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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Just thought I would show the difference between a bird that truly loves and looks forward to bath time, versus one species that does not. Parrots from the South America's such as conures, amazons and macaws all love baths, which equal a good rain shower they enjoy many days out of the year. On the other hand, parrots from Africa really dislike water and I have yet to see any photos or video of wild greys splashing in a pool of water or out enjoy a rain shower. Jake our Conure loves baths and gets pissed if I do not shower him for at least 20 minutes. Once in a blue moon, my grey Dayo actually wants to take a quick bath in a large pan. He does of course always get drenched by me with water followed by a last finishing spray down with aloe juice. Dayo just sits and waits for the shower process to get over with... Dayo in his pie pan when he was a wee lad...He still does this but in a larger pan... The good thing about summertime, is the cages get a quick cleaning during this shower process and sterlizing via UV components of the good old sunshine. The birds of course, get tons of UVB.
  2. Hi Dee! Thanks for the update. It sounds like Gilbert has adjust well and is being his cantankerous self. I wonder where he gets that from? Flighted? Just wait for that day and learn to bob, weave and duck quickly.
  3. Loved these videos of Dorian! Thanks for sharing them.
  4. Thanks for the update. It's good hearing from you and how Eva is doing. I am looking forward to the photos and video.
  5. I use RPO as well and lightly drip then stir into foods. I leave it off my conrues food because he hates it and will not touch anything in the bowl if theres a hint of RPO.
  6. Judy is right. The sound of love! She loves you sooooooooo much!!!
  7. BirdTalk was a magazine I subscribed to for a few years. I stopped simply due to issues I had with some articles written specifically on greys that I totally disagreed with the author POV. But, thats just me. I really got to where I just looked at the nice centerfolds.
  8. Ceramic cookware i swonderful and perfectly safe for our avian friends.
  9. Congratulations on the arrival of your new Grey! It sounds like things are off to a wonderful start. Many are cage aggressive and your actions were perfect. I look forward to hearing updates and seeing photos/videos when you get a chance.
  10. Some Greys do not like scratches at all. Yours does like them, but in cirtian places and times for example. I must say, he is very well behaved to just take your finger or hand and push it away. Many will give a hard pinch to let you know it's "Not Know" time. Our grey likes scratches when we are sitting on the couch in the evening watching tv or a movie, especially when in in my wifes lap (His cuddle muffin) and he will lay on his back feet stuck up in the air, roll himslef up in the towel on her lap or sometimes just lower his head and enjoy scracthes for 10 to 20 minues. If he is on one of our shoulders, a treestand, perch etc. it is not a "Scratch Area" and he will let you know with a very quick hard pinch most the time. You are very lucky to have such a mild mannered grey!
  11. The most important thing to do when a grey is about to perform an action that you want to stop, is to control your emotions. They are truly empathic and if you are upset, they know it and they will respond by protecting themselves from a possible attack. They will also become angry as well. Think it through as to how the most effective, non hostile way would be to stop the action that is about to happen. Talk in a friendly low voice, show a smile (They know when you smile as body language) and approach slowly "Requesting" what it is you are about to do, like a step-up. Throwing a bird and then basically toweling them is very upsetting and scary to them. It immediately makes them the prey and they will start viewing you and anyone associated with it as a predator out to hurt them. Please remember, they have the emotions of a 3 to 4 year old child and the intelligence as well. How would you coax or get a 4 year old to do something your requesting? I am just throwing out some food for thought here so this does not escalate into a situation where "Chris" does not trust either of you. Jealousy as he is showing is natural and protective as others have said. Please think of ways you could accomplish this in a non-combative way.
  12. Hello Carol and welcome to the forum. I feel very sad for that Grey and the owners somewhere out there that have lost the love of their life. There is no doubt this grey is missing it's previous owners and home. I can hope hope and pray they are ok. There is no doubt he/she landed in the right place to be found by you and such a loving home for shelter, safety, food and companionship. It sounds like you are doing the right things in making him or her comfortable and are providing a place he/she feels safe in. Such drastic weather events unfortunately not only devastate the humans, but much loved pets as well thrown into a scary storm and a landscape that look like a war zone with all left in tatters. There are many members here with plenty to share with you as well. Please post as often as you can and browse through the many areas we have on specific topics to assist you in gaining the critical knowledge to properly care for this new feather friend.
  13. What a perfect response from Marcus! It just shows once again, how intelligent these greys are. Thanks for sharing this.
  14. Greys are VERY sensitive to change. This new grey is in a new home with strange furnishings, people, possibly pets etc. He feels lost, doesn't understand what happened to the flock he was a member of etc. Presently he is the prey and you are the predators for the most part. The others have given great advice in regards patience and time. It will be weeks before he feels the least bit comfortable and accepts you as his new flock and home. If he was sweet on the female in the last family, this will probably hold true in your home as well. If this holds true, as long as you show respect and approach him on his terms, you'll be ok. Birds do not respond nor respect dominance. They are not like canines for example that have an alpha. IN a flock, all are equal and there is no ranking system what so ever. It is a communal living environment. There are many here that are more than willing to answer all your questions and a ton of posts in the respective room topics. Reward, read and read some more. Greys are one of the most intelligent and sensitive birds on th planet. It takes a while to get to know and understand them.
  15. Dayo loves Pistachios! In regards the feather fluffing wit eyes pinned. It sounds like he was agitated. Dayo will Talk, whistle, beatbox and do sound effects with feathers fluffed at times. They will fluff their feathers when they are pissed, relaxed or in a "Love Mood". You just need to learn which it is or a nip may be coming. after time you'll know.
  16. Congrats Ray! No better person for this!!
  17. All I can say is AWWwwwwwwwww. Thanks for sharing this and don't be such a stranger! Now I want a baby grey again.
  18. They are never too old for addition. Mickaboo is a great organization. The thing to do, once you have your classes finished, is visit the foster homes and talk them about the greys personality, traits, likes and dislikes. They of course will be sizing you up as well and you will be able to interact with the gray and see if it is a hit or miss. All rescues come with baggage from previous homes and you won't see some of it until months after having them. Thanks for considering adoption!
  19. Thanks all. The sound in the background is a waterfall outside. It was 78 at 8am so we had the patio sliding door open with the screen closed. The second video is the mildest of dayo's "Ive had enough with the camera already". Sometimes he just fly's right at my face and tries to grab it with his talons.
  20. I hope all is well with you and all now that the hurricane has passed. The news this morning painted a very good picture of the ocean surging intensity you all went through in that area.
  21. Dayo checking his one of many playgrounds in the family room.... Dayo Finally fed up with me and "Makes an Offer I cannot Refuse"...
  22. Welcome Danny! IT's GreYt having you hear. As Judy said, it wil take some time. If it has been going on for years, it cold possibly be a habitnow. But, only time and your love will tell.
  23. Greys do start getting "Pissy" at times as they mature, going through molts etc. This will pass, just watch the body language and ask if he wants a step up etc. DNA is the only way to truly know with out a doubt what the sex is, unless they lay an egg.
  24. Welcome to the forum, it's GreYt having you here!!! No need to clip. Leverage the permission you have of touching her back, praise her for such verbally in a happy and excited voice and also give a favorite treat like a peanut, almond, grape etc. Positive reinforcement works wonders. Slowly extend the amount of time you can touch her back and start moving it up wards over time until you are allowed to give a brief scratch. I am looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos and videos when you get a chance of your grey.
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