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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcme Kathryn!! Lovemygreys gave some really good links that should answer many of your questions a diet. We'll look forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  2. That is wonderful news Denise. :-) I am so happy for you and family. Sammy sounds like a real character and a joy to have as a new family member. I am looking forward to hearing many more posts regarding Sammy and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  3. Very sad news Aidan. :-( Thanks for taking the time during your grieving to let us know. One thing good that can come from this, is others can learn from this experience. If your Grey is acting out of the "Norm", something is wrong and that Grey needs to see a vet in hours. As your example clearly shows, sometimes even hours are not sufficient. Since, you are going to have a necropsy, please [post the results here. If you would be so kind. :-)
  4. Good luck Denise!! We'll be anxiously awaiting the "coming home" report!! :woohoo:
  5. Welcome Ian!! Wow, those are beautiful sketches. :-) I assume, when you say "These are what I get up to each morning", you are referring to your Greys? Looking forward to hearing and seeing more sketches!!
  6. Welcome AAA!! What did the vet have your new baby on medicine for? That indicates that a problem already exists. It is imperative that you get the proper dosage into your grey. Perhaps you could mix it in with formula and feed it to him that way. Twelve weeks old is very young and I would imagine he is still getting 1 or two formula feeding s day. Is this correct? If so, he is not weaned and at this point may just be picky at and playing with food such as pellets, seeds, nuts, veggies and fruit. Looking forward to hearing more on how your new baby is doing. :-)
  7. Hi Denise, It sounds like your excitement has gone up a few bars. :-) With your resources from 2 acres and ideas, your new Grey is going to have many great toys, tree stands and shredding in the next few days I suspect. I haven't found Dayo to be at all intimidated by looking directly into his eyes. I do know, that if mutual trust and a good relationship is not yet established, a long stare could cause fear on their side, as with all animals or birds. As Judy said, blinking indicates to them that your not scoping out prey, but just giving them a friendly stare that is not seen as a threat. Looking forward to hearing updates as you have time and some photos. :-)
  8. Welcome Denise!! Sammy sounds wonderful and seems to have taken to you and your husband very well. He probably enjoyed being out of the cage once again and the actual human touch again. It's too bad that after 19 years, they could not find the time and commitment to continue that loving relationship with Sammy, but it's good that you are their to provide a new loving home to him. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  9. Thanks Penny! One suggestion though, is get a bigger pan!! This is a 12 " pie pan or something like that (I'm a man, so give me a break on this) and it is obviously way too small. I need to find a large pizza size 2" deep pan for this I guess. As you can see in the first picture, a Grey fills the entire 12" Pan and can't really dive in with goggles on and get completely soaked. Oh well, it's a start, but the Aloe Juice misting keeps him nice and soft. :-)
  10. I agree with Tracy :-) It could even be longer too. Dayo's first 5 primaries were clipped at 15 weeks after he fledged. He is now 9 1/2 months old and they have not molted. He is capable of flying very well though, from one end of the house to other. He was initially clipped to where he could just glide down gently at a 45 degree angle. But, after much flapping and exercise, his muscles became powerful enough to attain pretty good flight surprisingly. I am really looking forward to his molt and the primaries fully coming in . I can only imagine his aerobatics when that happens. :woohoo:
  11. I'm glad you all liked the photos. :-) Hopefully others with Greys that have an aversion to water (almost all) will get the idea from these. Laurie - Yep, thats a cat toy ball with a bell in it. Dayo goes crazy throwing and chasing it around. He also likes to throw it down and wait for me to go fetch for him.
  12. This is a nice reminder Talon. It is timely to let all the new members who have joined, to know who posted such fine photos as this. Spookyhurst is a valuable and active member on this forum and we all appreciate her immensely!! :-)
  13. Ah yes Tracy - Cheers!! :-) It's almost quitting time here - 3:30 Pm, 62 degrees and clear, what a beautiful day in sunny California B)
  14. Yes, they love attention!! They will work anything they see you, another person or critter react to that they find amusing. :-) Aren't they a Hoot! B)
  15. This is great Tracy!! Thanks for posting it, its a "Must Keep". :-)
  16. Hi Guys, We've had several suggestions on getting a Grey in Water and I have been misting Dayo for Months. So I thought I would try putting one of his favorite toys to attack and throw in a tin of water and see what he did. This is the result :-) BIG FUN!!!!
  17. That's good to hear Tracey :-) Yes, they are dear to us, just like one of our own children. We all fret and worry over them at every sneeze and hiccup. We all know how you feel when somethings wrong. That's what is so encouraging about this forum and it's users. We understand each other and how important our Greys and other bids are to us. People who do not own Greys or other Parrots, think your crazy for paying such close attention to your Grey. Post anytime, Greys and their owners are our passion. :-)
  18. Hahahahahahaha steph, lets hope not. They do pick stuff up quickly and like us humans, the worse the language, the easier to pick up and use
  19. Hi Tracy, It could also be that his skin is becoming too dry or he has some pin feathers coming in. If it's pin feathers on his neck and face, you can help him out by giving scratches where he can't reach. Also, do a search for Aloe Juice and you will find a very informative thread on using it. Most of us purchase Aloe Juice (not gel) and use a mister to spray our Greys down with thoroughly at least 2x a week. This removed existing dust from them and softens and sooths their skin. :-)
  20. Each person must assess their critters and how they related to each other. Then adjust the out time of certain ones accordingly. There is no set, yes or no on this. It is a household by household basis. For example, I have a Peach Front Conure (Jake) and my CAG Dayo. Dayo puts up with Jake, but not if Jake wants to come into Dayo's "Zone". That zone could be a food dish out or if Jake tried to get with in a foot of where we are holding and interacting with Dayo. The good side, is Jake is smaller and faster than Dayo and flies off at the first sign that Dayo is on his way. :-) If, for example, they were "clipped" I would not have them with in 10 feet of each other.
  21. LOL- Yep, they love shredding paper and then moving on to wood etc. :-) He could be biting you out of excitement or just testing you for reaction or saying let me play. Pay careful attention to his body language to determine which it is and also to see it coming. If you catch it before hand, just say No Bite so he understands cause and effect.
  22. Welcome aaron!!! Looking forward to hearing how the visit went and seeing those photos!! :-)
  23. Welcome Mike!! It sounds like things have been going great for only having Rascal 3 weeks. :-) We'll look forward to hearing more.
  24. Thats great news Tari. I am happy all went well and you and Que are just two happy campers. Maybe you should take Que out on more outtings? It sounds like it was a much enjoyed change-up. :-)
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