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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Yes, Dayo loves frozen real-fruit bars, ice cubes etc. Sometimes I wonder if he doesn't have brain freeze after chomping away on a fruit bar or ice cube.
  2. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! The Pterodactyl always comes out sooner or later.
  3. danmcq


    Some cultures actually give a good loud burp after eating, which is a compliment to the chef, greys just follow good etiquette.
  4. You wrote "Now by no means are these all the answers to stopping your parrot biting but these techniques have worked for me over the last 5 months. I thought I would share with all of you one if the things I've been working on since getting Missy back in October last year." Thanks for sharing your great progress with this biting issue and the individual techniques you used in dealing with it in various scenarios you encountered. I believe that is the key. There is no "one size fits them all" when it comes to dealing with biting issues. Some may be able to completely stop them and some will at least be able to slow them down or to avoid the situations that causes them. It's GreYt hearing from you again!!!
  5. LOL Steve! Misty just loves you and enjoy's sharing/having food with you. Dayo is the same way. In fact, somtimes he will have some type of food in one Talon, then walk lean over and want a bite of whatever I have as well.....just to make certain mine is the same as his I suppose or he is trying to get more than his share.
  6. danmcq


    I change my parrots water 2 to 3 times daily. They normally drop food or sometimes even poop in them, so we monitor them through out the day. WE do occasionally add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to their water. Normally about 2x a week. It was recommended by our Avian vet and is healthy for them.
  7. Welcome Mark and Bo! Bo sounds like quite a character and a true joy to have around. Why don't you go to our welcome room and introduce yourself so all will know we have a knew member. I look forward to hearing more from you and about Bo and further antics.
  8. I am uncertain if it will regrow, due to the fracturing of the bone. Here is a good article on the avian web regrading beak injuries: http://www.avianweb.com/brokenbeaks.html
  9. Interesting photos and temps, thanks for posting this.
  10. He is talking to you, in Parrot language, which is his "First Language". AS he listens and absorbs human language, it will be his "Second Language", which in many ways, you can learn a ton by reviewing ESL techniques and things to understand in dealing with word/phrase understanding. I do not think any study has ever been done in regards how vocal they when young in Parrotese, versus if they are going to be a prolific talker. Dayo did not speak a word until around 12 to 14 months. His first word was Hello.
  11. Previous baggage they bring from a former home is always a time consuming task to learn and then deal with. At least now you know to keep her away from your face etc. until the biting diminishes and more trust is built. This is gong to take much time and patience. Just hang in there.
  12. Your approach to getting her used to the carrier before the first outing in it is great! We tarted taking our grey Dayo in carriers when he was just 12 weeks old from the breeders home to ours , where he would spend 4 or 5 hours here then back to the breeders. As was suggested, acknowledging contact calling is important, even if you do not physically go back in the room, a return call keeps them feeling secure knowing you are with in ear shot. She will get used to leaving, but will of course cry and break your heart leaving you feeling guilty. They are so needful when young. They call in the wild as well when both their parents fly off to get food. But once they know they are out of range, they settle down and just chill until the return with food. AS she matures, you will find when you leave she will be anxious, but when you walk out the door amny times she will probably just say "ok, see ya later". She will be secure in the thought of knowing that you always return.l I say go for it in regards getting her used to traveling, new places and new people. The more socialized she is, the better.
  13. My grey Dayo loves this toy as well. Once he detaches it from the chain by chewing through the rubber, he loves tossing it and swooping down like a hawk, snatching it and flying somewhere else to thrash it some more. He also enjoys playing catch with and and has become fairly accurate in his return throws. Ronald is right, keep plenty of toy building parts in stock. That your parrots love destroying.
  14. "Hello? Talk to the Meatloaf!" ... and I thought talk to the hand was rude... There is no doubt they experiment with words and phrases, which indicates a remarkable intelligence. Of course, as the example above of a GreYt conversation by Julia, they know what they are saying and why.
  15. Penny hit the nail on the head. They get attitudes sometimes, that you may or may not know the reason. As already said, just walk away and let Roxie decide when she wishes some interaction. Sometimes as the age, they have times they just want to chill and be independent.
  16. Congratulations!!! Thanks for the photos. Looking forward to seeing many more and hoping to hear updates often.
  17. A net would certainly work in the event of an emergency like you experienced. A note on what we do when we do not want our birds to fly once we have them on our hand. We place our other hand wrapped around their wings with thumb and index finger around the neck so they cannot turn their head and bite or fly off. A towel would certainly work in a 911 such as that as well.
  18. LOL,loved it. The more clanging and banging a toy will make all the better! :-)
  19. Wow, it's great that you had a great vet that found the underlying health issues. The hide illness so well. Please keep us update on his progress.
  20. danmcq

    He spoke

    LOL, well did you go grab a smoke?
  21. That is GreYt news! You are doing a wonderful job in getting to feel comfortable and is starting to enjoy a little freedom one bold step at a time.
  22. Cute video, thanks for sharing it.
  23. That is definitely baby grey affection sounds and behavior.
  24. Yes, Greys are notorious for the sucker bite. Hw will also sucker bite our conure jake. He will ask jake to "here come", then as jake happily approaches thinking he has made a break through and dayo now wants to be buddies. Dayo will wait until jake is about 3 inches away and then at the speed of light try and bite jake. Jake is very fast himself though and most times takes to flight just before dayo's beak hits his head.
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