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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. You are beamingly (is that a word ;-) )this morning!! That is great progress Tracy. You are really doing a fine job in the re-homing of that poor Soldier. {Feel-good-000200BB}
  2. Hi Jenny, It is great to hear that you are doing so much research on Greys. As you are finding, there is a ton of information out there and some of it conflicts. Some of the reason for this, is due to each Bird having it's own unique personality and responds in different ways to different actions. Thus different techniques work for different Greys. One thing you will find common in all advice, is that patience is the number one factor in everything. The number two factor, is to always be consistent in your actions, so as not to confuse them. The number three, is to be gentle and kind to them at all times. They are very sensitive to your emotions and can pick up on them almost telepathically. So if you are becoming afraid or upset, just stop, relax and give yourself and the Grey a nice break. If Smokey allows your Husband to perform a step-up without biting, then biting is not the issue, you are. :-) let me explain before you kill me :-) It seems your Husband, over time, has built enough trust with Smokey that he will accept his offer to step up and get some out of Cage time. You have not. You will need to first build trust with Smokey, before he will accept your offer to step up. You are doing everything right in your interactions with him. Feeding and talking to him and perhaps even just sitting right next to the cage while reading a book or watching TV will build the trust that is needed for actual hand contact to take place willingly. There are many VERY experienced people here with decades of experience in training and interacting with re-homed Greys. They will be the ones that you really need to listen to when they post. I hope you are finding the information on this Forum to help you and anytime you have a question, post it. We are devoted to helping all we can to insure the Grey and owner have the best experience possible, with the least damage to either. :-)
  3. Hi Tickle, Yes, just keep presenting the veggies to him everyday. You may want to also try just putting some on the cage floor on paper or hanging leafy veggies from the side of the Cage. Also, when he is out of the cage interacting with you, offer them maybe even while you are eating a fruit or a veggie. Eventually, he will try them and start liking them. It just takes persistence and sometimes Months, since he is an older Grey. :-)
  4. Well, Happy Birthday Harrison!!! What a wonderful looking guy he is. We always enjoy the photos and comments you share about him. :-)
  5. Welcome Sibby!! The behaviour you are describing is perfectly normal for a 16 week old Grey. They love to continue getting spoon fed for a while and make their little baby chirps and pants. There's no advice to give except enjoy those moments. They will not last much longer. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/31 22:49
  6. LOL - He is a rascal to say the least!! They are so entertaining, how could anyone not fall in love with them. :-) Send photos of merlins Corn Cobb destruction!!
  7. Ziggy - What brought that on? :ohmy: Nychsa did not start this thread or the issue on it, birdmom did. Secondly - Nychsa has been writing helpful information and I know for a fact that she is an expert level IT Security Professional with previous contracts working for the DOD. If that's not a good reference, I sure don't know what is. Why did you come out with this blind side attack and start spewing slander, that is not seemingly true and that you have no evidence of? Do you know her real name, occupation and Company that she is CEO of? I do and so I would suggest you reconsider your accusations please. :-)
  8. So I cook a Corn Cobb cut in half. Let it cool. Then give it to Dayo. So what does he do? First He screams when He see's it. Then he climbs down and tears the Corn Cobb to pieces for scaring him. Then He eats the pieces. This is a BIG FUN Food I see!!! :-)
  9. danmcq

    Grey Fun

    Hahahahahaha - BUSTED Terri!!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  10. danmcq

    Broccoli Rabe

    JOe - Isn't it getting rancid now after all those years Thanks for the cooking instructions. I did read that it was widely used in Italy :-) Sounds good :-)
  11. danmcq

