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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. That sounds like a normal beak to me. But, a picture would definately put all doubts out the window. :-)
  2. Awwww, great photos Christina. Thanks for sharing these. :-)
  3. Welcome Raposa!! Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos of your new baby Grey. :-)
  4. Welcome Echolight!! Looking forward to heraing more and seeing some photos. :-)
  5. Welcome Kimmie!! Looking forward to hearing more about your new Grey and seeing some photos. :-)
  6. Oh how cute Imme! That is a great looking CAG you have there. It also looks like it is very comfortable with you and those settings. Congratulations!! :-)
  7. Sounds like a good protien source for your Grey ;-) B) They do eat "Bugs" in the wild. :-)
  8. Welcome Pixiexoxo!! Ditto to what Judy requested :-)
  9. Congratulations Hanna!! Tari and Siobha are both right on :-)
  10. Welcome MissMarley!! It's great to have you here. Those photos are wonderful, thanks for sharing them. :-)
  11. Welcome hedwigsmom and Kimme30!!! It's great to have you here. :-)
  12. The story of a rescue that the petshop probably tried to train like a Dog:
  13. Good question. Maybe he is mind linking to you and making you yawn and says "Yawn" at the same time. ;-) :-)
  14. I agree with Judy. Just back off a little and just sit close to his Cage and talk to him and maybe offer a treat. Time and patience will be the healer of all here it seems. I told Kim the shaking was norm several times Judy. She swears he only does it because he's afraid.....uh huh sure, he's not afraid of me. :-) I told Kim today ...just wait until he's turns two and he switched to me being his cuddle muffin ;-) B)
  15. Hi Tunjee, How long have you had your Grey? It's sounds like you have done just about everything to change the plucking behaviour. Hope fully there is something still that could be done to avert putting a collar on the poor guy. :-)
  16. Awww, nice photo of Maui with flight suit on. :-) Thanks for sharing that. It's good to hear he is progressing so well.
  17. Sorry, I didn't read that your bird was in another room. :-) Does he have mirrors to spy on you ;-)
  18. That is wonder news Shamelessmuse!! Your hard work, patience and efforts are paying dividends BIG TIME!! :-) I'm so happy for you!!
  19. I'm with Lisa on this. There is a disease in that Breeders environment that is killing these poor Greys. If possible, I would report them to your local animal control office to get this stopped. As Lisa said, spend some time and find a Breeder with a Great reputation and healthy birds. I am sorry this happened to you. I know you were excited about getting the CAG you were looking at.
  20. Great Videos MommaFawkes, thanks for sharing them. Very entertaining. :-)
  21. Great photos MommaFawkes. :-) Thanks for sharing them.
  22. Congratulations on getting your new baby Grey on hold Imme!! I'll bet your REALLY excited. :-) We are to for you!!!
  23. Tracy is right on. Time and patience is needed to allow Cokie time to adjust to your presence again. Right now, you are an outsider unfortunately.
  24. LOL BMustee - I just noticed you posted the CarnaK Photo
  25. I think your Grey can read your bodu language beter than you think. We all start a yawn off when a certain facial action, even the slightest sing of this that is consistant, your Grey would pick up. They are keenly superior to us in detecting suttle changes we would never notice. Just a thought. But, my CAG Dayo Yawns when I do also. :-)
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