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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome to the forum. It's GreYt having you here and thanks for the introduction of you and your flock. There is a ton of information here in our different rooms that you may find interesting and helpful. Since you are limited to food selection locally for your Flock, I can only assume you purchase many items from the internet and do a lot of grocery shopping to make good foods for them. I look forward to hearing more ans seeing photos of your flock when you get a chance. WE love hearing stories of other greys and their mixed flocks.
  2. Hahahahahahahahahahaha, GreYt stories!!! Thanks for sharing them.
  3. Welcome to the forum. They are chatty at times. Once he becomes attached to you, you will hear him call for you in many different vocalizations when out of sight. They cannot stand to be out of sight of the flock. Other than that, they have their chatty times once or twice a day and the rest they are quite as a mouse. In regards showers or baths or misting, you will need to see which Marvin seems to put up with the best.
  4. Unfortunately, as others said, this is a reality we all face each time we happen to go to a pet store that has a Parrot. The store probably purchased it off of a complete moron that just wanted to get rid of their Grey that looked so ugly. They never imagined, they probably caused the plucking to start..... For those that have a grey and it just started plucking regardless of the loving and GreYt care you have given, I am not speaking about you. We could each and every one of us have this happen at some point in time. I know I fret every time I see a feather that appears to have been barbered.
  5. LOL! What we do to accommodate our Parrots.
  6. Oh Boy, has she at least let the guy go over and see the grey? I hope your grey is fond soon and they contact you. One thought from a previous escape and how it was found in a large city with tall buildings. That persons grey started interacting with people on the ground for food and one shop owner was able to get a step-up and took him in. The shop owner did not notify anyone or place an ad online or in papers. The greys owner found him bey canvasing the area's shops and someone that work there told him of the owner or employee that had found a bird. he pursued it and found it was his grey at which point he retrieved it. Just food for thought.
  7. danmcq

    Picky Eater

    They are picky and will always eat their favorites, which the list above is very yummy, but most have almost zero vitamin or mineral content.. Cut down the quantities and frequency you offer of fruit. He needs calcium sources and vitamin A sources. The reason I focus on just these two out of the many other important ones, is because they are the primary deficiencies seen in greys and will result in health issues. Start offering green leafy veggies like Dandelion, Kale etc. also carrots, yams etc. raw, boiled, nuked etc. and cut in different sizes to see which he prefers and starts eating the most of. Many will eat them more readily cooked and still warm quicker then stone cold. It takes time, but they will start eating them if you take away or greatly lessen the sweet fruits they all love.
  8. Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Thats way too funny. On a serious note, dump the hat and either stop shaving your head or purchase a wig.
  9. Thanks for your observations and it's GreYt to see you back. You have been missed!!! I would love to hear an update with photos on Hawkin's. I will add one more item to your list and hopefully others will as well. 11. Whats mine is mine, whats yours is mine, if I see it.. it's mine and if I think about it.. it's mine. Any objection to this, will result in a battle.
  10. GreYt observations! They are wired to learn from the parents and flock. In regards changes in their acceptance of them, you are spot on. We just removed a 6 foot tall brass standing tulip lamp from our living room that Dayo would sit on late evenings and watch movies while preening. Last night he kept flying to that location several times and circling as if he thought somehow it was still there and he was just not seeing it. I am interested to see if he still displays that same behavior tonight. It surprised me that he kept flying there after he knew (I thought) that it was no longer there. The others have all given great comments in getting your grey used to living in our world and how to play and keep itself entertained. They watch us intently and learn from everything we do and say.
  11. Nice photo of Timmy and looking forward to the video. Most are very camera shy, but after you use it a thousand times, they tend to not be so shy of it.
  12. Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha, they do pick up on words and phrases we use with high anxiety tied to them. What the hells wrong with "What the Hell!"? That is mild and not a curse word at all in my vast verbal repository of high anxiety exclamations. It did me a while to change a phrase a used to use regularly the first time Dayo popped out with it when something went wrong like throwing a toy to the floor in a rage. I was replaced with "Shoot, God Dang it!", which he uses regularly in attacking and killing a large bell he loves to fight with.
  13. Well thats worth the cost in and of itself. GreYt to hear that behavior has stopped.
  14. Thanks for the update. It sounds like you are both having a great time and you are learning about some of the dynamics in dealing with a grey one on one. YOu certainly do need to keep an eye on them when cleaning their cages and they are in them. Thats their home you are messing with.
  15. Very close call. It is great to hear she was just chilling and playing and you were able to retrieve her. Having them familiar with the outside surroundings of your home and area is a very good thing to do. However, as pointed out, if they are startled and flee, they will normally end up in unfamiliar surroundings and not be able to find their way back. You do set a good example by always ensuring Cocoa is on a harness, no matter how much you trust her. She is still very young with a ton to learn before being able to free flight and trust that she will return and is used to all the experiences of being in an unpredictable world of the outdoors.
  16. Welcome Carol and Ruby, it's GreYt having you here. Thanks for the wonderful introduction.
  17. Don't forget to post on Craigs list for your area as well and 911 parrots. All here have given great advice and I hope you have a speedy return of your much loved grey. A reward is also a good incentive so if someone does find him, if they see the reward they may consider contacting you rather than keeping the cute bird.
  18. Dayo is a permanent shoulder attachment. He will give a little nip (Pinch)every so often if angry, but you learn to read their moods and also come to know what they are upto by the slightest shift in weight you feel in their Talons. I just bite him back giving proper birdy body language feedback when he nips. Just kidding!
  19. LOL! Well since they can live 60 years, 1 to 1. Some die younger or older just like us humans in years. :-)
  20. At 16 weeks, they are pretty much fully grown and at their full growth. As Judy mentioned, when they fledge, they reduce food intake to lighten up and make flight easier, by natural instinct. When taking weights, it best best to do it first thing in the morning after their big bomb. This will give you consistency in your weights to track. Also, the weight range for CAGs is between 400 to 650 grams. TAGs run from 275 to 375.
  21. The Lumichrome setup I described building is by far the best way to go. The second best way to go is using the Avian Sun, which is not "just" full spectrum lighting. It includes the spectrum's your birds need i.e, UVA and UVB. Many use this in homes or apartments where they cannot damage the walls or ceilings by placing holes in them for mounting items.
  22. All - f you remember, I contacted Irene in regards this the first time this producer posted. her response was that they had contacted her, but there was no guarantees a movie would ever be produced and that she was some what taken back by there marketing efforts to get funds from parrot lovers on many forums and facebook. If anyone one wishes to contribute for the hopes of perhaps seeing a movie come to fruition, thats fine. But basically the money is going to the "Staff" and there is no guarantee a movie will ever happen.... Dan
  23. Dave and birdhouse have given good comments. If in doubt at all, a trip to your nearest avian vet may be advised. The thread on aloe and keeping your greys skin moist by spraying at least 2x a week is advisable.
  24. Great comments by spinner (Dave). Stick with what you are feeding your grey presently.
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