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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hi ricoarmenta, Dave is spot on as always on quarantine. Hopefully since your Grey will be around your Sun from a very young age he or she will accept him. Most Greys do not get along with other species very well. Greys flock only together. Other species such as Macaws, Conures ans Amazons flock with other species and are much more communal in nature. I have a Conure and a Grey. The Grey absolutely hates my Conure, yet the conure continually tries to get close (cautiously) to do some socializing. You just never know. It may or may not be a harmonious existence. If you leave them both flighted (Preferred) your conure wil always be able to get away from the Grey should an attack start to occur.
  2. Welcome Julia and flock!! Very cute photo of Voodoo. :-) The homecoming is very close and we'll be looking forward to hearing much more and seeing tons of photos and videos of him. :-)
  3. Welcome mi4dub and Casper!!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) He is a fine looking CAG and it sounds like a very well socialized Grey from the description of all the activities that took place on the first day. MOst are much more reserved than that. Thanks for posting the photos and looking forward to hearing much more about Casper and seeing more photos and videos. :-)
  4. Welcome Chelsea! It's GreYt having you here. Your Grey was about 6 weeks old in the 1st photo, thus 7 and the second. This is a VERY YOUNG grey and should not be having any millet or other such seed at such a young age. IN the nursery room (Where you posted this) there is a topic at the top on Formula feeding and on weaning. Please read this carefully. It is maddening to hear of breeder doing this to inexperienced and knowledgeable people buying a Parrot for the first time. Feeding formula to a young baby like yours is a very risky thing to be doing and you need to carefully read the information on it. It's good you have come to this forum and we will help you all we can through this. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-) You have a beautiful healthy looking baby there!!
  5. Thanks to everyone for your well wishes and prayers. Chloe came out of surgery late yesterday afternoon. AS all critters after being under, she was really out of it until early this morning. up and down, confused in pain etc. all night. The surgery went well and we won't have the lab work back on the tissue removed until Monday after next. I'll let you all know the results and we're praying for good news. :-) Here's our VERY NEEDFUL Princess with her new hat on. ;-) <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/11 21:28
  6. We introduced it to him very young at 16 weeks. I will not say he liked it and in fact a few good bites were received putting it on and taking it off as he grew older. We started out by just walking him around in the house with it for short periods, then moved outside to our backyard and then finally to public areas all over the place. We do avoid real busy and noisy places because it startles him too much. The key is not to make it too traumatic when first putting it on. Watch the video closely more than once and follow the instruction sand recommendations closely. If you make the harness a bad experience, it will be hard to get it on him again.
  7. Dayo for some reason loves to go pillage and burn Jake's Cage. Jake is getting upset about it and is starting to defend it as best he can...... I referee the battle. :-) edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/09 23:51
  8. I purchased a Medium, which is the recommended size for a CAG that weighs 400+ Grams. It fits my Grey just fine and has since we brought home weighing 430 grams. He now weighs ~ 475 and there is still adjustment should he gain more weight.
  9. The Aviator is by far the best harness in my opinion. I use it and many other members here do as well. They are completely secure and your bird will not escape unless you leave it too loose.
  10. It could just be feathers that are molting out that are being removed. Birds do preen each other like this. Keep a close eye on it though. Believe me, if feathers were literally being pulled out, a fight would be on.
  11. Q - Can I handle and love on my CAG? Should touching be kept to the head and neck area only or can I pet other parts (back, feet, wings, tail) or will this stimulate sexual behavior? A - Head and Neck are the main areas to give constant attention to when they want it. The other area's should be just short intervals and mainly to get your bird used to you touching them there, lifting their wings etc. Q - Can I feed warm foods on occasion (for example oatmeal from a spoon) to building the bond? A - Yes, they all love warm food. As far as building the bond closer, no, but trust yes. Q - Will he perceive me as mommy and choose another favorite person? A- This is never predictable. Q - I don’t know how I would feel if my bird chose another. I am the one that will be feeding, cleaning, playing with him (my husband and daughters have other interests). What is the best way to prevent this from happening? A - You can not prevent it from happening, if it is going to happen. Looking forward to hearing updates on this baby and seeing photos when you get them. :-)
  12. Very sad news. Please pass on that she is in my thoughts and prayers.
  13. caitb2007 wrote: Thats the only conclusion I can come to. Dayo only looks like that after he has been flying. Kinda like our muscles pumping up after a workout. :-)
  14. Took both of our Dobies in for shots and checkups today. The vet found a round nodule about the size of a pencil eraser in a fold of skin on Chloe's ear, did a quick test and it is cancerous. She will be going into surgery tomorrow morning at 830 to remove that nodule and an area about 1 1/2 in diameter extra removed around it to ensure they get and lose cells. The good news is the vet says he can cut some flaps from the skull area and somehow place them over the missing ear area he will be removing to make her ear still appear normal. They will let us know after the lab work is done on the cancer as to whether it is stage 1,2 or 3. They suspect 1 to 2 and we're hoping that also. If it turns out to be stage 3, meaning it has spread cells to other areas, then we'll have to see where it goes from there in terms of radiation therapy. Jesus, you just never know when your going to get a surprise you weren't expecting. Chloe: <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/09 21:18
  15. Tigerlily is going to have BIG FUN with that Atom once she gets used to it. :-) Thanks for posting this.
  16. Congratulations Rayyan and that is one beautiful looking baby grey you have there. It's GreYt to hear all is going so well. :-) Looking forward to lots of updates, photos and videos!!
  17. Welcome Robert!! It's GreYt having you here as well as Lauren and Taco. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  18. That all sounds GreYt!! You and pinky will certainly establish a relationship with that amount of time off to spend with him. :-) Thanks for the update and keep them coming.
  19. Tyco certainly has gotten right into the groove. :-) Wow, it didn't take long to start stripping your ceiling. That PVC will put a stop to that. I hope your feeling better today Pat. Thanks for sharing this photo.
  20. Hahahahahah - I love that video and have saved it as a fvaorite. Emma is doing GreYt at learning those lyrics. :-) Thanks for posting this and many more are now expected!!
  21. Very entertaining video!! The interaction between the Parrots and puppy is very cute. I also enjoyed watching the Patagonian take off with the cup and the Grey with the rubber ducky. :-) Thanks for posting this.
  22. Of course not, silly Rabbit. :-) Dayo is talking with many words slurred, sounding like a drunk Parrot after eating peanut butter from my sandwich. As he continues to chew the remaining peanut butter stuck in his beak, his speech improves correspondingly. He is sitting on Jake's (Conure) Cage after chasing him off.... Huge difference between a conure size and African grey cage when you see he can't walk through the top door without ducking. Notice the pumped up "2 Pack" breast muscles after flying around the house for 20 minutes. His breast is normally smooth, except after extended flying such as playing peek-a-boo running through the house after me. edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/09 00:24
  23. This is a good realistic topic Jooles. :-) One thing I must say though, is other critters are expensive to, if you take the proper care of them and provide them with the environment, toys, vet visits, diet etc. for them to thrive in. I spend more on the upkeep of my Dobermans, than on my Parrots and when I maintained huge Aquariums, I spent tons of money maintaining them and the fish properly. The point you are bringing up though is very important and most people do not give it a thought. All "Pets" are expensive if properly taken care of and they can all damage your home, items contained with in it and the yard as well. :-)
  24. Welcome LDHanson!! It's GreYt having you here and it's always wonderful to hear of someone taking in a rescue in need of TLC. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing the photos once you have it figured out. :-)
  25. Oh Jesus, i'm getting dizzy from the BLUrRy Vi$Ion ;-)
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