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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. My favorite noise is the panting noise Dayo has made since a baby when he just wants some lovin or my wife comes in sits down and he starts running over to her making that panting all the way.
  2. Welcome Rod!! It's nice having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  3. Oh, it's great news zero has that zipper off now. :-) But, that flight into the window had to be horrifying. Thank god zero did not get a concussion or worse. Keep an eye on him. Are his pupils pinned constantly? I ask, because when Dayo had the horrible dog incident and flew into the wall, he had a bump, swelling come up around the eyes and his eyes were pinned for 2 days. Hopefully the swelling will not be too severe.
  4. Oh boy, what a thing to have happen. Please keep us updated on any particular technique the vet uses to remove that zipper. I figure holding the bird in a towel and using a pair of needle-nose or hemostats would be the best bet, gently of course. Good luck!!
  5. Thanks for posting that video. I love watching them play on ropes. Many love to spend a smuch tim upside down as right side up. Dayo does a lot of high speed spinning himself. From what I can tell, they have no dizzness associated with spinning as us humans do.
  6. Ditto on buying a new cage or if you find one used that is in excellent shape.
  7. Congratulations Chimaysmom!! What a beautifuly birdy Chimay is! :-) It's good to hear all went so well and your all having high 5's and lots of interaction. Looking forward to hearing more of Chimay!!
  8. Welcome greymom!! It's nice having you here and wonderful hearing you just adopted a Grey in need. :-) It will take some time, but that Grey will come around with lots of patience, love and attention. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  9. Welcome Summerc25!!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) You've come to the right place for information and to ask all the questions you wish. Good luck on deciding if a Grey is right for you and in finding your life long family member.
  10. Can't wait to hear how the arrival goes and see some photos!! :-)
  11. What a cute baby photo and video. I did feel sorry for the other chick wanting some and being left out....poor baby. Did you pratice by feeding it also? ;-) :-) Thanks for sharing this wonderful moment!!
  12. Very cool story of your Grey figuring out how to get that shamrock. :-) Too many "Genius" moments of mine to even start listing. So all I can say, is all Grey owners will be constantly surprised by them and astounded at how intelligent these wonderful Greys are. The real problem, is trying to think 5 moves a head of them, like playing chess. ;-) Sometimes they are just too damn smart!!
  13. Daves right. Micro-chipping works IF the bird is turned into a shelter or vet office that has a reader for that microchip type. The best way to address this issue is as Dave said in being very care and conscious of doors, windows and not taking your bird out without a harness or in a carrying cage or pack. If your bird does happen to escape, the best method of finding him/her is to watch where it went and go look for it immediately and if spotted do not leave or take your eyes off of it for even one second. If you do not know where your grey flew or is then you must start calling all shelters, vet offices, posting flyer's everywhere and posting on Internet sites and hope for a call or email.
  14. danmcq

    Mothers Day

    Ollie? ;-) Well that was nice of him. :-) Happy Mothers day to you and all others in those lands that celebrate it today!! I can't wait for Mothers day here. I am buying my wife a new Blue-Ray dvd player. ;-) :whistle: :side:
  15. Thanks for the entertaining video of Bella the Bat. ;-) :-) They do love hanging upside down, don't they? On your hand, from ropes, perches, chains etc. flapping, twisting and hanging about. Greys (at least some) seem to have a perfectionist side to them sometimes. I know of one Grey that the owner places items in pill bottles and closes the lid. The grey loves to open them, remove those items, then place the items one by one back into the bottles and tries it's damnedest to put the lid back on too and succeeds sometimes. Unfortunately, my Grey does not have that "Perfectionist" Gene and just leaves the scattered items wherever they fell or were flung. That challenging toy sounds great. Where did you get it and could you post a photo of it please? :-) I love finding puzzles and devices to keep Dayo challenged and entertained.
  16. Ok, you've had you all your personal time with that cute new Grey...... now it's time to share how it's going and photos!! :woohoo:
  17. Hello and welcome TigersMom!! Generally speaking, spring behavior happens once a year in the life of a sexually mature parrot. It is a normal rhythm of nature, and there is nothing you or your parrot can do about it except wait it out. But you should be aware, understanding, and alert to the changes, in hopes of minimizing the negative side effects wherever possible. Parrots cannot control this hormonal stuff and I would think this would have been displayed previously with your TAG being 21 years old. Let the paper shredding and nest building take place. This will keep some of the stress and urgency your Grey is feeling right now under control. The release of stress through those actions will lessen the frustration as those Hormones of "spring fever" are raging. As a rule, any abrupt and dramatic behavior change in a mature parrot that is NOT evidence of a medical problem developing, can safely be classed as nesting behavior. NOTE: If you are not sure about your parrot's behavior, make an appointment with your avian vet.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/03/22 14:43
  18. Welcome Shaggy (aka Doodle), Scooby and flock!! It' GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing those photos. :-)
  19. This is a 2 1/2 year old thread and that user never posted since then.
  20. Wow, this is a GreYt thread containing very good stories of people making a difference. :-) Thanks for starting this and keep tooting those horns!!
  21. danmcq

    Mums doing well.

    Thanks for keeping us updated on your Mum, Sheila. It's good to hear she is doing good, with all things considered and enjoying a good meal to boot. :-) Thoughts and Prayers are continuing for your Mum and family.
  22. danmcq


    This is an entertaining video I have seen before and enjoyed watching it once again. :-) Thanks for posting it.
  23. It sounds like you and your Grey had a nice adventure together. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  24. Well, then welcome Shady Grey to the family! :-) Love those baby photos.
  25. Jen is spot on as well as others replies. They are very intelligent and learn their entire lives, just as we humans do. Silence or lack of human words, by no means indicates they will never pick up or use a word or sound that they consider important and useful to them in their flock environment.
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