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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Beautiful pair you have there Toni. Thanks for sharing it. :-)
  2. Thanks Melissa!! B) Lookin Good in the Neigborhood Penny!!!!!! Work it, Work it, Work it....... {Feel-good-000200BB}
  3. I voted. YOu seem to really like names that start with a "D". I did notice (of course) "Dan", "Danny Boy" or "Daniel" was not one of them. ;-) but, I know, it's too Cool for a Birdy to have B) :laugh:
  4. LOL Siobha, thanks er I think :laugh: I always like a good morning laugh. Karnack the Lamp shade is grumbling a little this morning..... something about putting a curse on all non-believers. :ohmy: :dry:
  5. Nice photos of Rexxy. I see you have him already pondering which came first, chicken or egg. :-) Thanks for sharing these!!
  6. RaiderBabe Wrote: "The only way he will actually go to him is if he shows him a treat and he will actually get on his hand for it." If treats are the "Hot Button", then keep having your BF continue giving them. Your Grey will SLOWLY keep building trust and familiarity with him in that manner. He may never be your Greys "Hang Out" 2nd person on a level even remotely close to the relationship you have with your Grey. But, your BF will atleast be viewed as a flock member that poses no threat. You are your Greys "Selected" person and you will remain the person he/she wants to be with most the time. Anyone approaching and trying to extricate your Grey from the Arms of his loved one is going to receive warnings of possible hand/finger damage if they keep trying..... :-) Just keep up the time and patience. That is all you and your BF can do.
  7. LOL Pat, Tyco is a Genius!! :-) Thanks for sharing that.
  8. Thanks for the acknowledgments of my previous "Memo" that some must have missed. It's good to hear you "All" intend to comply. Could someone please go over and take a photo of Kitty^3? Due to not having a camera available at this time. We all help each other in any way we can here on this Forum Kitty^3. :-) I know Talonsis will ensure we will get a photo of Penny. ;-) B)
  9. Great photo of Ollie Sam. In this photo, he appears to me, to be around 8 weeks old. He's climbing around putting good at that age from appearances here. :-)
  10. This is absolutely beautiful. Thanks for posting it. I have saved it to my "Favorites" on IE. The Dog/Human relationship can truly be a bond of "One".
  11. Hey, I guess you all forgot you were supposed post the "New You" bikini photos before the end of July. Well, thats ok, I know everyones busy, so just try to get them in before August 15th. ;-) :whistle: Sorry to hear of the illness Kitty^3, you can wait until the 18th as compensation. B)
  12. Ouch, Karnack the Hat has been highly insulted and told me to ask for another DNA sample. He is claiming it was a mix-up at the Lab......... I believe Karnack the Hat may be afraid of being turned into a Lamp shade. :-) This has been a very fun contest. Thanks for starting it Roger!!!
  13. Nice photos of your good looking Grey. Thanks for sharing them. :-)
  14. LOL Patrick - Well atleast the Hat got the right sex associated with the name. The all knowing Karnack cannot not be response for wrong sex naming conventions. ;-)
  15. Oh wow, I didn't realize he was that old. I usually soak Dayo down good with a showering of water until all his feathers including wing, tail under belly are no longer resisting the water. I then soak him all over with 100% Aloe Juice, no water mixed in. To get in between the wind and side, you can set the spray bottle to shot a thin stream and shoot it in between the little gap in the front on each side.
  16. They learn by beaking and also communicate through it. he could just be testing the firmness of your hand or trying to let you know he's done with the touching for now. He is a baby and learns through these types of interactions. :-)
  17. I don't remember how old Joey is now. If he is between 16 and 20 weeks old, he will probably not start a molt until January or so. The first molt will be the most complete. You'll know when you see the down feathers coming out like rain when it begins. Remember to mist your bottom tray before removing and it will stop them from covering your house as you walk to dump it outside. Refund, since he is older, has probably been going through a molt already. They do not molt out nearly as much as the first. Feathers do get replaced if they are damaged also, throughout the year as need be. Misting with Aloe Juice to thoroughly soak them will relieve the scratchiness and keep the skin nice and supple. Do this atleast 2x a week on both your Greys. :-)
  18. The new webcam works great. :-) Joey is just kicking it right now. I swear, it almost seems that he is "Aware" of the webcam and someone is looking. B) Very cool, thanks for doing this.
  19. Great job Sameera!!! It sounds like Zahzu took it in stride and especially preferred surroundings and people he loves to be handling and taking care of the issue themselves. You do not need to use styptic powder in most cases. Flour or corn starch works just fine. Styptic powder is highly toxic to them and if you do use it, do so very sparingly and do not try to force any into the feather socket by packing it in. If it actually circulated into the blood stream, it could mean certain death for your bird. It is good to hear things are atleast settling down for the most part and Kahzu is becoming a happier camper. :-)
  20. Thats a very functional stand. Thanks for sharing that. :-)
  21. Welcome Erin and Odie!! UGH, it sounds like a real trial for you and Odie. Hopefully after the vet pulls the offending feathers and gets Odie back on track, he will be back to his normal, non-plucking and flighted self. Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  22. Welcome Ken and Pascal!! It's GreYt to have you here. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  23. Cool webcam setup Patrick. :-) It must be a little dark this morning. Having a hard time seeing your grey or maybe he is in sleep mode right now....no movement. :-) Thanks for posting this.
  24. Raz (Carlylu), Thanks for clarifying it was the Condo Owner that witnessed and then stepped in on your behalf. I forgot to ask, how did the vet know it was your Grey to contact you? Do you have Carly Chipped"? I truly appreciate all that you have contributed to this Forum over a long period of time in regards free flighting a bird and the responsibility of the owner to ensure they have worked with a professional before ever considering the idea Free flighting a bird is both wonderful and dangerous at the same time. It is not for someone that has just gotten their flighted bird trained to fly to them on command in their home. Outside is a completely different story and I guarantee you will lose your bird without months of working with a professional before ever considering the first outdoor flight. Raz (Carlylu) has posted many good comments and links on this Forum for all that can be easily searched and referenced if you are interested in the steps necessary, whether you have ever considered free flight or not, it is great reading and also has some great photos in some of them. This thread is not about clipping or not, it is about a story shared by one of our experienced members that was a heart beat increasing drama to say the least. Raz - Thanks for your great posts and temperament!! :-) I can testify to the fact that trying to get a clipped, partially flighted bird out of a tree is a huge challenge. They do fly from tree to tree, due to not knowing how to fly, glide or climb down. I went through that with my "Clipped" Conure during a 109 degree HOT 2 day search and if we had not gotten him down, he would have died within hours. He was severely dehydrated (no water source) and starving. It is a good idea to teach your bird how to climb down little indoor house trees, ornaments etc. and too also come on command, even if clipped. You just never know what may happen. Keep the wonderful links and stories coming Raz, I certainly enjoy them. :-)
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