    Broccoli Rabe

    Ok - here is a Photo of the Broccoli Rabe:
  12. danmcq

    Broccoli Rabe

    Hi Guys, While browsing through the veggie section at the grocery store this morning, I came across something I thought was probably baby Broccoli with lot of leafs and thought "hey, I read the leafy parts have more Calcium and Potassium then the heads". So I picked a bunch up. Brought it home washed it and through a stalk with leaves and head intact in Dayos cage. he seems to love it. Then I went online to see exactly what poisonous veggie I may have just thrown in Dayo's cage after the fact and found this information on this veggie that is not related to Broccoli at all: Broccoli Rabe: A Powerfully Healthy Vegetable. Take one look at the dark green leaves of a bunch of Andy Boy Broccoli Rabe and you can see that this is packed with the nutrients and minerals your body requires to maintain good health. Broccoli Rabe is abundant in Vitamins A and C, the anti-oxidants you need to stave off free radicals. Free radicals are the bad elements that destroy cell walls and cause aberrant growth patterns like cancer to occur. It’s also a good source for potassium and folate. Here's the Vitamin and mineral statistics: Total Fat 0g Saturated Fat 0g Cholesterol 0mg Sodium 45mg Total Carbohydrate 3g Dietary Fiber 2g Sugars Less than 1g Protein 3g Vitamin A 20% Vitamin C 50% Calcium 15% Iron 6%<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/31 19:59
  13. Welcome Jimbo!! Looking forward to hearing more about nika and maybe seeing some photos.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/31 19:39
  14. Hi Charliesmum, Just click on the links below to view the different videos: http://s184.photobucket.com/albums/x289/danmcq/?action=view&current=Dayo_Noises_0001.flv http://s184.photobucket.com/albums/x289/danmcq/?action=view&current=Dayo2.flv http://s184.photobucket.com/albums/x289/danmcq/?action=view&current=Dayo3.flv
  15. Hi Fowlgame, I do not want to sound condescending, but if you could not adjust your home and have family members just adjust there actions, such as just walking way around the Too's stand or other such minor adjustments. I find it hard to imagine that IF you got a Grey at a young age and then it became time for it's terrible Twos, that your action would be any different in deciding to re-home it. Instead of adjusting home and people to fit the bird's temperament and likes or dislikes. There is no guarantee that a Grey will like all family members or dis-like all but one. That's one of the owners responsibilities when deciding to bring any "Pet" into their home. It should be unconditional, barring a serious health issuer like Cancer or death, the Pet should be a family member until it or the owners pass away. It just breaks my heart seeing all the "Pets" in rescues and SPCA shelters that owners just decided they didn't want anymore. So, if you can commit to this kind of devotion and your family also, then get a Grey. If not, please don't do it. :-)
  16. Welcome Charliesmum!! Nice introduction, you have quite the flock of critters and huimans there. I'll bet there is never a dull moment. :-)
  17. Welcome fowlgame!! You've come to the right forum for information on African Greys. You will find a ton of information exists here that is easily searchable and of course we are ll more than happy to answer any questions you have.
  18. No, they Mate for life or until their mate dies.
  19. danmcq

    Grey Fun

    What voice did Bella use when she said it? That would be the voice of the person she picked it up from. :-) But, what the Hell, thats not a potty mouth in my book B)
  20. Hi Charliesmum and welcome!! I am not certain what you mean by "Squawk", but I have a 3 videos of Dayo (8 months old)here making all his basic noises and some practicing on mumbling unknown utterances :-) Just look down this rooms list you have posted in to find them and let your Grey watch them. :-)
  21. LOL - I love work blinder stories like that! :-) Thanks for the morning laugh and coffee spit-up!!
  22. Same back to you Dick and family. May you and your family have a safe and wonderful new year eve and coming year of 2008!! :-)
  23. Great Photo Nerf :-) I loved spending those moments at the Breeders as well and the Panting noise they start making in a few more weeks is priceless. They sound just like a human baby looking for the Milk button when bouncing their heads around the breast area. B)
  24. Great comments on IT Security and interfacing with the public Terri!! Now I back that 100%. B)
  25. LOL - Judy I did miss an obvious blinder by birdmom. If she was so security conscious, she must have let her guard down during her tantrum and didn't realize what she did to her own security in regards someone wanting to stalk her. One thing to keep in mind when someone states they have an Masters in one subject. That does not mean they Majored in that field when obtaining their BS degree. I doubt her expertise in the IT Security field, based upon her statements. So, she MAY have an MS in IT Security, but it could have been nothing more than just that one year and just understood basics, not the real nuts and bolts behind the scene. That's why many people get an MS in Business Administration after completing their Major in Engineering for example, it opens the path to perhaps being the CEO someday :-) One thing I didn't appreciate her doing either, was using me as somekind of reference for her as a backup to her claims. I don't know where that came from. :ohmy:
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