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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. They are highly intelligent and adept at figuring out puzzels, one of which is picking a lock, as you found out. :-) We padlock all openings on our Greys Cage before leaving the house, due to the lock picking abilities. ;-) He has let himself out of his cage several times through different openings after being placed in his cage for a "Time Out".
  2. Very nice jungle gym for your Grey to play on. Thanks for sharing the photo. :-)
  3. Thats is a very nice photo you have made. :-) Now, after hearing of Adaya's talents, you know we're expecting a video of it. ;-)
  4. Stick with the Red Palm Oil regimen. Those that do eat a palm nut here or there do not eat nearly the amount consumed in the wild daily. The RPO is concentrated and gives your Grey the dose it needs.
  5. danmcq

    dive bombing

    It's GreYt to hear Marvin is starting to chill out with the additional attention. It will continue to get better as time out and attention continues.
  6. Congratulations on Ricco getting you to understand that he is fully aware of whats going on around him and knows how to tell you what he wants. They are amazingly intelligent and continue to surprise us all each day. :-) GreYt stories from all the others too. They always bring a smile to ones face.
  7. It's good to hear the vet visit went well. Your Grey is around 13 weeks now and normally they are on 2 to 3 feedings a day at that point depending on if and how much food they will eat in between. You could try 2 feedings a day of 45 - 60 ml, once in the morning and once in the evening. Give moistened pellets, warm veggies, a little seeds or nuts during the 12 hours between feedings and see how you Grey eats. You can also offer warmed up baby foods from the supermarket and spoon feed it to him. Thats rather odd behaviour, but sounds like it is big fun to your grey. Please place some soft towels on the bottom to absorb the impact. The biggest danger would be your baby grey splitting open it's keel and needing an emergency vet visit to have it sown up. Thats a great looking cage and tall. Thats a long way down for you bird to be free-falling to.
  8. danmcq

