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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Archna!! Can't wait t osee what type of glorious Cage you will design for your Grey. Considering you work for an Architecting firm. ;-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos of that cute baby grey. :-)
  2. Welcome Tony and Fluffy!! You Wrote: "I came to the conclusion they have some type of telepathic abilities". Well, so much for my sneeking up on Dayo then. ;-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos. :-)
  3. Welcome Twojs!! Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos of your Greys when you get a chance. :-)
  4. Well Happy Birthday to Sweetheart!! :-)
  5. Thanks for sharing photos of Que Tari. She is one beautiful TAG and knows it too. Look at that beef cake pose she provided. :-)
  6. Yep, BMustee explained it perfectly. See what happens when you use something common in one country on a multi-country forum. :-) I'm with Bmustee too on people doing research and carefully considering all that comes with the ownership and responsibilities that come with a grey or any pet for that matter. B)
  7. Oh Judy, how could you think it's "Ok" for a Crow to be "Lunch"? :laugh: I was just thinking about grabbing a baby Crow from a pine tree they are nesting in. Crows/Ravens are considered one of the most intelligent birds. There has been a lot written about them. :-)
  8. Awwww, congratulations Makena and the runner up's!!! I KNEW this was rigged. But, I'll keep entering the contests anyway.
  9. Aww, how cute are they?? :laugh: It's been 2 weeks now. That means they are now huge compared to these photos. You know we're dying for an updated. :woohoo:
  10. I probably should not say this, but what the hell. B) I wish things that used to be in the closet, stayed in the closet. Like Las vegas. I don't want to know what wierd and un-natural things poeple do. Keep it to themsleves and brag to their kind about their frolicks..... Ok, I'll stop....... enough said.
  11. Hi Shanlung, Both the links work here, it must be Dubai filtering them for some reason?
  12. Pat, It seems like you have made tons of progress to me. You are getting him to interact with you and go through training sessions etc. If if it is only to step up on your Arm ,thats Great. God knows what this poor fellow has been through before he came to you. He could be and probably does have a hand phobia at this point. With the love and patience you have, he will overcome that too. But, it will be when he feels comfortable with it. Just keep doing what you doing, giving him treats by hand, head scratch or whatever else he will allow you to do using your hands. He will come to trust you and your hands, sooner or later. Great job in bringing him around to the point you have!! :-)
  13. Very Cute Laura! :-) They all mix sounds, whistles and the kitchen sink at times. The really seem to enjoy experimenting with them.
  14. Welcome Peter!! Nice having you here. :-)
  15. Great photos Tari!! Thanks for sharing them. :-) Yes, nature is, well nature. Everything is on somethings food change. Thats what normally keeps a balance of things. Unless something like Humans get involved an muck it up thinking they have a better idea than what nature has done over thousands of years in the great balancing act. I once watched a Hawk dive down and clasp a huge Crow with it's powerful Talons diggin in and clasping on it's back in flight. It was a very awe inspiring thing to behold. I did not continue to watch the rest of the process though. I let the Hawk eat in peace. ;-)
  16. danmcq


    Thats GreYt Pchela, Congratulations!! :-)
  17. Hello algamble and welcome. You took the right actions, by immediately rinsing your Grey in water to get the chlorine off. It may cause some eye irritation and you should keep an eye on it to observe if it becomes reddened and inflamed. Right now your Grey is upset over the whole snatch and rinse ordeal, not understanding the danger of what just happened. He is/was probably still in a heightened mode of alert and thus bit out of excitement still. I would not view this as an issue right now of losing your Grey's trust. Things will calm down and he will soon realize everything is back to normal. Please keep us posted on how things are going. Also, when you get a chance, why don't you go to the welcome room and introduce yourself. :-)
  18. Hi Tony, The right side only issue is very odd. Perhaps he is batting the right wing against a toy or cage bars while playing. If it's over preening. Do you see him aggressively preening only the right wing? It just seems out of the norm. If he really is doing the damage intentionally, it would seem to indicate something with his right wing is irritating him. Otherwise, there would be no reason to only focus on it.
  19. LOL BMustee - Taking them out of the Gene Pool....:laugh: I do agree with you. The really sad statement this makes about most humans. Is that they think getting any critter from Goldfish to Parrot is nothing more than purchasing another throw away item. Goldfish died, oh well....wonder why? Hamster died, oh well....wonder why? Guinea Pig died, oh well....wonder why? Parakeet died, oh well....wonder why? The BIG problem is. These people have spent zero time giving thought to the purchase of a living being. They just do it on a whim. They do no research into what that species requires in regards climate, diet, cage, light etc. I don't know how long you will keep your job though. You keep running potential "Sales" out of the store. That is counter productive to making a profit, which is why that store exists and your job. Good for you!!!! Karma to you.
  20. Your welcome folks. I purchased the DVD. I wish there was as much footage of Grey's in the wild as there is of South American Parrots. Maybe soon, if the WPT continues it's quest there with staff they now have in the field studying them.
  21. Yes, that morning exercise routine works great!! ;-) Photo's prove it. :whistle: I knew the long hair would be the final blow to any resistance to my alluring looks. B)
  22. Oh, your right Judy, that was before I let my Hair grow out ;-) Here Ya go B)
  23. Hmmm - The link broke... Here it is ;-)
  24. Wild footage of Greys waking in Cameroon early morning.... Wild African Grey Parrots: Preview If your interested in purchasing a video (The above preview\Introduction) from World Parrot trust on Greys: http://www.parrots.org/index.php/shoptosave/grey
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