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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Dayo will nap during the day, if we are in the living room watching TV or a movie. Sometimes he will actually lay down, feet sticking out the back on Kim's lap, wings drooped and fall into such a deep sleep he sometimes has actually rolled off on to the couch. This does not happen that often, but many times if we are sitting in one place for an hour or so and he's sitting on our shoulder or on a perch, we well see him drifting in and out as his eyes shut for 20 to 30 seconds at a time. However, anytime there is no such sitting for an extended period, he's in the middle of everything.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/05 15:34
  2. Pat - You can do a couple of things to get that room cooler. 1 - Make sure that Bedroom is shaded on the outside, either with an awning, tree or one of those roll up roll down sun shades. 2 - Most window AC units pull air in from the outside and blow it into your house which pressurizes it to some extent. Keep all windows in the house closed, except the one in the birds room, crack that window open about an inch which will create a draft coming through that room and get cool air in there. 3 - If none of the above options work, you really should consider moving your birds to a cooler room.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/05 15:27
  3. Very cool video of you and Congo getting down Roger. :-) It's GreYt to see you updating on Congo and especially sharing that video. You have been missed and look forward to hearing from you more often. :-)
  4. rayyan wrote: Yes. My Grey and all my critters are introduced right from the get-go to lots of different people from Adults to Children. All of them I have now, Parrots and Dogs, are outgoing and about the house during all family occasions here like Xmas, Thanksgiving, Birthday parties and just normal get togethers. All the animals do stay clear of rowdy, arm waving kids and just watch those from a distance, but are not alarmed by them unless they run right up to a critter and get in their face. Then Papa Dan gets in the kids face and lets them know it is not acceptable and unless they wish to lose a digit or get their face ripped off, to never do it again..... However, critters of any kind not socialized and used to lots of different people and especially small, noisy and energetic children should never be out amongst them. It is just too much mental overload for a critter that is used to a quite well organised home. A Dog will bite and a Parrot will flee, scream and maybe even attack if felt threatened. Thats why most rescues of any type of critter is never recommended to a home with children unless they are proven safe to be with them. We rescue Dobermans and the children are never allowed around them freely until they and the dogs have been properly acquainted and around each other small amounts of time for a long time, sometimes upto a year before full trust is established. However, there are cases the Dog and child will never be around each each due to the Dog being unreliable and skittish. The same holds true with Parrots. Some will never be allowed around children and sometimes not even around strange adults.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/04 23:37
  5. Well, first congratulations on getting a new CAG and welcome to the forum. :-) Now for the bad news.... Keeping that young grey in a Carrier for 2 weeks is completely bad advice. How old is this Grey? YOu do not need to use a syringe and I would strongly recommend you not use it unless you are very experienced in feeding young chicks in this manner. YOu can shoot the liquid down the wrong way into his lungs and it will be fatal. Use a spoon instead and angle it so he can control the intake and how it goes down. Many young Parrots will want a feeding at night and your Grey may require it to ensure it is getting proper nutrition. Is he eating pellets, veggies, fruits etc.? Place your Grey in the new Cage, put his perches low and place towels on the bottom incase he falls so he will not bust his keel open. Your Grey needs to "Fledge". meaning learn to fly and gain coordination and agility. I am totally against wing clipping and would recommend you do not get it done, especially by a pet shop owner. There are many topics on this board concerning nursery (raising your grey) foods, health, training etc. Please check them all out and you'll learn many things important in raising an African Grey
  6. Talon wrote: Penny, Penny, Penny.....When are you going to learn, you can not out clean a Grey's determination to keep things "Their Way". :-)
  7. casper wrote: HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa Oh Jesus, wiping the tears from my Eye's.
  8. Just like a smarty pants Grey ALWAYS wanting to be in control... Love that photo!!
  9. Awwww, I love these additional photos you've added with that beautiful baby feathering up and just look at those Tail pin feathers. :-) Awesome job!!!
  10. Thats GreYt news TT!! These fids are expensive, aren't they? :-)
  11. Sheila gave many GreYt suggestions. Poor baby, it sounds like a lot of work in trying to treat this issue has been done. The only thing I can think of that isn't listed. Would be, is the Meyers Parrot flighted? Flight seems to help many behavioural issues go away over time. :-) But, with this deeply ingrained over many years, it will be very hard to stop. Karma to you for taking this Meyers Parrot in!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/04 15:23
  12. GorgASS wrote: That's a wonderful idea and it sounds like your Parents are really into taking excellent care of your Grey while your out on a nice vacation. Believe me, having the peace of mind that you Grey is being well taken care of will make your vacation that much better with out having to worry about your Grey. :-) Looking forward to seeing all those photos everyone in your family will be snapping. I'll bet the children will have some VERY INTERESTING ones. :-)
  13. rac3r wrote: Looking forward to hearing an update today on how the vet visit went and what they think the breathing issue is caused by. It COULD indicate many very serious illnesses in a Grey that would need proper treatment to potentially cure it. I wish you the best on this exam. :-)
  14. Hi David, Sheila is right, if no bleeding has continued, Shanti will be fine. How is He this morning?
  15. Do they have an estimate on how many were mistakenly released? One thing is for certain, those things will only go up in value over time, as all collectables do. :-)
  16. I hope Jasons surgery is successful and wish him well. I did send him a FaceBook friendship request to learn more details about him. Thanks for Posting this Azzie. :-)
  17. What a wonderful jesture by those in countries around the world. It just shows how a place like this brings so many people from countries around the world together. Thank you all for your well wishes. Davey - Another GreYt poem, although I think our Parrots will have combat Helmets on and be hunkered down in a bunker as all the BIG EXPLOSIONS start taking place. :-)
  18. Congratulations Dave!! I can see your buttons popping. :-)
  19. Awwww, what a beautiful baby sparrow. It's wonderful of you to be hand feeding him and nuturing to health. I love reading stories such as this. Hopefully he will be able to make it on his own in the wild. It may be hard without parents to teach him. :-) You may just end up getting him a cage and keeping him safe, happy and loved. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/03 21:14
  20. Congratulations tommy, Mellow loks like a wonderful B&G!! :-)
  21. Ha Ha Ha, love these funny photos from all!! :-):woohoo: :silly: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/03 17:01
  22. Hot Hot Hot here in Sunny California.... 102 ...was 109 last Sunday........
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