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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Well Penny, just about any flighted bird will chew on things you don't want them to. As Sheila said, you must watch them like a hawk an be there the minute they arrive at a forbidden roost. I can not count the number of times I've had to remove Dayo from places that are off limits. It got to where he would have his foot up before I got there to step up. :-) Eventually it got to where I would just say NO! and just act like I was getting up and he would fly away. I know clipping would be the last option you would chose. It just might just Rikki's attitude in a bad way also..... as you stated.
  2. Parrots do not need pellets to be healthy. If you feed your Parrot a good diet with seed mix, nuts, veggies and fruits, along with either outdoor time or an Avian lamp for D3. They will do just fine. Remember, there are no pellet trees in the wild. The wild parrots do just fine eating their natural diets :-)
  3. katana600 wrote: Are you sleeping any longer? I know how exciting it gets, as I am certain all others here do also. :-)
  4. Awwww, congratulations on finding a new grey. :-) Looking forward to hearing how monday goes and seeing photos.
  5. danmcq


    CD's just don't work. The words just have no context or meaning to them. It is just background noise that is not important to your grey to communicate with it's flock, namely you. :-) Your Grey will pick up things from you as you use them in context when you are home off work hours and on weekends.
  6. danmcq


    That is GreYt progess at such a young age. YOu need to get this on video and share it. :-)
  7. LOL - I know and thank you. It is what nudged me to bring it back again. Thank You for reminding me!! :-)
  8. Resurrecting this thread. I believe it has been forgotten and we have many new members that may find just how intelligent that new Grey they brought is. A few things Dayo says in correct context... Wanting to chase our Conure Jake: - JAaaaAAaake, come here, come here Jake. - It's ok Jake, Yeeeaaah, come on, come on. After he has chased Jake - It's Ok, I'm sorry Dayo slips or loses balance on something - Whoops and sometimes Shoot! God Dangit! Dayo afraid as he approaches something - It's ok Dayo, it's ok. Breakfast time - Lets get some cereal, want some juice, lets make coffee Lunch - Lets make a sandwich, mmmmm peanut butter sandwich. Dog feeding time - Lets feed the dogs, come on Bentley, come on Chloe!! Whistles several times and calls them again. Now time for others to share more on this thread. :-)
  9. Wow! I am certain all will be well at home Jan. Please get some photos of this awesome trip!!! :-)
  10. danmcq

    dive bombing

    Congratulations on Molly's first word!!!
  11. Hahahah Good one Janet!!! Now, hot off the presses...... My Son at work this morning.......
  12. GreYt poem Davey!! I love Grey Days!! :-)
  13. It's good to hear you have found another vet to take a look at Tobie. I am looking forward to hearing what this new vet says regarding our precious Tobie.
  14. I am so happy to hear you found a vet that was so thorough in finding exactly what is wrong with Beau. It sounds like he is already on the way to recovery and doing mch better. Please keep us updated on this. :-)
  15. For eveyones information.... The oldest known "bird" Archaeopteryx by our definition: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/diapsids/birds/archaeopteryx.html <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/10/29 22:39
  16. particle77 wrote: Actually, it does not exist "Yet". It may in the future. I qoute: ""The ‘Holy Grail' is reconstructing the colors of feathered dinosaurs," said Yale graduate student and paper lead author Jakob Vinther. "We are working hard to determine if this will be possible."" All the points and comments brought out in this thread are truly informative and interesting. Thank you all for building on this topic. :-)
  17. GreYt Video of Emma! :-) I always enjoy watching her have a verbal conversation with you. Thanks for sharing it.
  18. Hahahahahahahahaa, oh man, what a laugh this gave me. :-) My Grey just eats with me quite a bit. If I'm eating something, it's ok by him. The first time I had a drumstick, he tried it out, found the bone and it was destroyed in short order. Most Greys love chicken bone marrow. Now I have to fight to keep the drumstick long enough to eat most the meat off before Dayo tries to wrestle it from me. :-)
  19. danmcq


    Spot on Dave, as always! :-)
  20. Actually, it just proves birds existed 40 million years ago (If you believe carbon dating accuracy). It is not a dino attached to that feather, it was a bird. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/10/29 21:00
  21. GreYt photo!! Emma and Pumpkin are a nice setting. :-)
  22. Nice video of Emma enjoying that pumpkin!! They do love to just tear them up, eat some and just have fun with them. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  23. I won't go into a creation versus evolution debate on this forum. I will only say, I did not evolve from an ape...... The imagery and imaginations we read and see in mock up animations are just the individuals fantasy. They have no idea what color these creatures were, if they had fur or feathers and no clue what they sounded like. They also do not have a clue of the intelligence. It is all just theory and speculation...... All I know, is if saw any of the prehistoric critters coming my way, I would run like hell.
  24. Congratulations!! Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
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