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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I agree with others, it looks like grape residue.
  2. Congrats, she's a beauty. She could not have landed in a more perfect home and your cousin I am certain could come and visit when time permits. Seems like a win-win to me.
  3. They are not afraid of the dark. As you suggest, the actions and contact calling is separation anxiety knowing you are all retiring to bed. I fully cover my bird cages and leave a small night light on in the room which leaves it very dimly lit. Many people do not cover the cages at all or only partially as others already commented on.
  4. Nice hearing from you again. It's wonderful to hear Tui is now interacting with you at a much closer level now and starting to talk as well. Looking forward to those photos.
  5. danmcq

    Peanut Butter

    Love that photo! Dayo loves the Skippy Super Chunky. I buy the all natural version that uses palm oil, rather than soy.
  6. It sounds like a good meeting for you both. The excitement will only continue to build!
  7. The more you peak his interest by labeling items, actions etc. the more he will wish to use, due to it having usefulness. When they just hear people blabber about things, as far as they can tell, are just nebulous in nature, thus just ignore it as background noise. You are both in for an incredible journey together. I always love hearing updates on Isaac.
  8. Well, since you brought up the over powering aroma your older son exudes, perhaps you could suggest he lighten it up. Under a month is not nearly enough time for archie to feel at home and being true part of the flock. Also, all come with baggage from previous, and there is no telling what the poor guy may have been put through. Just plenty of time, patience and nothing for the near future that will upset him such as forcing a a bath or toweling to kept him in the cage at night. The most important thing that must be built right now is trust and getting to know each others body language to avoid unnecessary confrontations.
  9. How long have you had Archie? Is he a rehomed grey? The only thing I can think of based on your description, is perhaps there is something your elder son wears or perhaps even something personal thats different such as his hair style, arm bands anything that might trigger a reaction as you describe. When did this behavior begin and can you link it to anything specifically different about your son or something he may have done, when this started? Does your elder son perhaps sit next to you more often or hug etc that Archie could possibly perceive as a threat he wants removed from the area of his 'chosen one", namely you?
  10. Having a child back at home should not have any affect on your decision to get a grey. In fact, I personally believe the more people around, the better socialization will take place and also that people come and go. The only issue that may be a problem, is if helping the child and cost while they are back at home would put you in a financial situation where you could not properly provide for both at the same time.
  11. I love this post post Ray, well said!
  12. Your fingers will be fine. I would be more concerned about the bird poop that will with out doubt be dropped on the piano whilst you play and you grey sits, watch's, dances and sings or whistles along enjoying the tunes.
  13. So my questions are: 1: I take care of him and he kinda trusts me out of my husband,so How do I get him to not bite me? /Don't give him the opportunity to bite. Watch his body language closely and learn what, even the slightest indication is like feathers ruffled a little, head starting to bend down, eyes pinning etc. I will say though, that greys become very adept at not telegraphing a bite and will sometimes surprise you completely. You will learn after a while what situations this normally occurs during and can then avoid them most the time. Also, at 3 they are full of piss and vinegar while trying to mature, kind of like a teenager trying to establish a place in life of their own Independence. At 2 years old onward is the age they start venturing out further from their mom and dad to start the journey of relying on their learned skills to survive, socialize at a higher level with the flock and yes start entertaining the thought of some day having a mate and trying some courting skills getting ready for when they become a 5 or 6 year old adult that will have a life long mate and start raising children of their own. This of course is learned through lots of trial and error. They receive negative feedback and psoitive feedback frm their parents and flock interactions. You are now the teacher, be wise, patient and loving. 2:My parrot Pepper,Loves to talk with my husband but not trust him.So how do I get Pepper to respond to me? /You have only had him two months. He is still learning (believe it or not) your body language, whom he prefers (All greys have a favorite ) and will first display more interaction desires to on person and give lessened attention to the other. You will just have to accept the fact that pepper will be the one deciding when and how much attention you will receive comparatively speaking. Just ensure you do not try to force it and always be kind, loving, understanding and most importantly patient in the order of Job for what comes your way in small increases over time. I have tried to do treats,praise,and food.I get nothing but looks from him.So we have had him for 2 mth and I have earned his trust to a point.I can get Pepper into the shower and he hates it but we get it done.LOL But I can not pet him.My husband can rub his head for about 10 seconds. / As I said above, 2 months is nothing, those looks are sizing you up, learning your body language to the atomic level, your voice tone, facial expression, the way you are breathing and even the emotions you may be trying to hide (which you cannot from a grey, they are empathic). The most important thing NOT to do is pressure him. If you ask for a step up and he does not offer to, just say ok and good something respecting his denial. IF you offer a treat and he does not accept, just say ok and do something else and do not place the treat for him to get it, take it with you. In other words, just respect his body language and he will soon respect yours as well (most the time).