    Its done

    Thanks for the update sheila. It's good to hear the operation wnet some and your mother is doing well afterwards. I will continue to keep you her her in prayers as this process of conitnued treatment and healing take place.
  9. Yup, beak cleaning operations taking place. :-)
  10. Yep, as Judy said, it sounds like normal chicken scratching behaviour. :-)
  11. Just let him enjoy those moments without touching him by patting on his back or rubbing his under belly. If he wants a headscratch or beak rub, thats fine. He loves you TONS!! :-)
  12. Oh a BIG CONGRATULATIONS Vicki!!!! What a wonderful baby Grey you have there. :-) Reading your comments on the meeting and ride home certainly brought a big smile to my face in remembering those days. Thanks for sharing this precious moment.
  13. fabric/carpet Cleaners such as resolve etc. in a manual pump spray bottle are fine around your birds. It's the aerosol type air freshers and cleans that if sprayed in large quantities up into the air could harm your birds. Here's some correct and valid information regarding this topic: Comments: Febreze, a Procter & Gamble product not widely available in the U.S. until last year, is described by its manufacturer as a "one-step odor cleaning system [that] eliminates common odors such as pet, smoke, cooking, and musty smells." The email warnings about its alleged toxic threat to pets began circulating in January. Note that this one refers to "multiple instances" of dogs and birds dying or becoming ill from exposure to the product, but cites no names, dates, or locations to permit verification of these incidents. According to the pet safety FAQ page posted by Procter & Gamble in response to these rumors, research confirms that the product, used according to directions, poses no serious health threat to pets. The ASPCA's National Animal Poison Control Center agrees. A staff veterinarian I spoke with said the Center has not been able to confirm any cases of Febreze causing the death or serious injury of pets. The Center issued the following statement: Veterinary toxicologists at the ASPCA National Animal Poison Center are conducting an on-going investigation into claims that use of Febreze in the home caused the death of several pets. All information reviewed to date suggests that there is no evidence that Febreze represents any risk to pets when used according to label instructions. Presently, the center considers the product safe to use in households with pets. As with any cleaning product, the center recommends that birds be removed from the room until the product application has dried and the area has been ventilated. — ASPCA/NAPCC Letter Regarding Febreze The Animal Poison Control Center also told me that while zinc chloride (one of the ingredients in Febreze) can be toxic in large amounts, it comprises less than 1% of the formulation of the product and is not considered to be a hazard, contrary to allegations in the email warnings. Procter & Gamble says it began producing an improved Febreze formula in December 1998 which does not contain the chemical. A statement by the American Veterinary Medical Association quotes Dr. Carl Hornfeldt, clinical director for the Hennepin Regional Poison Center in Minneapolis: "There's no truth in the concerns of this product being harmful." In addition, Dr. Steve Hansen of the NAPCC notes in the statement that the contents of Febreze are "much safer than some other household products, such as certain pesticides, disinfectants, antifreeze, and drain cleaners." The Humane Society of the United States has posted a similar statement on its Website.
  14. Great info folks.... My Grey sips a little milk at times from my cereal, eats cheese etc. It does not harm them and if anything the milk just loosens their bowels a little. As anything, moderation is called for IF you let your grey have a little. But as Talon said, stay away from the milk replacements products for human lactose intolerance..... :-)
  15. Like Janes Grey, when my Grey fly's, many times he becomes excited and screams as he goes. Is your Grey screaming AFTER he lands for 5 minutes?
  16. I don't consider this an addiction, it's an obession! ;-) No problems here......:blink: B) Where else can you talk 24/7 about your grey and have anyone "Relate"? :laugh:
  17. It is a great book, that made laugh, cry and ponder deeply on the intelligence and understanding, these wonderful sentient beings we calls "Ours" have and what it means it terms of how we should respect them.
  18. What a bummer on the bent parts. At least the cage supplier was good at responding. :-)
  19. Job at the FBI The FBI had an opening for an assassin. After all the background checks, interviews and testing were done, there were 3 finalists; Two men and a woman. For the final test, the FBI agents took one of the men to a large metal door and handed him a gun. 'We must know that you will follow your instructions no matter what the circumstances. Inside the room you will find your wife sitting in a chair .... Kill her!!' The man said, 'You can't be serious. I could never shoot my wife.' The agent said, 'Then you're not the right man for this job. Take your wife and go home.' The second man was given the same instructions. He took the gun and went into the room. All was quiet for about 5 minutes. The man came out with tears in his eyes, 'I tried, but I can't kill my wife.' The agent said, 'You don't have what it takes. Take your wife and go home.' Finally, it was the woman's turn..... She was given the same instructions, to kill her husband. She took the gun and went into the room. Shots were heard, one after another. They heard screaming, crashing, banging on the walls. After a few minutes, all was quiet. The door opened slowly and there stood the woman, wiping the sweat from her brow.'This gun is loaded with blanks' she said. 'I had to beat him to death with the chair.' MORAL: Women are crazy. Don't mess with them.
  20. I would reccomend buying it directly from Harrisons. Thats what I do. You never know how long bags of food has been sitting in a vet office. Their website is: http://www.harrisonsbirdfoods.com/products/index.html The have good information there also that you might like to read. :-)
  21. Welcome maria!! You have quite a flock their. We have some members that have set up rooms just for their parrots and I'm sure they will have some ideas for you. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing those photos. :-)
  22. bandits_mom08 wrote: UV = Ultra Violet Light. It is one of the portions of light the we can not see. It is also the light that gives you a sunburn. The other end of the spectrum is IR - Infrared which is the light spectrum the nocturnal critters use to see their prey at night.
  23. Yes, some are very loud at times. I have the same thing happen with Dayo at times when he is on my shoulder and my wife walks in the room. :pinch: I just grimace and bare it. :-)
  24. Nice photo of Roxie. What a cute Grey he/she is. Thanks for posting this photo. :-)
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