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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. GreYt power moves by Emma. I loved the upside "Can't touch this" move. Very sly Emma. You go girl! :-) Thanks for sharing this video.
  2. Welcome R2R. It's GreYt having you her. :-) Would love to see photos and hear more.
  3. Fly Ana Grey, Fly!!! Wooo Hooooo, what a good girl. She is really getting those wings beating hard and learning to turn well. GreYt Job! :-)
  4. GreYt Photos! They do love grapes!! :-) Thanks for sharing these.
  5. Very nice. You really must share your totally Fab interior decorator with us now!!! Great photos! :-)
  6. Wow, very nice playstand and it has plenty of wonderful toys to keep them all entertained. Well, except for those that presently think it's an evil monster. That will pass with a little time to get used to it. :-)
  7. Awwwww, Nilah is sych a sweetheart, yet so bold. :-) GreYt photos and that dinner looks good. Who could resist a plate like that? Thanks for the photo update. :-)
  8. What a GreYt job you have done in getting the flock to become a flock that respects each other and their respective space. You need to have Melissa take photo of all hanging out with you. :-) You must post photos of your latest home decor. I am positive it will start the latest fad. Millions of people all around the world will soon have stuffed birdies hanging everywhere. Thanks for the update Penny!
  9. Most parrots and birds do not have saliva. You can observe birds from all walks of life dipping items in water. Pellets are VERY dry and if they don't dip them in water, you will see them drinking water almost immediately afterwards. It would be similar to having a mouth full of dry sand to us, to put it in perspective. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/11/14 19:07
  10. I think enough comments have been made on this thread, that it has become redundant many times over. Each individual has their own opinion on this topic. I think it's time to just agree to disagree. Each side can find supporters and foes. :-)
  11. GreYt video of Emma and very entertaining! Between watching Emma, cranking up the sound system and dancing up a storm. I think I just woke the whole house up. Couldn't help though, "Youuuuuu, Youuuuuu, Youuuuuu"...Boom Ba Boom Ba Boom Uh Huh Uh Huh Uh Huh. Oh, please give the dice to poor Emma. She is desperately trying to get them loose due to a Crap Shoot Date she has back in the alley and needs them!!!! Word Up!!! :-)
  12. Congratulations Jill and I must say well deserved. :-) Always here putting smiles on our faces and sometimes some good belly laughs. I don't know how you find the time between your Grey and booze, but I'm glad you do.
  13. Never heard that one before. :-) Sounds like someone making the whoosing "I Tired" sound. Anybody body there make that sound? Now that I think about it. I last remember hearing that from Tui on youtube when his owner asked if he was tired from working hard.
  14. LOL! Well, I am not certain what type out latches you have for your feeder doors. But, Mine are round metal pieces that you just twirl up to open the bowl holder and then close the holder and let it drop. I have once or twice let it drop Before I get the holder completely closed and don't notice it. Dayo does and he is out flying in 10 seconds...... I have learned to focus all my attention to properly closing and latching those doors since then. It's really a pain if you have gone through hell to get them in the cage and then BAM "I'm BaaaAAack!" nightmare of wondering - Now how the heck am I going to get him back in there?
  15. Awwwww, congratulations Marlene! :-)
  16. I sing like crap, but Dayo listens and has started singing the song I have sang to him for 2 years... DaaaaaaaYo, DaaaAaAaAaaAAAAYo, Daylight come and me wana home.....Daaa Da Da Daaa Da da DaaaAaAaAAAaaaYo... So keep on singing and he'll make it sound good by hitting the notes better Course, I guess because of my low voice, sometimes on the low DaaaAaAayo at the end he starts it and then it turns into a low growl. :ohmy:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/11/12 21:18
  17. I sing like carp, but Dayo listens and has started singing the song I have sang to him for 2 years... DaaaaaaaYo, DaaaAaAaAaaAAAAYo, Daylight come and me wana home.....Daaa Da Da Daaa Da da DaaaAaAaAAAaaaYo... So keep on singing and he'll make it sound good by hitting the notes better Course, I guess because of my low voice, sometimes on the low DaaaAaAayo at the end he starts it and then it turns into a low growl. :ohmy:
  18. It is common for them to go through various conversations, sounds and phases in time periods as you are describing. My Grey does the same when just sitting and were not interacting with him. In fact, sometimes it irritates him if one of us start trying to break into his personal trinitarian conversation he is carrying on between me, myself and I. :-) I does show that she is becoming very comfortable in her surroundings.
  19. JillyBeanz wrote: Jill - You haven't caught on to the fact, that the reason we stay here after becoming "Know it All's", is to laugh at others raising a young Grey for the first time? It's hilarious and keeps us all laughing and PMing each other in the background 24 - 7. :P :P :P :P :P :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  20. Awww, what a cuddle muffin he has. You are indeed blessed!! Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos. :-)
  21. Congratulations on re-homing a Grey and kudos to you for doing so. :-) What a wonderful update on him. He sounds like he is enjoying the new home and flock. It would not hurt anything just to leave his cage door open when your in eye contact and he will eventually venture out on his own as he is already showing interest in what your doing and where you are. Apples and grapes are fine, just in small quantities. They do love them and you can use them as rewards also. It sounds like you are providing him with a wonderful diet of items he has not experienced previously and he's enjoying it immensely. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing those photos.
  22. Hooray for Dixie and your healthing powers aiding Beau!! It does indeed sound like Beau is recovering nicely and learning from dixie the world outside the cage has many enjoyable things to offer. :-)
  23. Very cool and original Tree stand!! Your right Dee, he is feeling safe and secure. They do nap during the day when that young. Keep the updates and photos coming!! :-)
  24. LOL....Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha......errrr I mean really sorry to hear about you phone button Jill. Believe me, nothing is safe...... I bought a new remote for our HD TV due to GKids leaving it where dogs got a hold of it.......Got new one, laid it on the coffee table and before you could say Dayo NooooOooOooOooOOoo.... a button was gone! Wifey was NOT impressed. Course I wasn't either, but I can tell you it can happen in the blink of an eye. I won't go into ALL the OTHER things that Dayo has left a signature on.......:whistle:
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