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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I know exactly what you mean in regards shirts, especially if they have buttons. When getting home from work, the first thing that gets changed is the shirt.... :cool:
  2. And..... Your sticking to it. Interesting thread this just may become!
  3. Oh come now Jilly, Harvey is just as smart as any other Grey. He still an infant for st. pete's sake! I love the term Howay! :-)
  4. The molting process you describe is normal. Your Grey will either pull that broken feather out or it will drop out on it's own sense it is already loose from your description. Our birds are the Gurus of feather care. :-) The primaries that already molted out, are already growing back in as this is being answered. It took my Grey about 2 years for the complete molt cycling of all primaries. Each bird is different and it also depends on if a primary becomes damaged. If it does, it will molt out in short order and be replaced with a new feather.
  5. GreYt news. I guess I missed the post of finding Yoshi!!! Thats the biggest danger of a clipped bird..... they can fly when spooked. Tough learning lesson.
  6. Very concerning news on Yoshi. Prayers for Paul and Yoshi for a quick uniting. Please keep this thread update with news.
  7. Well Lyn, I'm 3 in 5 more days and I sometimes forget I have built up a little more vocabulary since then. :cool::confused: Did you want me use goo-goo gaa-gaas and a chirp here and there?
  8. Yes, you can if your drive accepts the smaller dvd size. I am assuming that it has a mini dvd for recording? If you push the button and open the drive you should see a small circle in the middle the size of the mini dvd to place it in.
  9. Hi Logan. I just saw this second entry of your introduction. Jay asked and gave some great comments regarding the safe keeping of a Parrot. If you have not already done so, please look at the food s room stickies for safe foods for your Grey and also all the poisons contained in foods, cookware, aerosols, candles, air fresheners etc. This is a huge responsibility and a ton of quick learning you are going to need to do to ensure Ki is well taken care of and happy. A Parrot is a very intelligent and complex creature that is very sensitive to it's environment and flock. Birds are different than dogs. They flock together and their is no pack leader. They are all viewed as individuals and work together as equals. You piss one off and your will get chased off or bitten if you don't pay attention. :-) Ask all the question you wish and please review all the topics, especially the stickies in the food, rescue, health etc. rooms. There is tons of important information you must become very familiar with and use. Looking forward to your questions and comments. I assume you have Ki at home today? If so, how is it going?
  10. When you plug it in to the USB port, your computer will automatically detect it when you turn the camera on and pop-up a window with choices of what you wish to do. Your video camera may have even come with a cd and software for saving and editing videos. But, when you see the pop-up window, select the video you wish to save and it will by default show you folder locations under your user name\documents\pictures or videos. Then you can make a new folder and name it if you wish and save the video in that folder. YOu will then be able to find it easily the next time you wish to add another video or upload it to the web.
  11. Welcome to our Flock Logan & Ki!!! It's always wonderful to hear from a person that has taken in a older Grey in need of a new loving home to care for them hopefully for the rest of their lives. I can only imagine the shock Ki is experiencing right now and the thoughts taking place in that brilliant mind of that Grey. Is it possible that you can get information on Ki from the previous owners on Ki's routines, diet, cage out time, how he was interacted with etc.? I would imagine someone having Ki for that long has big big hole in their heart as well. That is my biggest concern for my Grey in knowing that he will out live both me and my wife for at least 2 or 3 decades and probably need a new loving home when he is around 20 (If we live that long). You've come to the right place for GreYt advice from very experienced Grey owners, breeders and rescuers. Looking forward to hearing all your questions and sharing of your experiences and photos when you get a chance.
