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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Thanks for the update on Monty. It sounds like everything is going GreYt!!! :-)
  2. Welcome Trustdace !! Looking forward to seein gthose Photos and hearing more about Congo. :-)
  3. Welcome mark!! Looking forward to hearing more about ou and Yogi. :-)
  4. Welcome Scott!! It wonderful that your are rescuing a Grey. :-) All here will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
  5. Welcome gilad!!!! Looking forward to hearing more :-)
  6. Well, Greys do not show as pronounced Hormonal changes as Amazons od for example. Greys are more laid back. They may become more nippy or they may not. Also, if Ozzie is sitting on your husband for example, drops his wings and walks around funny, that is mating dancing and come-on. :-) If he exhibits that, it's best to put him up or at least do not stroke or touch him, which would encourage the behaviour. The other thing that may be going on is jealousy. He see's the other Parrots out and probably getting attention from you. While he sits in the Cage bored, getting angry and jealous.
  7. Well, Greys do not show as pronounced Hormonal changes as Amazons od for example. Greys are more laid back. They may become more nippy or they may not. Also, if Ozzie is sitting on your husband for example, drops his wings and walks around funny, that is mating dancing and come-on. :-) If he exhibits that, it's best to put him up or at least do not stroke or touch him, which would encourage the behaviour. The other thing that may be going on is jealousy. He see's the other Parrots out and probably getting attention from you. While he sits in the Cage bored, getting angry and jealous.
  8. Tuki sounds like a real character a joy to have around. I'll bet your home has never been so lively and entertaining. :-) I love the stories you are telling. These Greys are amazing!!
  9. Since Woody is 5 or 6 years old. He definitely has his preferences and the toys you were given by his previous owners may not be anything exciting to him. The others have given great ideas to try. They each seem to each have preferences and no one Greys likes or dislikes seems to apply to the next. Some like shredding paper, wood, coconut hulls/strips etc. Some love to smack the snot out of big cow bells. Some like to climb up and down ropes and shred them. Wad up a news paper sheet and place it in the bottom of his cage and see if he attacks and starts shredding it. A card board box like a 12 pack of soda comes in is also a fun time for them to go inside, hide and chew holes in them and peek out out you. :-) As others mentioned foot toys are a big hit little short ropes 2 or 3 inches long with acrylic shapes and colors on them like baby toys or those acrylic balls with small holes with a bell dinging in them as they pick them up, throw them and then give chase to them to smack around a little. It is more trial and error, than anything else. :-) Now one other possibility, is he may actually not feel well enough to play. If he seems lethargic, doesn't have a good appetite etc. An Avian vet visit would be in order, especially if he has not seen a vet in years. There could be an underlying health issue if you do observe lethargy.
  10. Hi Dina, You have a long road to go down with Ozzie. Since he has a known issue for years of disliking women, this is not going to change even in a month. The challenging part, is not knowing "Why" he dislikes women so much. It seems that part of his previous 5 years has no explanation, based on your previous posts. Sometimes, Greys just latch on to one sex and that is the preferred gender they wish attention from. One other thing to consider is that Ozzie may be hormonal at 5 years of age and that just amplifies the problem. I would also suspect, since you have received a severe bite requiring several stitches and know that he hates women, that you can not help but be fearful when try to get him to step-up. You know they pick up on our emotions instantly and know if we are angry, sad, fearful etcetera. I can only imagine the anxiety you must have when trying to get him to step-up, knowing that another trip to the doctor for stitches may occur. Do you possibly have a husband or other male at home that can handle Ozzie in these situations? If so, go that route and just work on becoming trusted and friends with Ozzie at a distance and on his terms while the male counter part gives the attention and love that Ozzie certainly wants as part of the flock. I do hope that going to the workshop gives you advice and methods of overcoming this behaviour. Please share any good tips and ideas you receive. They will help us all also and anyone here that may have a similar issue. :-)
  11. Sevi and M2MM have both given very informative replies in response to your questions. I really do not have much to add. They do require at least 2 to 4 hours of "Out of Cage" time per day along with tons of your undivided attention during that time. You may or may not be able to have both your Parrots out at the same time with out close supervision. Greys are a one species flock Parrot in the wild and do not welcome any other members of different species. But, you never know with these Greys, some may actually warm up to another species. Sometimes they do not even so much friendship to another Grey. At his point in your life, taking on another Parrot, especially as intelligent and choosy as Greys are. It might be better to wait until you find prince charming, get married and once all the honeymoon and getting settled in to a normal life happens, then discuss getting a Grey. :-) One thing I know you don't want to happen is getting a Grey, meeting your new Husband and then having to find another home for your Grey. It would be heart breaking for you and the Grey. Welcome to the forum and ask all the questions you wish. As you can see, we have many wise and experienced Grey owners here that are more than willing to assist you and answer your questions. I admire all who do research and give careful thought before going out and buying a Grey or any other Parrot or critter. :-)