  14. I always love hearing updates on Marcus's newly found phrases he uses very correctly. Congrats on the addition of Pepper to his vocabulary! :-)
  15. Awwwww, you are very lucky to have gotten a snuggle muffin! Enjoy every minute of it while it lasts.
  16. Wow, she is certainly showing behavior if nesting/sitting on her egg. I wonder if this could be considered obsessive compulsive behavior that will take a ton of time and different techniques such as those suggested by others to keep adding other replacements as you have started. My grey, stated showing signs of this when very young at around a year old with a small plastic easter egg. At first I thought it was amusing, but after two Day's of watching this behavior grow, I removed it from his cage. Of course with it being a short time period, he did not carry on about it for more than a few hours and stopped. I suspect though, they longer you leave that in the cage, the harder it is going to be to stop this behavior. I hate to say it, but you may just need to remove it and listen to the cry's perhaps for days until she just comes to the conclusion that it is gone and move on with enjoying other toys and interacting with you and others. I would like to say one thing in regards Dave. he iis one of the most respected members here with decades of grey experience in breeding and rearing them. He never really intends to be rude. He just states the facts he knows almost in a teacher student type fashion. Please do not think harsh of him. He was not flaming you at all. It is just how he answers questions and gives reasons/background for behavior etc. I will say also, that if I have a question on grey's, I ask Dave.
  17. Thanks birdhouse for posting your 20 years of keeping and providing a loving home to a wild caught grey. He coul dnot have found a better home to have landed in. It just shows the wild will never leave, nor the memories of living and surviving in the wild. I suspect it would be no different than a human captured and placed in a cage by Aliens. You would never give up hoping and trying that one day you would get free.
  18. Thanks for the update on Isaac, I always look forward to them and enjoy reading about the latest news. I can guarantee you that Isaac's wheels are spinning and processing everything you are doing and saying. Just keep up the GreYt example of how to teach him what things are. It will pay off greatly in the long run.
  19. I will not bother to create a list of items damaged ir destroyed, lets just say everything the beak can penetrate or dent.
  20. LOL Steve! Sorry to hear Gracie is not able to accompany you to school. But, as others have said, Gracie will be fine. Just keep plenty of toy's and foraging items to keep her busy and happy while your gone.
  21. My Grey and Conure both are shoulder birds. It does not change their flock interactions with any human. Birds are not like packs of animals that have a leader. They are a flock/communal creature in which no one is the alpha or leader.
  22. Any time a pair routinely abandons eggs or mutilates and kills chicks, either they are insecure or incompatible normally. You could try one more breeding cycle and see what happens. If this behavior occurs again, the are not a good breeding pair.
  23. Love it Steve! They love to feel a sense of accomplishment. Many people do not realize this about parrots. It gives them more of a sense of being a useful and appreciated flock member. I always try to find things Dayo wishes to help with and let him do so. They love the praise as well when you thank them for helping. It actually becomes I suppose a flock task they do daily and look forward to it. A small example of this just off the top of my head, is when I am preparing the dogs food. I mix in several items and chop/stir them with a dinner knife. Dayo will be right there and hold the knife in his beak and assist in moving my hand up and down as I chop and swirl as I stir. He comes running every time its "Let's feed the dogs time". There are many things he "helps" with other than this and he always gets a "Thank you, your soooo smart" and you can tell the sense of accomplishment and praise makes him feel like an integral flock member doing his part. Everyone should observe and find things that their Parrots show an interest in helping with and let them do so no matter how limited or maybe even a small hindrance at times in your getting it done fast. But the rewards are countless for both the human and the Parrot(s).
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