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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Tycos_mom wrote: Oh, believe me, it won't be the last time Tyco does this. :-) That is such wonderful news Pat and I am proud of Tyco and excited for her as well. We can not imagine the feeling she must have of "I AM MEANT TO FLY". Those brain synapses are firing in places never used previously and that born in instinct will take over. You've worked long and hard to reach this point and just know that I am very thankful people like you end up with these precious souls.
  2. Welcome Debbie!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. Congratulations on bringing Sterling home!! :-)
  3. Well welcome and Congratulations on soon getting your new Grey Mr. Congo!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  4. It's not a website: His contact info is: Richard Sawyer P.O. Box 854 Naples, Florida 34106 (239) 248-2165
  5. retronut wrote: Just make sure you have him on your finger in a pistol fashion pointing out straight. Then when he flips around, just keep the momentum going so he just keeps twirling around your finger like a pistol. He'll get dizzy and fall off....end of problem after a few times of this. Ok just kidding....maybe! Anyway, he is having BIG FUN playing and thats exactly whats he is doing...Playing. He does bot realize he is hurting you bad enough to upset you. Get him off, tell him NO BITE then return him to his cage and walk away for say 10 minutes. Continue this until he gets the message. Also, since you know he is going to trying and do this, you can counter it by either blocking the flip with your other hand or turning it before He flips the other direction to throw him off balance and stop it. Others will have some good ideas too and maybe some more wise cracks. :-)
  6. Ok, our own lovely and very active member Janet (LuvParrots) called the Florida supplier. It turns out that he is now excepting orders of 6 lbs minimum, which means we can each call and get our own shipment!! :-) Thanks You Janet!! Karma to you.
  7. Ok, Jesus...no one else is picking up the adding of facts here...so here's another: Q - In African Grey.....: A. Is a monogamous bird, nesting solitarily in a tree with a hole for her eggs. B. They do not mimic, they learn from us. You must teach your Grey as you would a child....intelligently with purpose. C. They are cautious birds. They have a tendency to sit back and watch you, before giving themselves up freely to you. D. They are very intuitive to your feelings and it is always best to approach them with a calm demeanor. E. They can growl very similar to a Lion when warning in a stressful situation. (I don't mean Screaming as they do) F. Their Talons "Lock" automatically once wrapped around a perch and they must mentally think to unlock them. Thus they do not fall off the perch when sleeping. G. All the above.
  8. Thats a tough one Lyric. Unfortunately your young Greys have found a BIG FUN game in chasing your poor Lyric around the house screaming. If Lyric is that upset that he flies into things in trying to get away, that's not good as you know. he is panicked and will hurt himself one of these days perhaps. I really do not see an option of other than keeping them in their cages when the other is out or as you suggest, trimming ones wings, which is obviously the lesser desired thing to do. One last option if all else fails would be to let that baby go to a good home and try a different Grey sometime in the future that has not learned it is BIG FUN to chase Lyric. I am sure others will chime in with good ideas.
  9. Here is a copy/paste of a statement on USDA website regarding leg-bands: "If your bird has a leg band with three letters (the first one being F, C, O, M, I, L, or N), followed by three numbers, it was undoubtedly imported into one of the above listed States prior to 1992. " If they had the records of him still, you would need to contact them for any information. He actually sounds like a very well behaved bird other than just the step up. From what you describe, getting him to step up will not be a real big deal. I can not believe they were toweling him previously when he obviously will readily step up on to a ladder or probably a perch as well. Here is the link to the USDA page I referenced: http://www.aphis.usda.gov/import_export/animals/bird_leg_band.shtml
  10. Welcome Michelle and Flock!! Itis so wonderful of you to take those Parrots back in and that you followed up on them to check their living status. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  11. Welcome Socrates and Flock!! It sounds like a zoo there..... How long have you had Socrates? Looking forward to hearing more and seeing those photos when you get a chance. :-)
  12. They "Shut Up" when disturbed or in a new surrounding. When doing things like giving food, making coffee, actions etc. Try to use a word or words consistently so they have meaning to what you are associating them to. You will be surprised when they start rolling out down the and used correctly!! :-)
  13. danmcq


    I am sorry to hear of the drama that has ocurred in your life. It obviously had an affect on that highly intelligent and loving Grey. As others said, all thse changes have definately upset her security and flock which takes time to heal and get on with life. She will come around and continue progessing overtime. :-)
  14. Congratulations Rachel. How exciting is that?!! Thanks for sharing this update and the photo. :-)
  15. Awww, beautiful photos Lyric!! Thanks for keeping this thread updated as they have grown. :-)
  16. Thats is a perfectly fine Aloe Juice. Most of us here use the Aloe Juice at 100% strength and spray it on using misting bottles.
  17. Any update on how his Eye is?
  18. I was serious a little over a year ago when I tried to get enough people interested. But, we could try again. What it entails is, the owner personally goes out and hand picks the ripe palm fruit. He will only do a 50lb order or he would be running up and down those trees every 10 minutes getting 1 pound orders . So, to make this work, one of us has to place the order and have it shipped to there house. Then divide up the Palm Nuts into portions and ship them atleast 2 day, maybe 3 to the other purchasers. The reason the shipping in 2 or 3 day delivery is to ensure they are still good and fresh. The will start turning vinegary fairly fast once ripe and picked. Thus the needed to first rinse them thoroughly when received by the first person that receives the 50lb order, repacking and shipping out ASAP. The problem I now have is I am working most the time all 5 days a week in san jose and would not be home to receive, rinse, repackage and ship those palm nuts to ensure they are still fresh for the other purchasers. I am certainly open to volunteers or someone else taking over the details. :-) I figure I could only use/fit 10lbs maximum in my freezer without Kim killing me for not having enough room for people food in there.
  19. Last night Dayo was sitting on the top front door of his cage. He took a dump and as he was watching it fall said "Whoops......WATCHOUT!".
  20. Awwww Nychsa, that was your Valentine gift...delayed due to you non-committance for a day or two. ;-) That was hilarious!!!! :-)
  21. Yes, they are fine. My Grey likes to play with this dog toy which is a small furry porcupine. He jumps on it, says "Get the baby" rolls around on the floor with it fighting then flings it around the and gives chase. :-) It's only like 3 bucks. It took him about a week of eyeballing it before he decided to check it out.
  22. Thanks Jason for posting this. Actually there is another thread already on this book and your right, it is a great book and a must read: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/106743-alex-and-me.html#111595
  23. KyleA wrote: Well, the others gave you the additional things in regards preparation for the bird. Now what YOU need to do, is get some Red Ruby Slippers, put them on and then click the heels together while chanting "I want my Grey Home, I want my Grey Home....".
  24. Char wrote: Don't anxious over this. I have had a boing hanging from the ceiling in my Family room for 2 years. Just 3 Days ago,, my Grey finally flew to it and hung out..... Granted, that is an extremely long time, but maybe he just didn't find it interesting, thus never had a desire to land on it. The only reason he did, was he was in hot pursuit of my conure whom he hates and chases all over the house. The Conure always flies to the boing as a "Safe Zone". Well, Dayo decided he was not going to let Jake get off that easy this time and chased him down the boing.... For the most part, it takes Dayo anywhere from a few days to 2 weeks to decide a toy is ok to check out and then play with.
  25. No need to apologize Timotian. It is completely understandable that you are not familiar with what is common knowledge to us here in the United States. It would be interesting to hear what you run into during your day to day practice with African Greys or other Parrot species for that matter. I would assume some of the items we take for granted here in the USA that are highly available are not available there. Such as foods, perhaps some medicines, parrot toys, cages etc. I am looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
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