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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. The good progress continues. Thanks for this latest update and looking forward to the weekly update.
  2. danmcq


    Cute, is that carrot smashed on his beak.? Thanks for sharing this.
  3. Thats wonderful news and it sounds like Loki is back on track. Thanks for the daily updates!
  4. I love these videos of many different birds in flight. There are many stills, a few videos and beautiful sound track It's time for some calm around here. We need to reflect on who we are, why we are here and what we wish to do to make this forum as we share our unique lives with others sharing similar interests in parrots, their care and well being. I hope you all find inspiration in these: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xc4ktr_avian-encounters-ii_animals http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xdgvdq_avian-encounters-iii-2-minute-trail_animals
  5. What a bell smacking grey emma is. It was entertaining watching this video. Thanks for sharing it.
  6. Even with babies, they do not necessarily get along. While visiting my breeders house during the 10 weeks before we could bring our Grey home. There were also babies about the same age of Macaws, Cherry heads and sun conures. The larger birds would always chase the smaller birds off after putting up with them for perhaps 30 seconds in close proximity. The smallest (Conures) of course were ran off from each group they would get close to. For the most part, when all were out together, they would huddle up in there respective species group. Once they were fledging, only groups of each species were let out one at a time as a group, while the others remained caged..
  7. Dave is our resident expert on questions such as this. I am of the same opinion he gave. BTW - Welcome to our forum. We have many people here that have multiple birds, myself included. Do you you have or have you previously ever had a parrot? Each have a distinct personality and many will not get along very well with other species. Greys for example flock only with other Greys. Macaws, Amazons and Conures will co-habitat with other species, but even that is at limited times, not constantly. A large parrot such as a Blue and Gold, Green wing, Scarlet etc. an be very daunting to a new parrot owner. Tyring to house two at the same time for a beginner is even more of a challenge with thrice fold things you need to learn and quickly. I am looking forward to hearing more from you.
  8. I'm with Penny on this. WE need to understand each person has very strong emotional feelings tied to things such as this thread is about. I served in the heat of the Vietnam war and signed up willingly. However, I do not truly know how my parents felt (Father served in WWII) at the time. With that said, I agree with both sides of the issue that came up in regards well wishes to our and other lands troops, wherever they are. WE all wish them well, consider them heroes and respect what they are doing while putting their lives on the line each day. Whether this war is politically correct or not, are the joint allies are in it (for the most part) and the ultimate goal is to help free Afghanistan from the cruel, inhumane and threat this radical group of Taliban are to them and the world. Again, I respect each persons opinions and heart felt emotions regarding this. Peace to you all and best wishes to those with family in the service, that were in the service and those that have none in the service, but we all enjoy the freedom from these joint allies, there families that have sacrificed and those that are giving the ultimate sacrifice of their very lives to do so. Each and everyone of you has my support in your own personal feelings.
  9. I read the reviews and visited the authors website some time ago. Based on what I read, I opted to not purchase it at that time. I will look forward to hearing your review of it and if your opinion is it is a good read for all parrot owners. Thanks for sharing this.
  10. Mmmmm Mmmmm, now thats fine dining at it's best! Cute photos and thanks for sharing them.
  11. GreYt videos of Shanti David. One bi-lingual grey, definitely one sharpy!!! Thanks for sharing these.
  12. Congratulations on the first words!! Need to see two videos: 1. Of you doing the Snoopy dance. 2. Of the countering clearing. :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p Thanks for sharing this.
  13. This person is inspiring and doing a wonderful work for many birds in need. I love her philosophy of mentoring young people of the upcoming generation. Web page and webcams linkk: http://pandemoniumaviaries.org/section.php?spkey=31
  14. Thats wonderful news and congratulations on the little red buds popping out. That is so cute to watch the little red line start appearing. Thanks for the continued updates here. Now, I want to see a photo of the little red buds.
  15. Great reaction and thoughts on how to relieve the stress our birds experience when an alarming situation like this takes place. Thanks for sharing your actions in what you did to keep your birds safe, clear the air and then putting on some Reggae and changing the atmosphere to one of joy and fun.
  16. Awwwww, now that is a FULL crop and a cute photo! Congratulations!!!! Thanks for sharing this.
  17. danmcq


    What a beautiful boy Jackson is. Dayo say's he would like to come over and help play with all those toys.
  18. danmcq


    Welcome Sarah and Bridget! What a cutie she is. Looking forward to hearing more from you!
  19. That is VERY GOOD news!!! Please keep us updated.
  20. Does it just look like an ant or is it infact an ant? YOu need to find the way those pests are getting in and put down a bird safe poison to keep them out.
  21. What a sad, yet meaningful story of those tattoo's. Thanks for sharing this with us.
  22. Our forum family members here are certainly special and have tons of compassion and love for all birds and owners. Thanks for starting this thread.
  23. Welcome JacksMum and congratulations!!! I am shocked the breeder clipped those wings at such a young age < 8 weeks. They really need at least a little fledging time to build those flight neural networks and coordination. But, perhaps those primaries will still grow enough (If it was a long clip) that your grey will still be able to fly short bursts. Are you able to visit the breeders and spend time with your baby grey? If so, I would sure love to see those cute photos. Looking forward to hearing more.
  24. Great responses Jay! I was wondering about the vet as well and why no tests were run etc. I hope and pray Loki's crop stasis or slow crop issue (normally one of these fall under the generic sour crop label) is resolved by applying all you suggested Jay and that it is not a more serious illness that needs attention.
  25. That is cute and interesting behavior. Do you happen to have any access to the previous owners to see what Chili may have been used to when being cage at night-night time? The reason I ask, is many have "rituals" at certain times. An example would be, when we place our grey in the cage at night, my wife goes and fills a bowl with hot water. While she is doing that, he comes and sticks his beak through the bars for me to rub and tell him I love him, make big kissy sounds etc. Then, he will eagerly pace back and forth until my wife arrives with the hot water, which he gulps down, then steps back, fluffs up and is ready to be covered and go to sleep grinding his beak.
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