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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Ah, so Spencer has a little Italian in him eh? ;-) Great photo of him and thanks for sharing it. :-)
  2. Congratulations JungleDreamz!! You know we wil be anxiously awaiting photos and updates on how the first day went. Names are tough, but I'm sure you will figure it out quickly once you have him home and see his personality and quirks. :-)
  3. Congratulations on being a one digit midget now summer!! In terms of getting Shaka Zulu used to being in the cage more, it would help if you could ask the breeder to start keeping him in his cage for periods of time.This will get him on the path in understanding that Cage time is a normal part of life with humans. As the others so rightly stated. You can spend the next week getting that Cage turned into a Fun House for him with foraging toys, wooded toys he can chew up, a toy or two with big cow like bells to clang around etc. It's going to be one of the longest weeks in your life, but worth it. :-)
  4. You have done a wonderful job in rescuing and giving Boo a loving home that he is obviously flourishing in. It sounds like the both of you are enjoying the new relationship immensely. :-) Thanks fore the update and come around more often. We love to hear of all our members Greys antics and new things.
  5. I ditto the others. This is an emergency and you need to get your Grey to a vet ASAP.
  6. GreYt story of avian intelligence and cognitive abilities David. Thanks for posting it. :-) Of course all us Grey owners knew this!! ;-)
  7. Very cool story of a working Grey. I wonder if he get's an Almond or other sales commission? :-) Thanks for sharing this story.
  8. danmcq

    dive bombing

    Thats such good news. You did a great job of hanging in there and getting her to target your arm. Your right, they will grab with their beak if they do not think they are steady when they land. :-)
  9. Congratulations Pchela!! I can see you beaming with excitement. :-) You will be surprised at how fast the pick things up, especially if you associate you words with items or actions. They will easily link them and understand the meaning.
  10. Shanti is definitely loving that adventure pack. Thanks for sharing this photo. :-)
  11. Dayo is an African dialect meaning "Joy has arrived".
  12. They will act as you describe when they really like an object. It is not sexual behaviour though. It's funny to watch them become so excited with an object such as that. There will be others. :-)
  13. Your welcome. You don't need to change your user name, others will see you posts and realize your NOT the other. :-) Each Grey is different and they may become only a one person bird. You just never know. But, you do need to realize that just as a human or other critter ages and matures, they learn based on experience. If they have had bad experiences with strangers or guests that only come over once a month or so., they will become VERY cautious and distrustful of anyone outside their "Flock". Congratulations on finding your baby Grey and it's not too far off before he/she will be home. Is it close enough for you to visit?
  14. Congratulations jasperk!! Beautiful TAG baby in that photo. I do have one question though. That babies wings have been clipped. Do you know why before it has fledged?
  15. Welcome AnnMarie!! I am sorry no one responded to you. I suspect it is due to our having a previous animal rights activist named Ann Marie on this site. Whom was very trying at times and made many enemies here very quickly and was banned. Your questions: How is their personality A- That completely depends upon how they are raised and socialized by the breeder if your getting a baby. A well socialized Grey is much more personable than a non-socialized Grey. As they mature, they become much less needful in terms of wanting all that snuggling and head scratching attention. But, their intelligence, play antics and individual personalities will always keep you amazed and surprised. How many members in your family. A - 2, but we have grandchildren and visitors here constantly. Our Grey was well socialized at the breeders and thus, normally is more curious of recognized visitors and new one. Many times he will fly over and check them out. They are sometimes cautious of some individuals for who knows what reason, hair color or style, clothing coloring or maybe they are just ugly ;-) :-) How many does the bird actually like. A - Now this depends on what you mean by "like". My Grey "likes" many people, but that is in the sense of him flying over, sitting close to them or perhaps on their leg, arm shoulder etc. However, it does not mean he will accept any touching or hands coming close. The intimate rights are strictly reserved for those whom he is very trustful of, namely my wife and I. Are they very nippy? A - When very young, most are not. As they age and start becoming independent, they use their beak to let you know IF they wish to move, want a scratch or want to step up. You will learn to read their body language very quickly if or once the nipping/biting occurs. ALL Parrots will bite, just remember that. How many hours a day to you have them out A - 3 to 4 hours weekdays. Weekends and Holiday's from 6 am to 8 or 9 pm....If we are up and home, they are out. How are they when you are out for the day A - Fine, we always ensure they have fresh water, food and toys that excite them, chewable wood parts and foraging toys that keep them mentally challenged and entertained. Does their sex have differences? A - NO! Well not other than anatomical of course, or as in all of creation, the females are not as logical as the males ;-) Just Kidding!! :-) I hope you enjoy your presence here. There are many GreYt articles and topics here along with GreYt people!! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/04/04 13:54
  16. Congratulations MrLourdes!! Glad to hear your new baby Grey made it safe and sound. :-) Ebay is a good pace to find cages reasonably priced with shipping included if you carefully review them. There are also several good websites to look at also and most include free shipping: http://birdcages4less.com/page/B/CTGY/Medium_Bird_Cages http://www.qualitydiscountcages.com/products.asp?id=15
  17. "doesn't he know this is not good??? " No, he is irritated over the bad wing clip,prickly pins all over his body and very uncomfortable. It will take time and patience for this to stop. I know from your previous thread on this that a vet is involved now and you just need to trust their recommendations. Just try keeping the bald spots supple by applying some 100% aloe gel and mist him with 100% aloe juice until drenched 3x weekly. Also get some red palm oil and mix it in with his foods when you can. about a 1/4 teaspoon dripped in oatmeal, eggs, on pellets etc. I truly feel very sorry for the Grey, as I know you do to. In your care with love and patience it will become better.
  18. Welcome tonnaparrots and floss!! It's GreYt having you here. It sounds like floss is already off to a good start in the new home you are providing. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  19. Very saddening to hear this Cassandra. Wilbur was special and will always live on foundly in your memories and in the huge dog paradise above forever. Where aging is no longer issue, strength and energy are taken for granted for eternity. My thoughts and best wishes are with you.
  20. Yeppers, he is practicing for delivery of the Gettysburg address.....be ready for it. :-) Congratulations!!
  21. Awwww, I'll bet......Photo please!!! :woohoo:
  22. Congratulations!! He sounds like a wonderful healthy Grey of the superior sex. ;-)
  23. BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY You got that right Dave, thanks for posting this warning. :-)
  24. Hey, we all value and love you BIG TIME Caroline!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: {Love-0002011D}
  25. danmcq

    Bug Spray?

    The next time the exterminator comes out, you should ask him what chemical he is using. Some are pet/bird safe (Other than getting sprayed on them). We have our home sprayed monthly on the outside. The first rule before we hired the service over 4 years ago, was that whatever they sprayed had to be animal/bird safe. I forget the chemical they use now, but I researched it then and it was indeed safe as long as it was not sprayed "On Them".
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