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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Absolutely Marvelous baby Grey. They are so cute when so young. Just look at that crop, what did you do, swallow a ball. ;-) Thanks for posting these photos. :-)
  2. Pat is right. The poop color and how solid it is depends on what they ate and how much water it contained or they drank. Sometimes Dayos Poop is very watery in the first morning poop. The color varies depending on what he ate. Yellow is eggs, dark brown to black can be meat, banana nut bread, red can be from strawberries or red pellets etc.
  3. Welcome dealrocker!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you as your adoption process moves forward. :-)
  4. LOL!! Judy all ready got me, now she'll know my real name is Fabio. B)
  5. Talon wrote: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: Uh Oh!!!! I never dream you guys were on Facebook. Damn, Ive been found. :woohoo: Well, if you guys already found my, send me a friendship request, if not. I'll now find you. :whistle:
  6. Chimay gave GreYt advice. The food coloring used to color the wood toys is completely safe.
  7. Yes, a younger Grey may be more trusting if raised around other critters. Still though, you may find your Dogs will not be friendly towards them. YOu just never know and can never fulling trust that relationship with out very close supervision. There are some very tragic stories of dogs and cats that had a very close relationship with a bird and one day just decided to bite them, which does not work well with a bird. It is normally life ending.
  8. Wish we had access to the real red palm nut here in the USA, but we don't. Fortunately though, the Red Palm Oil added to foods works great also. The improvement in those photos is amazing. It clearly illustrates how critical the diet for our FIDs makes a huge difference. Thanks for sharing this and Karma to you. :-)
  9. Yes, cherish every second of those baby days. They will be cherished for ever and missed when their gone. Gets lots of photos and videos to revisit those moments in the future. :-) It's GreYt to hear Rudy is doing so well under your loving care. :-)
  10. As the others have already commented, it is totally normal. :-) It also keeps the beak in a very sharpened state for better body piercings.
  11. Hi Jen - I do have a facebook account (which you know) but do not have one for Dayo. I also have a My Space page, but it is not solely for Dayo either. :-)
  12. It's wonderful that you rescue dogs. One word of caution though, as I am sure you know. Your bird can not be allowed any new rescues that are of unknown temperament. Your grey for the most part, I would suspect will be nature try to stay high and away from your dogs. Unless it has built-up a good relationship with a dog previously, which even then, must be monitored closely at all times.
  13. Welcome HollysFlock and Holly!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) The videos of Holly show that she has really taken to her new home and flock. The tree stand you made is wonderful, but I do need to let you know she wil soon snap those tie wraps. :-) I watched one video where she is using something to what appears to be scratching herself. She quite the well socialized Grey and is very fortunate to have found such a wonder forever home finally. Looking forward to hearing and seeing much more about Holly and of course you.
  14. GreYt Photos Roger!! Its wonderful to hear from you again. Congo is a beautiful Grey and looks like one heck of a character. :-) Thanks for posting these. :-)
  15. Now that is ridiculous. How in the world could you do such a thing to your trustful best friend in the world? ;-) GreYt story!! :-)
  16. What a GreYt video of Emma "Swing Dancing" to some good music. :-) I truly enjoyed watching her. Thanks for sharing this and karma to you.
  17. Biggles is too young to be hormonal. But he is definitely head over tail in love you you. :-)
  18. Very good news. It just goes to show no one should ever give up on their Grey deciding to one day let the rain come on in. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  19. You thought you could hide from tigerlily? I guess she taught you a thing or two. :-) Thanks for sharing the video.
  20. Very nice cage for outdoor activities. I am sure Ben will really enjoy that. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  21. Uh Er .......... I'm not gonna get more descriptive.... Ask your parents B)
  22. danmcq

    sweet milo!

    There is no doubt our greys "Feel" our emotions, just as our Dogs and other critters do as well. It's too bad most us humans have lost many of the more "In Touch with the world" senses we had just a few generations ago.
  23. SchroedersJen wrote: Hahahahahahahahha, OMG, wiping the tears from my eyes. Thanks for the BIG morning laugh Jen!!! {Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-good-0002006E}
  24. abula wrote: The cloacas is their vent, they "snogg" to make the babies. No snogging, no fertilized Egg (no baby).
  25. Very carefully... Well, simply put, The female bird unfans her tail, moves it to one side while the male climbs up onto her back or gets close to her. Their cloacas are pressed together and the sperm moves from the male to the female. This act is called a cloacal kiss...
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