around with you and have scrathces and cuddles is the icing on the cake. :-)
  17. Interesting Mark, you wrote "Kip was clipped when we got her at age 6 months. She now has finally replaced all her flights at 17 months and is quite a good flier, though I know she is still not an "expert"" Regarding the replacement of flight feathers, Dayo was clipped at 15 weeks old before we could bring him home that day. His clipped flights, I assume, must have continued to grow for a while. I say this, because he has gained greater flight capabilities as the last 2 months have passed. I assume some of his flight abilities is through building muscle mass also over the last three months we have had him. He will be 7 months old on the 28th of this month. He now has one flight feather that appeared out of nowhere fully extended on one wing. It does not appear to hamper his flying much, that I can tell from being imbalanced between the two wings. I can only assume your experience over the months has been the same? With yours growing new feathers in an imbalanced fashion?<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/17 16:11
  18. Welcome JNKIR7 !! The time period could be short or long depending on the Grey and how he has been treated. Patience and love is the key as Judy pointed out. Please keep us updated as this rescue progresses. :-)
  19. Hello Maunaolu, My condolences to you in this time of grief and mourning. Know that you were a good provider and it could have been the Garlic or something else that your Grey previously ate and passed that did the intestinal perforation previous to the Garlic. Thanks for having a necropsy performed and sharing the warning regardig Garlic. It will never touch Dayo's Beak. I hope we hear from you again. :-)
  20. Welcome Rhe!! I can only say "Ditto" to all the great comments and advice the other experienced owners and BREEDERS here have already posted. You have a precious little life in your future, please don't make any decisions that could be detrimental to it. :-)
  21. Mervyn, You ask an important question, which also highlights the responsibility each person carries for ensuring the safety of their Parrot at all times. I can only speak for myself here. When Dayo is out, he is either with myself or my wife at ALL times. He is flighted fairly well, as his feathers are going out from a minimum cut the breeder performed before letting us take him home. He loves to just ride on our shoulders wherever we go and watch what we are doing from there. We do not have any children at home other than grandchildren that come over different times of the week. Depending on the age of the grandchild, we may place Dayo back in his cage for the safety of both Dayo and the child :-) If Dayo wants down to explore a counter area, couch etc. he is only there as long as we are present and watching attentively. If either one of us have him, when we leave the area, Dayo goes with us. We NEVER leave him unattended due to the dangers you mentioned above and several others, such as Dogs. As you so will pointed out, a power cord could be bitten through in a heart, so NO, it is not ok to leave any parrot unattended even if your just dashing out of the room to grab another cup of coffee or answer the phone in my opinion. Thanks for asking these great and important questions!!
  22. Another great photo :-) Yes, the normal fireplace with Gas logs is fine...One word of caution though. Make sure your Grey or any other bird can not in anyway fly into the fireplace :ohmy: You never know where a frightened bird may fly in a panic.
  23. Awwww, thanks for sharing that wonderfull link Tari!! :-) karma for you sweetie!!
  24. Yep, thats good lovin from your baby :-) You need to watch these rascals though, if you eat when they are on your shoulder (I do) they will sometimes try to grab the food as your putting it in your mouth sometimes grabbing it right off the Fork or out of your fingers...sneaky little fellows :side:
  25. Weekdays - Dayo is out around 4 hours in the evenings Weekends and Days I work from home - What Cage?? ;-) He and my Conure are out from morning darkness until we go to bed at night..BIG FUN :woohoo:
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