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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Kek!! Everyone has pretty much covered your questions with their great answers. I am sorry to hear that they gave Toby such a bad Wing clip. It is certain that he was shocked when he fell the first time he tried to fly. He has probably now lost some confidence and it will take time for him to adjust his mode of travel now and how he must now rely completely upon you and family for traveling beyond his cage. As others have said, it could be upto a year before his primaries grow back in. It all just depends on when his last molt took place. He sounds like a wonderful fellow with a BIG personality and is settling in nicely with You and Family. We'll look froward to hearing more of his progress and of course, don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have. :-)
  2. Welcome lilkk25 !! Judy has given you great advice and it is good you have been doing research and now asking Grey owners questions. The most important advice I can add, is to let the Grey pick you. Whether it be a TAG or CAG. You will know when that moment happens :-) They are both wonderful species of AG's.
  3. :blush: Thanks Penny, I just wrote what I feel. :-) Judy - I know I can personally say, YOU have made a difference. Through your devotion to this forum, the great care and concern for others and of course your wonderful sense of humor. Thank you for being you :-)
  4. Thanks for starting this Topic Ziggy. It is the time of year, that everyone around the world starts reflecting upon the events that took place over the last year. This is not just by one religious group, but by many religions and even just traditions, depending mostly on where humans are located around the world. Some reflections bring much joy and some, much sorrow. Through it all though, we learn and grow, hopefully. Some of us reached goals we set for our selves last year. Some of us accomplished things we never dreamed of, much less set as a goal. The most important thing though, that one could have achieved, is to have made a difference. This could have been in someones life, a creature of the Earths life or something that made the Earth more healthy through environmental contributions. Perhaps you even accomplished all of them! I know, I am thankful for the friends gained on this Forum and the support we offer each other as a whole. Where one of us is weak, another is strong. Where one is inexperienced, one has experience. Where one lacks knowledge, another has the knowledge. It is through this, that we have a cohesiveness through a common ground, our Greys and other Parrots we so dearly love. So, I thank you all for being here and contributing to all our individual, collective, and yes our Greys well being. Most of us are here for our first year together. I must say it has been a great 6 months here for me and Kim, and of course Dayo and Jake. :-) I look forward to bringing in the New Year with you all and wish all a wonderful holiday season!!
  5. Funny Tari, thanks for the laugh :-)
  6. Sammy, I would like to just take a moment and commend you and your devotion and love for Sammy. I know many people claim they will do anything for their Grey, but actions speak much louder than words and you have shown this love greatly through your sacrifices of time, some freedom from home and monetarily large layouts. You set a fine example for others taking on the ownership and responsibility of a new baby or a rescue. :-) Sammy would never have had the life he does now, if were not for you. Stories of this nature, that display a successfully rescued or adopted bird thriving are wonderful to hear. Thank you for sharing this with us. Please continue to give updates on how Sammy continues to thrive, play and love. :-)
  7. Hi jjcool, It's good to hear from you again :-) It sounds like the opposite issue from when you first introduced yourself in September. You were concern because he was very quiet and didn't interact. Lovemygreys has given great advice. Although I am not certain you will be 100 percent successful in stopping the natural way they call to one another when they want company :-) Although I am not certain how loud or frequent the calls are. Our Grey does the same thing when he wants attention and we just smile to ourselves knowing he wants some attention and to be with us. Normally he will stop after a few minutes if we just keep doing what we are and pay no attention to him until were ready to. Good luck in your endeavors!!
  8. danmcq


