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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I hope he is found soon. His photo's show a happy and healthy grey. I have no doubt he has had a very enjoyable life with you so far and hope he is found and you all spend many more decades together.
  2. I hope this works out. This missing piece that will at least give guidance in how to properly treat your grey, is first and foremost finding the root cause. Until that is found, all this is just "Best Guess" treatment in terms of the medicines being used.
  3. Welcome Mike, Rico sounds like a real character. Thanks for th ephoto of him and i look forward to hearing more.
  4. I really think you should get Betsy to a certified avian vet to take over her care. Long distance advice and the closest care you presently have is just not helping Betsy's condition, nor come up with any cause. Only a certified avian vet can truly advise and treat correctly to help her. I must say, your efforts in keeping her in at least a somewhat stable mode through this is commendable and s probably the only thing that has kept her alive thus far.
  5. Welcome Sara, it's great having you here. As Ray said, your life will never be the same once a grey comes in to it.
  6. How sad and painful it must be for you to know it is going to be necessary before many more years. I have no doubt reading this, that your love for her is like that for a birthed child. I will be in your shoes in probably 10 years or so and fret over it, as it will be one of the most painful realities I will ever face as well. Hopefully someone that lives in your area will read this or on another forum and give her the next loving home for her remaining years. Good luck and keep us updated as well if you would.
  7. Sorry to hear she is so shaken up. Their is no doubt they are horrifying to our birds and other animal friends. Flight is what all birds do instinctively and she was probably batting her wings as she went to the bottom of her cage. Birds will take to flight before us "Thick" humans ever feel one occurring. They are much more in tune with nature than we are. You don't detected subtle aftershocks, but I guarantee you she knows when each and everyone of them occur. She will settle down after these aftershocks stop. Just remain calm and reassuring to her.
  8. Congratulations! To a baby bird that is fledging, the highest spot equals the perfect perch. She will learn quickly to enjoy your shoulder or arm depending on which you offer. Thanks for sharing this, she is beautiful.
  9. Tindo is beautiful. It is wonderful that you decided to bring another grey into your life. It is always very difficult to get through the grieving process of losing such a precious friend and companion. I have no doubt Tindo will have a wonderful life under your loving care. Hopefully we will hear frequent updates and see new photos as well.
  10. Has anything changed in the room you keep her in? Does she do this when you are present in the room or out of the room? Does she do this if you sit near the cage and talk to her, read, watch tv etc? The reason I ask, is because my grey will make a very loud smoke alarm/home alarm door opening sound as well when he wants our attention whether we are in the room or not. He will not stop until one of us either decide to sit next to his cage or let him out. Ignoring him does not matter, the sound will continue until he decides to eat something, play a little or get a little shut eye, then they will resume. Also, this is not a contact call, it is a sound of annoyance, desperation or exasperation. It could just be, that this precious soul has come to like you and your attention.
  11. She is really active and you can see her desire to be with you. I love the baby sounds, they always just melt your heart. Thanks for sharing this video.
  12. Very cute video of Isaac when he's not going all vampire on the nape of your neck. Totally enjoyed it!
  13. Pine nuts in the shell, fresh coconut chunks, apple, cashew, pistachios unsalted in the shell, walnut, peanut-shelled. They are all big hits with Dayo and Jake.
  14. Shadow just wanted to throw your disbelieving husband off his disbeliever status. Smart Grey!
  15. Congrats!!!! You'll never forget that moment in time. You have done everything right and it sounds like she is settling right in. Beautiful Grey! Keep the photos and updates coming.
  16. Welcome and thanks for the nice introduction. They are two great looking birds. I look forward to hearing more from you.
  17. Wonderful update! Your love, patience and reassurance with Oscar is paying off for you both.
  18. LOL!!! Marcus is amazing. He's right, you could stop.
  19. That is the defining moment in time. No other would do.
  20. I would not give much credence to this womans comments and thoughts. I would have reacted a litle more aggressive to her than you did if she had treated my baby grey like that while I was at the breeders. Gracie comes to you, says hi and then wants to play during the "Out Time" she has in my opinion. I assume she comes to you when you arrive to say hello voluntarily? The reason I ask, is because we started visiting the breeders a few days a week when the two grey clutches were 6 weeks old and let them interact with us as they please to see if one would chose us. Dayo (which we named later) started coming over and so did a female grey. They would wonder over, step up, hang out for a few than go play, walk/fly around (once they sprouted full primaries) and just have fun during their out time. If this is how your visits are going, your doing fine.
  21. Very cool! Probably won't buyit, but I like the concept.
  22. Thats is wonderful progress. Thanks for the update!
  23. I enjoyed this video. It he has a large set of whistles and sounds. At one point, he sounded as if he was making the sounds of a piccolo or flute. One thing he did that was puzzling, is making a clicking/snapping sound and shaking his head. Do you suspect the previous owner tapped his beak with an object? Thanks for sharing this. I hope to see many more.
  24. Dave has given great comments. My only thoughts following this thread from the beginning go back to the first incident with the carpet cleaning. Until that point in time, no respiratory problems existed from what I have read. It would seem most likely that the chemicals were indeed inhaled and caused enough damage to just about kill her. Now after the recuperation, the damaged tissue/lungs etc. have flare up's that will probably continue for life. Not being a vet, I would still think they could use a scope and/or xrays to look for scar tissue. It just seems too coincidental that a fungus issue occurred at the same point in time the carpeting cleaning took place.
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