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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Scott!! It's nice to hear you are slowing down and researching what Parrot ownership is like and the huge multi decade responsibility it carries with it. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  2. Crossing my fingers, have not had any issues with ordering items online over the last 10 years....I am sorry to hear hear of the others theft problems and it is scary to think the terrotists may be using these stolen numbers to help themslves in their low life, evil pursuit of murdering people innocent of anything but just living.
  3. Welcome Animalspirit and Flock!! It's GreYt to have you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  4. Congratulations on making the discision to get another Parrot. Which species you end up getting will not ditate if Adanna will get aloong with it or not. As you know, there are no guarantees. :-) I personally would get another CAG or a B&G Macaw, but hey, thats just me. ;-)
  5. Welcome caz and Alfie!! It's GreYt to have you here and also to here you adopted or rescued a 4 year old Grey. I am sure he is your baby, they all are to us. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  6. At 10 Months and the fall coming on, your Grey is going to begin his first and heaviest molt of his life over the next several months. The first to start going are all the down feathers and then the neck, chest and other similar sized feathers and then moving on to larger ones. The appearance of very small bald spots are normal, but they should not become more and more pronounced. Most bald spots are only visible as you move feathers or as they preen and you see them. He may be getting a little aggressive at the removal of feathers ready to Molt out. You should put some full strength Aloe gel on the bald spots to relieve irritation and also remember to thoroughly drench your Grey with a mist bottle containing 100% Aloe Juice to keep his skin nice and supple and less irritating.
  7. Mulberry Trees are a great source of branch material. I am not certain if your landlord cuts all the "Suckers" off every year in the Winter, but here it is a common practice. If he does, stock pile those things somewhere and you will have an endless supply of natural perches your Grey can shred and have with. :-)
  8. These are all great replies from those contributing their vast knowledge and common sense gained over year of experience. :-) Backsters Mom ;-) - I truly believe he's just letting you guys know he does not want to go back to his cage or wherever you may be wanting to move him to. I run into this with Dayo and so does the love of is life, my wife. They have very strong wills and if they decide moving or stepping up is not something they wish to do, they will indicate that by the most effective way they have, their beak. They do the same in the wild to get their mate to move, leave them alone etc. I do wish they would use the Wing slap to the face we see in comedies, but thats not real world :-). I know by Dayos body language when he is not in the mood to step up. I offer the closed fist back of my hand for him to step up on, not my hand in a blade with the index finger being the top target for a strong bite. He has learned that he can not bite the tight skin on the back of the hand and when he sees it coming he may try, fail and step up as I just keep pushing forward under his belly and against his legs. The bite is not an indication of his progress going backwards or a dislike for your husband personally. It is just Baxter letting you or your husband know his objection to the move. :-) Knight - You are human and we let people know when were pissed off, as Dave said. To be as honest as you, I yelled at my Human kids and Grand Kids when pissed at the noise level when trying to talk on the phone or to another person sitting directly in front of me. :-) We all feel bad after the fact, but it will still happen over time, the moods bad, stress level, blood pressure and the desire to choke the living S**t out of the other person or automated system your trying to communicate with and the an insufferable annoyance of loud sounds begins in the same room and now you have reached your last straw and flame on. Been their, done that :-). Now I can just just turn around, give them the Devil stare of death and everyone shuts the hell up so I can finish my conversation. :evil: B)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/07 15:36
  9. Well, congratulations on getting a photo of you and woody up on that website!! :-)
  10. Welcome retronut!! Looking forward to hearing how your search for your first Grey is going and when you might bring one home. :-)
  11. Welcome Rue and Flock!! You have a very large flock and one that has been together a long time. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing photos when you get a chance. :-)
  12. Welcome Hondaman441!!! Nice introduction. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  13. Welcome jlandsiedel and Flock!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  14. Welcome MBSolberg and Simon!! It's GreYt having you here and thanks for the nice introduction and photos. He sounds like he has found a loving home he loves already. :-)
  15. I agree with all others post here. Try it and test the waters. he does sound like he truly wants to be closer to you now. :-)
  16. Welcome Janeth and Echo!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  17. Great photos and write all you wish, we love it!! :-) Zzero is quite the little baby CAG and bold, which are both good traits.
  18. Welcome Lynette!! Just ask away and everyone will be more than happy to answer. :-) Congratulations, Wednesday is not far off!!
  19. Very funny video of Mischief getting down for the audience. :-) Thanks for posting this.
  20. I have purchased some of these foraging puzzles/toys for Dayo. You can find them in most larger pet stores. He gets immense satisfaction out of getting treats from these types of devices. I found others that have videos of their s solving them. Dayo never really wants to do it when we are home. He gets into them when he's home alone. as we find the empty devices upon return. I have other foraging puzzles and will try to capture Dayo defeating them for a far in the next week or two when I get a chance and post the video.
  21. danmcq


    Nice photos, thanks for sharing them. :-)
  22. Very nice video of Chloe at 8 weeks. They are so needful and precious when so young. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  23. Very good looking TAG named Zahra you have there!! Thanks for sharing them. :-)
  24. Nice photos of Zzero!! Thanks for posting them. :-)
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