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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Congratulations on Smokie opening up the old voice box!! I noticed your called him "It" now in your post. A little overwhelmed by IT, are we. Just kidding. I can see you are beaming with joy in your post. Which you sould be. You've done a GreYt job in making him feel at home and loved in his new home. :-)
  2. Those are nice photos you uploaded of Alexander to your profile. Did you you take him for a ride on that carousel? ;-) I'll bet he had a GreYt time there. :-)
  3. Welcome Roseilee63, Indy and rest of zoo!!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing lots more and seeing photos when you get a chance. :-)
  4. OK.... Just from my realm of software and hardware engineering.... Delphi Java Perl Solaris COBOL FORTRAN C# - C-Sharp Pascal Coder Quantum Static Script Dynamic Bits Bytes Ascii - Asky Pixel Port CPU Diode Buffer OpAmp Transistor Nand And Xor EEProm Giga Mega Milli Pico Henry - As in millihenry...Not King Henry ;-) Joules OHM Amp(s) Watt(s) Current O'Scope Spectrometer Multimeter Pulser Photocell Potentiometer Sonography Transducer CMOS - Sea Moss ;-) Ok, thats enough for know.........<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/12 21:53
  5. Happy half a Century Birthday Julie!!! I hope you have a GreYt one!! :-)
  6. rayyan wrote: No, it's not too young.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/12 16:26
  7. Probably nothing to worry about, as the others said. How is Whisper this morning?
  8. Congratulations Deb, thats wonderful!! :-)
  9. Never heard names with "Y's" are easier for them to pick up. Greys can vocalize anything. In my experience, they seldom use their own name. Our's does say his, but rarely. I am not certain of a "Techy Name Site". Their are of course several name sites for male, female and of course African names that you can ready the meaning of translated. Good luck in your quest for a name. :-)
  10. GreYt photos of your flock and pack! :-) Cute rubber ducky as well. ;-)
  11. Welcome KC and Flock!! Very nice introduction and photos of your greys. Karma to you for taking in a Grey in need of a loving forever home that can mend her back to full featherhood. Another common item used for raw spots as you described is Aloe Gel 100%. It is very soothing and non-toxic to your Grey incase they beak it or lick it. You'll find threads on using Aloe Juice and misting your Grey atleast 3x a week with it to keep the skin supple and non-itchy. Also, the use of Red Palm Oil and foods is pretty much a necessity for Greys since they eat large volumes of the Red Palm Nuts in the wild. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos and videos when you get a chance. :-)
  12. Welcome Diane, it's GreYt having you here! Your profile photos are very nice and those chicks are adorable. The homecoming is not far off and soon you'll have your new baby Grey. Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  13. Welcome Bob and Flock! I've enjoyed reading your other posts as well. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos. :-)
  14. Welcome Scotty and Alexander!! What a wonderful introduction and story of your life with your FIDs. I also have a Pak-o-bird carrier with stainless mesh and we take our Grey with us many places in it as well when the harness is not the best choice. Looking forward to hearing lots more and seeing some more photos and videos. Alexander sounds like quite a character and I would love to see those tricks you've taught him. :-)
  15. Your constantly changing schedule is tough, but your newly re-homed Grey will adjust to it as it becomes the "Norm" for your household. When they are just sitting, preening and watching a person work, yes they chatter, whistle and make sounds constantly unless they start drifting off to sleep. The important thing, is that you are spending 3 to 4 hours of quality time with your grey a day and building the relationship and some type of normalcy to what your Grey knows to expect. Granted there will be times you may not be able to give that much quality time, but it should be a constant in your Greys daily routine. Only you can truly answer the question of whether you can do this or not. If you decide you can not, the sooner that bird gets to a "Final" home, the better. It's great to hear you trying so hard to make this work. :-)
  16. danmcq


    Maybe you could come up with a way to befriend that beak bashing neighbor and get the opportunity to give them some pointers on caring for Greys in casual conversation. Obviously the Grey is still biting and they keep "Flicking" the beak and that just keeps the same old routine going and pisses the Grey off, as you know. This lady may have read or heard from some friend that "Beak Flicking" is the way to deal with biting. That type of information is all over the web and gets passed on by innocent and unknowing people thinking they are helping. In regards the disabled lady, Dave and Judy gave GreYt thoughts and ideas. I would like to add a few more. Perhaps you could befriend her also and offer some ideas to try. The food in the cage is a GreYt idea. How about mounting a perch with a small cup holder to her wheelchair. The Grey could roost on it and get it's favorite treat when the lady wishes to have him come down to her. Perhaps this would aide in changing his favored roosting spot a bit.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/12 15:12
  17. He's is a GreYt looking Grey Bob. Henry sounds like a very well mannered Grey that will just take some time to get used to his new home as others have already stated. Thanks for posting the photo. Looking forward to hearing updates on his progress and of course seeing more photos and videos. :-)
  18. GreyT photos!! They weren't there when I wrote my initial reply, I must type VERY SLOW.
  19. It's good to hear Chikki is doing well and getting back some of that weight. When Jake was gone 9 days, all he did was eat ravenously for over a week and he was weak. The others said it well, Chikki would rather be with you in a travel cage, than left with the breeders. :-)
  20. Greyt update on Sophie and I look forward to following this thread. :-)
  21. Yup, "Those People" are not invited over any longer... Their loss and our gain of time with the birds and other people that love birds and other critters.
  22. Oh, so sorry to hear of the condition of both your Cat and Grey. Hopefully being that your back at home with them, all will be right as Rain soon.
  23. Thats GreYt to hear. What an a smart Grey Kea is saying to be careful of the foot..LOL. :-) Man, your feet sound like they are in worse shape than Kea's. You should show it to her, maybe she will empathize with you. :-)
  24. I like it, I like it a lot!!! Looks like the same device I use for the seed sticks. Karma to you, it looks scrumptious!! :-)
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