    Hi Cowgrls. Please look at the Topic at the top of this training room labeled 'Books you've read and are reading". Several members have place comments, photos and reviews of books about Greys there. :-)
  9. Hi Cowgrls, Does she run to the back of the Cage first when you open the Cage to get her to step up? If not and she has stepped up and is just hanging on to the bars, but not pulling away, she may just not trust your hand as a perch yet and needs to feel safe and secure that your hand is steady before she releases her hold on the bars. Just sit with your hand supporting her and talking to her gently letting her know you've got her. She should calm down and release the bars with just a very small amount of pull towards you. If she hangs on intently, just sit there with her on your hand for a while. Then remove it and close the cage. See if she will let go and come out the next time you try the step up. :-) A week is a short amount of time for to have full trust in you yet.
  10. Wow Sandra, that is a great report :-) His progress and your loving patience with him brought the start of tears to my eyes. Merlin sounds like a wonderful guy with a load of love to give. He also obviously has a ton of character laying in wait for you to continue discovering as you have already unearthed a few precious stones. It's obvious he is understanding your praise and responding to it with his vocal and physical displays of understanding. The Aloe Juice should help immensely in soothing and nurturing his skin back to good health and hopefully stop the plucking along with all the attention you and family are providing him. It sure sounds like Big Daddy is his favorite, but that by no means lessens the important roles you and the rest of your family are playing in making his new flock a happy and healthy one. Please post more if you can. His progress and your writing style really brings it to life. :-) Thanks again for posting this update!!
  11. Welcome lyndaelyzoo !!! They will get a long with dogs just fine with good supervision. We'll be watching for more posts from you. :-)
  12. Welcome Cowgrl!!! Thanks for joining our Forum. We'll look forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance :-)
  13. danmcq

    Ear Biting

    Excuse me, you stated what you reccomnded and what your Husband did....I did no accusing.... Goodbye and good riddens!!!!
  14. Congratulations on the new Puppy TY Tracy!! He's absolutely gorgeous.
  15. danmcq

    Ear Biting

    Adele - You Wrote: "Danmcq, do not worry. I don't think swatting a bird out of the air is that bad." I beg the pardon with you, it is that BAD! It is animal abuse!! Did you tell the vet you broke it's wing swatting the bird out of the air? Most vets would have the Humane Society down on your house in a heartbeat. Please never post such terrible treatment of any animal or bird on this forum again, much less recommending it to new bird owners. I will do my best to have you banned from this Forum if you do!!
  16. Thanks for the update Shaz. They sound like they are getting along with each other wonderfully :-)
  17. Dayo ate everything we did also, turkey, smashed potatoes, Yams, green beans, gravy, pies, cake etc. His favorite seemed to be the cherry pie :-)
  18. danmcq

    Red Palm Oil

    No, I haven't tried Coconut Oil. I mix in a 1/4 teaspoon of Red Palm Oil into scrambled eggs for Dayo every morning though. Has anyone tired Coconut Oil? I have never heard of it for use with Parrots, but I have purchased Coconuts, split them, smashed them into pieces and Dayo seems to like them. :-)
  19. Good points on Seed Guards Dblhelix. :-) I presently do have the seed guards installed on both my cages. They do capture a lot of the food that would have otherwise hit the floor for us anyway. However, we place the food and water bowls on the bottom of the cage for Dayo. So when he does fling something, eighty percent of the time it is caught by the guards. If his bowls were in the bowl holders at mid-cage level, the seed guards would probably not server any purpose what so ever, as Mark indicates. Since you also have the plastic strips around the bottom of the cage, it sounds like the Seed Guards may not do you any good either Birdgranna. One thing Mark now has me thinking about though, is the "Possible" injury potential of those sharp seed guard corners. They could not only seriously damage your bird, but also children or guests if they happen to hit one of those sharp corners.
  20. Friday here now at 7 am. We all had our fill yesterday too and had a great time visiting with all the family and friends that came over. Guests that stayed last night are still in bed, so it conveniently gives me time to talk to you all this morning! :woohoo:
  21. Speaking of Xmas lists, I need to go buy two more Xmas stockings . Have them for all in the Family including our Dobermans. Now our Parrots need stockings too for their goodies. :laugh:
  22. Happy belated Thanksgiviing to all...I guess I got into the day too early yesterday to see all these posts. Hope you all are having another great day today!! :-)
  23. INtersting Tari. They all seem to have their musical prefernce. :-) I haven't anything yet that even slightly interests Dayo. :-( But, I will keep on keepin on with the trials !!
  24. How is Merlin doing Sandra? I haven't noticed any updates lately on him. :-) It would be great to hear how things are going with him and your family.
  25. You could try placing a larger Pie pan in the bottom of the cage that would provide him with a better bath spot and then hopefully he will just use the smaller bowl for drinking. You could also purchase a water bottle with the tube and ball on the end that dispenses water as they beak the ball.
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