  12. Ray - It's great to see you are taking this all in and weighing out the pros and cons. I know your heart is telling you to help Mango and that is one of the strongest tugs we all experience. Just keep thinking things through as you are doing. One note on any critter and young children. Children are unpredictable and so are our pets, no matter what a cuddle muffin they are. I have had Dobermans many years and most are very gentle. One of my very young (5 year old) grandchildren ran over and grabbed\hugged "Blade" as he was sleeping on the couch. That quick nip from Blade as a warning took 6 stitches in the cheek on one side a 2 stitches on the other side from the fangs. You just never know what may happen. Also, this dog would run around with these grand kids, let them pull his ears, lay across his back, chase him and he would run as if they were a threat is sheer glee having big fun with them. This damaged our relationship with our grandchildrens mother and in-laws for a long time, even though it was not the dogs fault, he was blamed and was put to sleep as a "Viscous" dog. This is because it was a face bite, regardless of the circumstances. It broke our hearts to see that love muffin put to sleep for simply being startled and reacting while half a sleep. It also broke our hearts because the second loss was of not being able to see our grandchildren for a while and being accused of not being responsible pet owners by the in-laws. It took 3 years for this nightmare to blow over.... Most of here have a ton of experience and can answer all your questions from that experience which will hopefully help you out in the future. :-)
  13. Penny - Your Video Camera should have a USB cable it should have come with that you could plug into your laptop or PC and then save the video to on your hard drive. Also, reading the manual helps...I'm guilty of not reading them myself unless I have to. The truth is, in all species, some talk, some don't. We all know that if they chose to speak or not, does not mean they are not as highly intelligent as the next. They just communicate in different ways and if we humans are so intelligent, we can read a ton from the signals they send us constantly. After finding that Budgie that spoke over 1700 words, I was dumb founded. It is obvious the little guy was just rambling off all these like a tape recorder, but it was still impressive. I found a forum with an author that has owned a Macaw for over 17 years and has written a book on Speech in Parrots. His Macaw has a vocabulary of ~4000 words at this point and uses them in correct context. He is a very interesting man to converse with. He studies the sound bites and looks at the segmentation of speech. He is certain that most of us Parrot owners are not picking up the ton of information our much loved birds are communicating to us. He has spent the last 17 years doing exactly that with his Macaw and his research is amazing. Penny - Thanks for bring up the abilities of species other than Greys. There is no doubt they have as much going on in those minds as our Greys. :-)
  14. Thanks Jan. I guess I should give a little background on this video and the Crow obsession. WE have had a pair of Crows nesting about 75 feet away from our house atop a ~ 100 foot tall pine tree. The weather was great here last weekend and both birds were outside Saturday and Sunday. The Crows of course are actively flying back and forth to the nest to care for the eggs or perhaps young chicks and Dayo was both disturbed and fascinated by them. So I started asking him if he see's a Crow. The little heel nippers next door were out barking as well and I was telling him it' ok, the doggies next door can't get him Then, there are also many bird species nesting all around us, Blue Jays, Mocking birds, Sparrows etc. With so much activity, I just lump them all in to "See a birdy?" Now, in the video he is on top of the fridge and is looking out the kitchen window across our backyard and seeing all the activity I just described. Thus all his vocalizing of what was on his mind.
  15. Jan - I love that story of how Toby inserted a correct word, that put emphasis on what he wanted. The others stories of a glimpse in to the mental processes of their parrots, shows high intelligence as well. If we assusme all the data is correct in stating a mental comprehension level equal to that of a 5 or 6 year old child. Then I believe we will all be continually surprised and amazed by what our avian friends are telling us. The hardest part for me, is trying to decide if Dayo is just "Talking" or if during some of those say 5 minute sessions there is an actual statement or request. An example of this would be whistling and saying random things, then you hear "drink of water". Does he perhaps want one? Ive been at home this week taking care of Kim after she broke her ankle and had surgery. During this time I have had plenty of research time and found some great forums on cognitive abilities. It is believed by most, that our parrots are communicating a ton to us and we are missing it. Now, this is driving me CrAzY.
  16. Jesus, Parrots are so damn demanding!! OK, I was getting tired of having to find this thread to update it anyway, I guess I should. :-) Thanks for the recommendation!
  17. Dave - You've got to get a video of Gabi doing that!!! :-)
  18. Welcome Ray! To answer your questions specifically and especially in regards to one comment by the pet shop owner: 1. Greys do require attention and as much as you can give them, then they will still want more. 2. A Grey will bite, regardless of age, but the older they are, the more they will bite, if they do not want to do what your asking, like a step up. 3. You can not trust any parrot or even a dog for that matter around a young child and especially not an infant. Either the Parrot or the young child could do serious damage to the other. It will always take constant and close monitoring. A couple of things to consider based on your place in life right now. A 2 year old child takes a lot of attention, an infant even more and 24/7 the first months. You may want to put off getting something as needful of attention and time wise like a Parrot for a few years down the road. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  19. Congratulations Robin! What a wonderful feeling it is to hear that first word. :-) Thanks for sharing this GreYt occasion with us.
  20. GreYt thread! Most people don't think about the life the critters live. They only think about how and where that "Token" pet should be.... Then if outside doesn't work either, they end up in pounds, dropped in the country or rescues....
  21. GreYt post Dave... It's stick-a-fied. :-)
  22. LOL Jay. Spock will develop his own voice fashioned after whom he believes to be the most wise to duplicate. I think it would be cool if he would duplicate the real Spock Seniors voice...of the original Star Trek.... Maybe start playing those re-runs....
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