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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Pepper!! Please do a search on this site for "Aloe Juice". You should start spraying your Grey with full-strength Aloe Juice everyday. Also, the Red Palm Oil is a natural item that Greys normally receive from eating the Palm Nuts on the trees in the wild. You can find it online. Melt it and add to your Greys morning oatmeal or eggs etc. It will help him immensely also. You can also perform a search for "red Palm Oil" for a very detailed thread on it. :-) I hope this helps!!
  2. Hi Darin, We keep our home at the same temperature. It is fine to bath Petra as often as you wish. Most Parrots seem to like cold water best. My Breeders keep their aviaries outside and break the Ice in the water bowls first thing in the morning. The Parrots all want to jump in for a bath, before getting a drink!! :-)
  3. OUCH Katb and also LOL!! If he wouldn't let go, you just go get in your car, drive to the emergency room and tell them to please put your loving Grey under so his Beak will release
  4. Hi Terri, That sounds like a great plan. :-) Please keep us posted on the progress.
  5. LOL Mario - I would love to see a video of Ziggy doing that!! :-) Ok, now I really need to work on getting Dayo to be comfortable laying on his back. He will only stay in that position for about 15 seconds tops and then wants up.
  6. Hey Joe, whats up, are you ok Buddy? You are a valued member here and I feel a personal freind of mine. As I KNOW others here are VERY close to you too. Do you have a health issue or possibly something I or We could help you through or with? Please PM me if it is something too personal Joe!!!
  7. Hi Terri (Nychsa), Yes, I was in the U.S. Army Air Defense Command. I spent 7 Years in. I know I retained a few terms that still seem appropriate at times and I just like them too. :-) It is interesting that your Daughter and Son in Law have a good relationship with your Parrots. You may have hit the nail on the head, in regards your Daughter is confident, versus your Partner is not. As you know, these guys are smart and if they think they can scare an Elephant, they will, just for the fun of watching it react. :-) The best advice I can give, is trial and error using all that suggestions put forward. It will be interesting to track, what you try and it's result. That could be a thread of it's own that could greatly help others in the future. Should they encounter a similar problem.
  8. LOL Birdmom - Your right! When I roll up, remotely open the garage door, pull in and get out. I hear the dogs barking and whining at the door and both Dayo and Jake whistling, chirping and screaming. They all know Daddy is home, just like when my children were little tykes :-) sniff ..... Yes Terri, I love the little guy with all my heart :-) Signing off now - I need to get ready to head back to San Jose at O' Dark Thirty in the morning... 3 hour drive. I'll be back online around 6am once I login at work. :-)
  9. Hi Terri - The initial upload through the forums website didn't work. It seems we have a problem with image uploading here. So, I uploaded my photo to photobucket and placeed the link manually instead. You should be able to view it now, I can. :-)
  10. Hi Terri - LOL, we always need to get the chain of command in order :-) Yes - Here is a photo of Jake. <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/17 01:21
  11. Nychsa wrote: That's the order of greeting I use, when I come home after being out of town a few days a week. Jake, my Dinosaur sized Conure (in his mind) always greets me by slamming into my head and attacking my hair. He loves me so much ;-) It is also the order when my Wife comes home from work. :-) That idea just might make a difference Terri!
  12. Hi Ziggy, I believe if you would go and read Nychsa's second post to you. You will find she apologetically explained why her "First Reaction" had the tone it did. :-) I think we are all on the same page now and Nyscha took your advice and all others in trying to give possible solutions to her Partners relationship with her Parrots. :-)
  13. Hi Terri, LOL - I would love to see a video of Jiggy's escapades...especially riding your Hounds!! :-) Unfortunately, my Dobermans both think Jake is just "snack size" and snap at him when they think he has finally gotten close enough for them to get him. Now Dayo evidently is large enough that they duck when he comes flying in like a B-52 bomber or decides to hop skip and jump across them to get to me across the couch from my Wife
  14. It's great to hear you feel that way mgoertzen :-) You have already been pretty active before ever coming to the official welcome room!! So heres your Official WELCOME!!
  15. My Conure Jake tries to get next to Dayo constantly. He also tries to protect Dayo by running at my Arm or hand when I am picking Dayo up. Dayo then runs after Jake protecting me and Jake's takes flight to get away from Dayo's comparatively huge Beak. Jake makes cooing and other love sounds to Dayo also. At least they sound as such to me. :-) You would think after 5 Months Jake would get the idea, but so far he has not relented what so ever in his pursuit of being buddies with Dayo.
  16. Hi Terri, It does sound as if Jiggy did indeed put the fear of bites into your partner. It is good though, that He does give treats to your Parrots and just enjoys interacting with them at the level they allow. My Peach Front Conure is Jiggy on Steroids. :evil: I got him from a Breeder in San Jose that lied. It turns out that "Jake" was either a breeder or wild captured. It took me 9 Months of sitting near his Cage, offering treats etc. then finally toweling him and clipping his Wings, before He would step-up. Now, 6 months later, he is fully flighted and still afraid of hands and bites often including flying at me, landing on my Ear and biting it. But, I love the little guy and enjoy his attention any way I can get it he has a larger than life personality and I enjoy it immensely. So, perhaps you can be happy for for relationship your partner has with your Parrots and ask him to accept it as-is, with unconditional love. :-) Then all he needs to do is watch his back!! :laugh:
  17. Good thought Judy. It sounds like your Sun gets stuck like Velcro to your sweater! :-) I know Dayo does not like spiked Hair, Basecal Caps or Children less than 3 feet tall running around waving their Arms.
  18. danmcq


    Dayo does not like Oranges so far, but I keep trying. :-) Laura - Don't you need to "Test" that Camera to ensure it functions ok, before wrapping it ;-) B)
  19. That's funny Ronda :-) It reminds me of last weekend. I had Dayo on my shoulder, walking through the house and all of a sudden, Dayo SCREAMED and dug his Talons into my shoulder. Scared the Hell out of me:ohmy: !! Then I looked in the direction he was screaming.....Kim had been dusting with an extension pole with the round porcupine looking attachment on the end. Which she had leaned in a recess up against a wall. Dayo does not like it at all.... The Greys are sure sensitive to some things :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/16 20:33
  20. That's hilarious mgoertzen5 :-) I would love to see and hear a video of that!!!
  21. Welcome mgoertzen5 !!! It's great to have you here. We'll look forward to hearing more of your story and maybe seeing some photos when you have a chance to post them. :-)
  22. Nice post Terri :-) It is sad to hear the Greyhound rescue mission has become so self righteous. I have been rescuing Dobermans for 10 years and know how important each breed specific mission is. It is understandable, why you are sensitive to this area. I may be may be wrong, but I have a hard time believing Ziggy was trying to do anything other than help. But, then got off the original topic and on to the rescue subject he is so actively involved in. :-)
  23. I will Kat.....You must subscribe to one of my favorite quotes by Albert: "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."
  24. Nychsa wrote: Wow, your partner has definitely become the outsider.:ohmy: You may need to change up the daily routine a little to include your partner, when he is home, as a key person in both your Parrots feeding and cage exiting activities. I know you mentioned he is gone every other week, so this may be near impossible to accomplish in a relatively short time. It seems they may be viewing him as an occasional "visitor" rather than a true flock member. Perhaps you could try having your partner bring the two out of their cages for example and also feeding them, giving them treats Etc.. This definitely calls for him becoming a person they rely upon and therefore must interact with at a much more social level. Otherwise, you had better stock up on your band-aid supply <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/16 15:19
  25. Very nice photos Lovie, thanks for sharing them with us. :-)
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