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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Thanks, yes it is a hanging pot rack. It works perfectly as you can see for our parrots as well. Dayo was very mellow in his play on this day, probably because he had already been out terrorizing his kingdom for hours. He normally gets very violent with those hanging toys, pterodactyl screams at them, bites them ferociously saying "ow oh ow" and then many times holding on to one of the hangings balls and flying up to the top of the rack with it and dropping it so he can pounce on it and give it a good thrashing.
  2. Nice video and extra photos you provided. I totally enjoyed them. Thanks for sharing these.
  3. It is sad when breeders actually create a mutation that never lives the life they were intended to have and enjoy the world, it's beauty and all the pleasures it has to offer.
  4. I love this story Steve! It is impressive that Misty understands the emphasis "Now!" places in a sentence. They do seem to think they rule us, don't they?
  5. It is indeed! I assume Brutus heard your husband or someone else call you by your name.
  6. The last two weeks, Dayo has began addressing me by full name. He has evidently picked up on this via my phone conversations and my answering when someone asks for it. The interesting thing is, he has never called me Daddy, but he does for my wife such as "Where's Mommy?" or comments "Mommy's in the garage" or "Mommies watering the flowers" etc. He now calls for example when I go to my home office to work and says "Dan McQuilliams, come here", "Dan McQuilliams, want out!" or he will ask my wife when I leave "Wheres Dan McQuilliams". He is also now starting to call himself Dayo McQuilliams and that is all on his own, not by myself or my wife ever calling him that. He also greets my son as "Jeff McQuilliams" now, although he has always just been Jeff. I suspect it is a bird flock thing that comes instinctively such as they each have a unique individual name and a name for their entire flock respectively in the wild. I suppose he thinks we are all "McQuilliams" flock. Anyway, I thought this was interesting cognitive abilities I should mention. I would also like to hear from all the others members here, because I know with out a doubt you have much to share.
  7. Is this all taking place on or in his cage? The reason I ask, is many times they are cage aggressive towards the non-favored person, namely you. I have the same type of reaction at times with my grey if I am messing with him in or on his cage. My wife (the favored one) can do anything with the cage and dayo is fine with it and would probably just love for him to climb in to it. If the grey is bitting your hand when your moving forward with it, just stop offering it and avoid the bite. As was alreay mentioned, it is more of an amusement to them than aggression from what you have described. Offer your forearm instead if you wish for him to step and and ASK him if he wishes to as you start moving forward with your forearm. If he does not lift that foot, just him it's ok, he's a good boy and yo respect his wishes of wanting to be left a lone. When you say he fly's at your head. Does he try to land on top of it or is he flying directly at your face? Is this also when you are approaching his cage when he is out? The easiest way to avod is to duck, as you already mentioned.
  8. Wow! I wish they had a store like that here on the west coast. Thanks for posting these photos.
  9. Well that makes complete sense, since he is a bird, cluck-cluck-cluck is more appropriate than ho-ho-ho.
  10. It does sound like you are Marcus's chosen one. We keep a 1x1x1 ft cardboard box in Dayo's cage. When my wife comes in the room, if he is in his cage, he will climb down to the box, enter it and start scratching, then pop his head out to check and make sure she is observing his manly behavior, then go back and and scratch/ rip up some of the cardboard. Of course he re-gurges for her as well.
  11. Glad you all enjoyed t. It would be an awesome experience to be able to do that as well with our fids.
  12. Looks like she truly is enjoying that orange.
  13. I know this is an off topic, but wanted to share it in the most visited room. Enjoy!!!
  14. Congrats!!! The others gave good advice and suggestions. Most completely depends on your grey, how well it has been socialized and if you have been visiting before bringing them home. I am looking forward to hearing how things are going and seeing photos.
  15. Dayo likes rock, mainly with a good beat and loves to dance and whistle to it. Here's just one video of him
  16. Hahahahahahahahahaha, what is it about the sound of a dish breaking that they get so much enjoyment out of? Dayo does the same thing. We have to watch any dishes out or they will go splattering to the floor as well. Finally...success!!!!! Go Rikki....Go Rikki....Go Rikki
  17. It is rather disturbing when you pick them up and feel their feet are cold. However, as Judy and Talon have said, they are fine. We keep the thermostat set to 68 at night and 72 during the day. But, thats just us. There is no reason other than we are comgortable at those temperatures.
  18. That is not molting. Normally molting does not produce a large section of missing feathers as seen here. Are you misting him with aloe and/or give showers or baths? If not you shold be at least 2 - 3 times a week. It could be he is over-preening do to very prickly/itchy skin which the bathing would help alleviate.
  19. You are doing great! That was very perseptive of you and i have no doubt gracie appreciates as well. Thanks for sharing this.
  20. Emma is such a sweetheart. I love the word play. Thanks for sharing the blog and videos. As always I enjoy reading and watching them.
  21. danmcq

    Need Advice

    As Greywings said, it is your decision and I have no doubt given the knowledge you have gained over the last 3 years, plus all the help you may need that can a be accessed here. You would be fine and the grey could be in a great home should that need come to fruition.
  22. Yes, the beak is constantly growing. Gandolf will be fine. You though, go take a shot of the good stuff and chill. Seriously though, it is always great to see people who are so attentive to every iota of their parrots health and safety.
  23. Huge step forward, congrats!!!
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