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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Tigerlilley - That is soooooo CUTE! I iwsh you could somehow get a video of that! Cheyenness - Veru cute, would love to see a video of that as well. Thanks for sharing these.
  2. They normally chose one person they interact with on the upclose and cuddle "chosen one" level, your that person. All others in the flock, such as your Mom are certainly a part of the flock and interacted with on the flock level. Members of the flock will be interacted with closely and friendly, but not cuddles. Other people visiting, if you have socialized your grey with a lot of people, will be at a level as people of other flocks visiting and not be treated as personal as your mother. The will be viewed more cautiously.
  3. I know all you Grey owners out there, must have some interesting stories to tell, new photos or videos of your Greys and other birds. Let hear or see them!!! I'll start.... Dayo has started experimenting with words by changing them, much like a child. I believe he is going through the "Italian" phase. He loves rigatoni, ravioli, spaghetti ....you get the Italian drift. So now, foods he wants are starting to be pronounced as lets get some Cerealooooeee, appleooooeeee, grapeoooeeee....... Oh and one BIGGY, not Italian. He said "Daddy" for the first time on Thursday. Even if it was in a phrase related to blood "No bite Daddy"...... Why couldn't it have been "I miss Daddy" or "I love Daddy"???? :confused::confused::p Now, lets hear and see some of whats happening in your home. Spock started this, now lets all continue the ROLL!!!
  4. As Spock said, your hours are fine. They nap on and off suring the day as well.
  5. Birds are funny eaters. Just keep trying each day and offering thos veggies as all the others suggested. It's ok to leave them in the cage or out if your grey is out. Many times they will just pick at various items out of curiousity to see what texture and taste they have. It does take time as others have said. I know it may seem wasteful, but prepare them each day and have them out for your grey.
  6. LOL!!! Spock was just trying to "Phone Home". What a zoo! They are hilarious and brats at the same time. Thanks for sharing this.
  7. Thanks for postng this. It's 3am here, up due to pressing work to get done, too many software release projects and low on resources. But, this is a topic I have strong feelings about and they are towards the advent of these large petstore chains that popped up all over the country in almost every city. I drives me nuts, seeing how the different critters on put on display in little 1 foot by one plastic display shelve containers, get little interaction other than people wlking by, tapping on the glass and harassing the critters. I know the people don't think they are harassing them, but they are and scaring the hell out of them. The stores hire cheap people with little or no knowledge and thus the critters do not get the true care and interactions they need to be a truly healthy happy pet that an individual breeder provides to individuals and many asses the individual before letting their much loved and raised baby critter. The petstores don't care and sell them to any moron with the money. The mega stores have resulted in these puppy, cat, bird etc. mills that house babies by the thousands in bad conditions, disease prevalent and miss-treated critters. I hope more cities pass laws like this and stop that cycle and cause the mills to go broke. The stores can just keep selling food and care products and make huge profits. I miss the days that a city may have one or two little petshops owned by caring people that take pride in caring for the critters they have, interact with them and help the people that are interested in them, assist them on how to care for them and yes, take them back if the pet was more than the people could handle. This has almost disappeared across america. Thats all I'm gonna write now, but could produce volumes if I wasn't so pressed for time. Anyway, I hope that city ordinance passes and other cities start following suite.......
  8. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Thanks or sharing that.
  9. I think so too and you have received great comments from all the others.
  10. Still Shelter FOUND: CA, Ventura, African Grey, Apr 27.10 Posted by: "DShore" DShore dshore95 Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:24 am (PDT) *found* Female AFRICAN GREY Parrot DoveGrey/WhtFace/ ScarletTail 4/27 (Ventura*pic* County Animal Services) Date: 2010-06-09, 6:05PM PDT Reply to: see below AFRICAN GREY - ID#A492811 African grey is an unaltered female, gray and red Parrot. IF THIS IS YOUR ANIMAL, PLEASE CALL THE SHELTER IMMEDIATELY AT (805) 388-4341. I have been at the shelter since Apr 27, 2010. For more information about this animal, call: Ventura County Animal Services at 805-388-4341 Ask for information about animal ID number A492811
  11. Awwww, they are so cute when that young. Beautiful baby and thanks for the photos and video!
  12. It sounds like your on the right track in analysing everything and having patience while doing so. Thanks for the update.
  13. Very interesting results. Thanks for posting this update on Tigerlilly. My Grey Dayo, eats a very well rounded diet, lots of veggies, some harrisons pellets ( maybe 6 or 7 a day) , nuts and seeds. Now, I am think about having a vet check as well. It's been about a year now anyway.
  14. Great deductive reasoning on figuring out what it was. Some Greys are very sensitive to the slightest change. I knew a lady a few years ago, that simply moved a throw rug 3 inches and the grey acted like some major change in living environment had taken place. She moved it back, the clouds parted, the sunshined and the angels sang. All was good in that Greys eyes once again.
  15. It is completely possible the store owners are being truthful with you. The reason I say this is, getting put in a strange cage, strange surroundings, strange birds next to him (Perhaps) strange toys (If any were in the cage), strange sounds, strange people trying to open and place food in his cage etc. Then on top of that, not out of cage time and no idea where his flock went. Could very well cause the attitude and the nose spots worn bare as you indicate. I have seen birds do this before, even ,mine if there was some reason they kept jamming their beak and face as far as they could through cage bars or even a toy with holes in it. Did you just bring you bird home today? How is he eating now and did you get a weight on him?
  16. Poesje - One other avenue you might wish to explore in learning about parrots and perhaps getting an parrot in need at a VERY affordable price. Would be to offer to volunteer at a Parrot rescue with in driving range of your area. It is a very rewarding experience and you get top notch advice and experience in dealing with every type of parrot and sometimes non-parrots that exist.
  17. Welcome and congratulations Lori! Very nice introduction and I know what you mean about psending $$$ to get the baby room, I mean cage ready. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  18. Thanks for the update while you are intensely occupied with your first coding project. When the time or attention they get is lessened, they really do become much more needful during the time they spend with you. Especially when they are young. You description is one of a very cute and loving bird. Thanks for sharing this.
  19. LOL! That would be a shock. Emma is just getting too smart. She probably spent some time with a few birds from the slammer that taught her some survival skills while out on her jaunt. A chain and padlock will solve that until you get your new cage.
  20. Jay asked good questions and gave good advice. How long have you had him? How old is he?
  21. danmcq

    Sad yet Good!

    And........ the same lack of compasion should be returned to these poachers! Off with their heads in my book!!! Then they could no longer just go back and do it all over again......
  22. Loved it! he is on his way to stardom!! Thanks for sharing this, I completely enjoyed it.
  23. I would reccomend as the others. The two should never be housed in the same room or ever have a chance to meet accidentally. The bird is just a snack to a snake. The snakes also carry bacteria that would be fatal to your Grey should it somehow come in contact with it.
  24. Jane gave excellent comments and ideas on this screaming issue. There is nothing I can think of too add, other than the patience of the Biblical "Job" will be required. Hang in there and try the things that worked for Jane.
  25. Sorry to hear of your loss. You have my condolences.
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