  12. LOL - Did the Cat follow Tuki's command? :-) Thanks for sharing that.
  13. It sounds like Juji is progressing well. :-) Thanks for the update.
  14. That is HUGE progress finally paying off due to your loving, yet persistence in working with Tyco.....Congratulations!!! :-)
  15. I agree, it could successfully be accomplished, with the right child and the right Grey. ;-) When Dayo was 16 through 24 weeks old, he would interact with the grand kids fairly well. They were of course "schooled" in how to gently and slowly approach and handle Dayo. They were also told about body language and if they see eyes pinned and feathers fluffed to leave him be and just talk to him. After 24 weeks of age, Dayo decided he did not trust children any longer. This is due to how fast they move and in unexpected ways. I am speaking of children 4 to 8 years old. They run around with arms flapping, holding toys or what ever they are playing with and it freaks Dayo out. The first time he screamed, the children of course thought that was hilarious....until I read them the riot act.:evil: But, you know children. Once they note something like that, they will do it just to see it again when they think you are not looking.:angry: I have had to go so far as to either call their mother to come and get one of the children or literally ban him from the room Dayo is in until either I take them home or their mother comes and picks them up. What scares me the most, is I do not want Dayo to get fed up one of these Days and decide to start "Attacking" the monster to drive it away. I do not want one of my grandchildren to suffer a severe bite that could possibly scar them for life. Dayo has never bitten them so far, but I know it is just an amount of time as he matures, if the children do not learn how to properly act around him. My other grand children ages 12, 14 and 15 are ok with Dayo and when he wishes, he will step up for them. It's the little rug-rats from Hell that you need to watch. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/07/14 15:46
  16. LOL - Thanks for the first laugh of the day Laurie!!! :-)
  17. Thanks for sharing this rescue video. There is nothing better than rescuing a Parrot and providing it with a loving home it can spend the rest of it's life in. :-)
  18. At six years old, he is sexually mature. He could be hormonal right now in addition to the great tips on what to look for for that M2MM posted. A Stern "NO BITE" with a good eye stare will help get the message across also. :-) The reason they may bite in situations like M2MM mentioned. Is to get you to move from the area or item your Grey thinks is a threat. He may think he is not only protecting himself, but you also from the perceived threat.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/07/13 14:15
  19. danmcq

    Jack's video

    Awwwww, what a cutey he is!!! Thanks for posting this video. :-)
  20. Thanks for the update on Cheerio wastrox. It sounds like things are getting on very well. :-)
  21. Welcome Zahra!!! It great having you here. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  22. Welcome Zooman!! Nice to have you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  23. Welcome Doorknob!!! GreYt to have you here. :-) Looking forward to hearing more.
  24. Almonds, Apples, Grapes, Sunflower seeds and peanuts are normally their favorite snacks. Is he readily taking them from you? Does he act eager to get over to you for the treat?
  25. You can certainly offer for him to step-up. But, if he refuses or acts uncomfortable with you getting that close by ruffling his feathers and pinning his eyes, just back off and honor his body language. :-) You are certainly doing all the right things, reading and asking!! We enjoy nothing more than helping others and having just good general conversations with our fellow Grey owners. :-)
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