All the entries were just wonderful and the contest was very close but we still have to have a winner.
3rd is Siabha9 with "Do I have something on my chin?"
2nd was BMustee with "Feast your eyes on THIS!"
and 1st place is Lovemygrey with "I believe I can fly."
Gratz you all.
It is my believe that is it easier to keep birds tame if they are not together. Unless you plan to breed I would get a double cage or another cage and have them next to each other.
Not knowing the size of the cage you have no I really can't tell you if a bigger would address the problem.
But I do believe having their own space it the way to go with tame/pet birds.
On the rope perch is my grey budgies and you can see the head of my yellow/green pied behind it.
Then there is my dilute green yellow faced hanging on the back.
Easy if they do produce eggs, but as stated they more then likely won't, just shake them and let her sit them a while so she won't keep laying. They won't develop if well shaken.
I am so excited. I can't wait to be able to bring it home. Mom and Dad are doing such a great job though so going to leave it till it is about 3 1/2 weeks old then pull. Hope they well go to nest one more time then close that box off for the summer.
Since most of us vote very quickly I am going to start makine the voting time last for just one week.
You have till 6-23 to cast your vote.
Only four pictures but they are going to be some really hard ones to pick the best one from.
Here they are.
and here is the link to the place to vote.
If you let me know you voted by posting here I well give you 1 karma.