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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Cogratulations Gorgass!! Thats wonderful news. So how has it gone so far and wheres the photos?? :woohoo:
  2. Wow! I would say VERY nice backyard. :-) Thanks for sharing this.
  3. Welcome Raphael!! Your grey is evidently flighted and used to flying to it's previous owners to go with them, wherever they go. Right now there is only one thing you can do to stop him from flying to your shoulder when your walking away and that is to put him in his cage. Then go where you were going. Let him out when you done. The second thing to do, which will require a lot of time and patience. Is to train your grey to stay on the perch when given the "Stay" command. It will take a thousand trips back and forth to place him back on the stand and using the word "Stay" a long with using a treat as a positive reinforcing reward when he does stay, even for the first 5 seconds as you walk away. But, as I say again, this will take time and patience. Please do introduce yourself and your new Grey in t1he welcome room as Judy suggested. This will let others know we have a new member and give more background on your grey to help us, help you. :-)
  4. Well congratulations on that wonderful baby grey!! She is beautiful and sounds like a real character. :-) The mumbling is normally them "Calibrating" words they want to get right before they announce it to the world.
  5. danmcq


    Congratulations on bringing your new baby home!! It's too bad they didn't keep her cleaner and especially that they clipped her wings before being able to fledge. The good news it, if they didn't clip the wings too short. They will still grow out enough that she may be able to fly short distances. I know it's not the same as truly fledging, but if she can fly a little, it's better than nothing and she'll be used to flying as her primaries molt out in the next year. The "Growling" I would suspect is some noise other than a true growling grey. Here is a growling grey, is this what your hearing?
  6. Dave as always is spot on. Dave - Which Grey is that? He/She is beautiful. :-) So, is the ship behind. Did you build that ship? Wish you would post more pictures, they are GreYt and I know others would like to see your "Flock" to and get to know them by name. :-)
  7. Welcome redafricangrey!! Thanks for putting an end to the speculation that many African Grey owners have wondered and mused about. Your website is very informative and provides an interesting history on how this Red Grey came to be. I understand it taking over a decade to produce this Red Grey. But, it also makes one wonder, what the health issues and longevity of this selectively bred Grey will have. I know you do not have an answer for this at this time. As it will take decades to study and see what internal changes this abnormal gene pool brings along with it. How old is your first "Red Grey"? Have you noted any skin, allergy or other sensitivity issues associated with them yet? I am looking forward to hearing as much information as you are willing to share with us. This will help us to be non-speculative and only give correct answers when asked about this in the future. Also, do you have a website that has more information than the very professionally done and marketing smart website you provided? Thanks again and looking forward to hearing a lot more about this fascinating Red Grey. :-)
  8. Hi Kipsie, The others have all given some great food for thought. One other thing you may wish to do, is to have a heart to heart with your parents to fully understand what their reasons and concerns are about you getting a very expensive and HIGH MAINTENANCE = $$$$ exotic pet that lives for upto 70 years. Giving you a goal of being the valedictorian upon graduation is a high goal and your parents are just trying to use something that you are obviously highly motivated to get, to perhaps encourage you to do your best academically as a way of earning it. :-) With your school schedule and the amount of time in class, then homework etc. You would be very hard pressed to find the time to deal with a "Rescue" bird of any type. The others gave great advice on getting a young Grey from a breeder, rather than a rescue with "Baggage" that takes time and more importantly, experience in dealing with Parrots. Looking forward to hearing more from you as this progresses. :-)
  9. GreYt story. It is common it seems for our pet companions, be they our Parrots, Dogs or others to bring out the best in people we don't know. It just seems like human nature to want to somehow give a treat or something to them. :-) Thanks for sharing this.
  10. LOL, Greys are notorious for escaping out any exit large enough for them to fit through. They are also very good at learning how to open latches as they play in their cage and find trying to open that door or other openings latch. Some find it necessary to chain and padlock most openings to prevent escape. Storm will continue to amaze and amuse you. :-)
  11. Welcome Vince and Henry!! It's GreYt having you here. Henry will come around and from the photos seems to already be fairly relaxed and interested in you. It does take a while for them to settle into their new surroundings and family. Just go slow and let him see that you are a trusted and loving person he will consider as a flock member. Looking forward to hearing how this progresses and seeing some more photos. :-)
  12. Awww, great photo of Popeye. He is growing fast and looking good. :-) Thanks for posting this update and looking forward to more.
  13. Welcome birdyperson !! It's good having you here. Looking forward to hearing more about your large flock and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  14. Welcome Kenz and Bonek!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  15. Welcome Ophee and Weasel!! It's GreYt having you here. Thanks for sharing the background on Weasel and how much progress has been made under your care and affection. It's always good to see someone take in a rescue and show it how life can be in the right home. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  16. GreYt entertainment watching Tobie again at his best. I was just getting into "We are family" when the video stopped!! B) :woohoo: Thanks for sharing it!!
  17. What a sweetheart Tuki is!! Love those photos, thanks for sharing them. :-)
  18. What a beautiful baby Grey, congratulations!! That is one brave and bold baby Grey. He looks very happy and content. Love those photos! :-)
  19. Well congratulations on finding a match!! It sounds like you two hit it off pretty well and the owner likes you too, which is a big plus for you. Looking forward to hearing updates on this. :-)
  20. Congratulations Carol!! Though your still Mrs. V to me. ;-) That is a great looking clutch there and they all look very healthy and well taken care of. Its wonderful your new breeder is so forth coming with videos, photos and emails. That will make you waiting experience much more pleasurable and you will have a photo and video journal of his/her growing from a baby to weaned. :-)
  21. Oh No!! Ash thinks he's a Dog!! ;-) Sounds like something you really need to make a video of before that moment in time passes on. :-) Now that he is putting your Dog in his place, he will soon start verbally ordering you around. ;-)
  22. GreYt photo of Harley suited up, Skeet!! Now thats progress. :-)
  23. You may need to rename Shady to Einstein!! :-) What a brilliant boy he is, like all us males. ;-)
  24. Hahahahaha, wow Koko does have ZEST at having fun. That feather duster and the subsequent head bombing is BIG fun to him. Your poor wife is is joy, much to her frustration. They do love to chew on cables of any sort everytime the opportunity arises. Building a frame as was suggested to hide cabling was a great idea from Acappella. :_)
  25. It's having you here and that your enjoying the forum and the company here. :-) Your doing a GreYt job and nesh sounds like he's coming along wonderfully under your care with lots of love.
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