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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Another good evening. A fire truck rolling out in all in glory with lights flashing and sirens going would alarm just about any grey. It's good to see the let up in biting lessen in such a short amount of time.
  2. I hope all goes well and the underlying cause is determined.
  3. They are all beautiful. Thanks for sharing these. I would love to hears more about each of them.
  4. Sounds like a good reason not to get another parrot from that breeder. I am looking forward to the photos.
  5. LOL Dee. No further comments from me on this, except I do dishes sometimes.
  6. I love this video. I had seen it a few years back, but it is always a joy maker when watched. Thanks for posting this.
  7. Judy is spot on. You should ensure she is getting calcium rich foods to maintain proper levels while laying eggs.
  8. Happy Hatch Day Gracie! Jeff - I am so sorry to hear you received that lip bite. It is a painful lesson both physically and emotionally. One caution, I would be very adamant to any friends, that they should let Gracie near there face or lips. You just never know and I am certain you would feel terrible if Gracie ever did nail a person in on the lips or face. It can happen in the blink of an eye, as you know. I hope and pray you heal quickly and scar free.
  9. I believe Jeff hit on a very likely point. Namely, that pent up excitement once out of the cage and just boucing off the walls once out. It really reminds of young children going nuts after being locked up in the house all day. IT is good to hear you found a stroll with your grey in a carrier did the trick in calming him while feeding those brain receptors with new and exciting experiences. Truly, boredom can cause significant behavioral issues in man and beast.
  10. Please be certain to wash all fruits and vegetables with vinegar water thoroughly. An unknown food items are causing the spread of the Cyclospora infection. From CDC: On June 28, 2013, CDC was notified of 2 laboratory-confirmed cases of Cyclospora infection in Iowa residents who had become ill in June and did not have a history of international travel during the 14 days before the onset of illness. Since that date, CDC has been collaborating with public health officials in multiple states and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to investigate an outbreak of cyclosporiasis. Preliminary details of the ongoing investigation are highlighted below. Highlights Epidemiologic Investigation As of July 23, 2013 (5pm EST), CDC has been notified of more than 275 cases of Cyclospora infection in residents of multiple states, including Iowa, Nebraska, Texas, Wisconsin, Georgia, Connecticut, and New Jersey. Illinois and Kansas have also notified CDC of one case each that may have been acquired out of state but in the United States. Most of the illness onset dates have ranged from mid-June through early July. At least 10 persons reportedly have been hospitalized in three states. No food items have been implicated to date, but public health authorities are pursuing all leads. Previous outbreak investigations have implicated various types of fresh produce. It is not yet clear whether the cases from all of the states are part of the same outbreak. No common events (e.g., social gatherings) have been identified among the case patients. Additional cases are currently under investigation and will be included on this page as states confirm them.
  11. A joy to watch indeed! It is so wonderful to see them taking part, enjoying it and thriving in your home.
  12. Birdhouse is right. It is not normal to find a grounded bat unless something is amiss. Animal control will respond if you call them.
  13. LOL, thanks for this photo. Your son looks like a phobic grey while your kizzy sets perfectly comfortable and happy! It does look like a ghost cockatiel.
  14. Good news and hoping all goes well from here on out.
  15. LOL, cute! Macaws are the puppy dogs of the parrot world. Thanks for sharing this.
  16. danmcq


    Yes to both, using your "Very small amounts" description. I wouldn't give it everyday either. I give my grey a few nibbles of an all natural peanut butter made with palm oil and honey sandwich at times. He loves it, especially the chunky peanuts.
  17. "they would think we were perverts with turrets syndrome!" LOL!!! What a mental picture.
  18. What a cute baby in love with you. Thanks for sharing this.
  19. danmcq

    Come here!

    Recall training is an important thing to work with your grey on. They will do just about anything for praise. You are off to a GreYt start. Nice job! I hope to hear updates on this.
  20. It sounds like a productive afternoon. I know the heart strings being pulled when they are caged and begging to be let out. The bedroom sounds like the perfect neutral place and it worked for you and Jake. Perhaps that is where some quick progress can be made. The animal sounds are interesting in that he seemed to use them to pull your heart strings even more. They are such STINKERS!
  21. LOL, Gilbert is sooooo smart! I remember that 3 Stooges quote "Niiiaaagra Falls, slowly I turned... step .. by .... step.." then the head banging bagan....Jesus, I am dating myself. Anyway, I can totally picture that mentality! I just love him and his shenanigans!
  22. LOL Val! My not responding for 24 hours is me ignoring you.
  23. Yes, it is 40+ Celsius. It's so hot here in the summertime, that Rattlesnakes use Umbrella's.
  24. LOL, when you start "Messing" with their home, they are persistent in stopping you aren't they! They would kick your butt if you let them get that close. Oh, and don't forget when fully flighted to watch for eye watering back of neck pinch's when that ability comes. Good for you and Gilbert that is is opening up more and more.
  25. Hi Jan, GreYt to hear from you again! If Toby has weighed that much since you brought him home. He is a large framed grey as Judy has said. I personally will not feed Dayo or Jake less to ensure they are hungry for a treat. I just don't give that treat I use as an reward in their food bowls. An Almond or shelled peanut will get them to do anything I wish. Professional trainers leave their birds hungry which is not a good thing to do to any bird, in my opinion.
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