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Everything posted by TalonSis
T-Shirt Naming Contest ("Bite Me Club Members Only
TalonSis replied to danmcq's topic in The GREY Lounge
I decided to use a CAG this time... both: Melissa -
T-Shirt Naming Contest ("Bite Me Club Members Only
TalonSis replied to danmcq's topic in The GREY Lounge
I still need to get a picture of a fist...although I hope Josh doesnt mind I used his hand... Melissa -
CeasarsDad wrote: uh....how come I never knew about this? :pinch: :laugh: :silly: Here's some of Talon, none of me though. :evil: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/Wild_Horsefeathers/My%20Pictures/IMG_4220.jpg
T-Shirt Naming Contest ("Bite Me Club Members Only
TalonSis replied to danmcq's topic in The GREY Lounge
yes Lidia, I did. :lol: What I'm most sad about is that the series is over now. Melissa -
T-Shirt Naming Contest ("Bite Me Club Members Only
TalonSis replied to danmcq's topic in The GREY Lounge
Dan, I will make Lidia's design tomorrow, I need to go to bed soon. Sorry I didnt get to this sooner, the Harry Potter book was keeping me distracted. :evil: Melissa -
T-Shirt Naming Contest ("Bite Me Club Members Only
TalonSis replied to danmcq's topic in The GREY Lounge
Ha that's good! :laugh: -
Photoshop Tutorial-Image Alterations
TalonSis replied to TalonSis's topic in Photography & Video Room
Thanks guys!! Greyfeathers, I use Adobe Photoshop CS. Melissa -
T-Shirt Naming Contest ("Bite Me Club Members Only
TalonSis replied to danmcq's topic in The GREY Lounge
Lidia, here's yours. I can change the text, the colors, the pictures, anything. Are we going to use any pictures of other birds? Melissa -
T-Shirt Naming Contest ("Bite Me Club Members Only
TalonSis replied to danmcq's topic in The GREY Lounge
Birdgranna, Hmmm we need some pictures of birds biting... Maybe I'll risk myself for a couple shots today. :pinch: Melissa -
T-Shirt Naming Contest ("Bite Me Club Members Only
TalonSis replied to danmcq's topic in The GREY Lounge
alright let me get photoshopping...B) -
T-Shirt Naming Contest ("Bite Me Club Members Only
TalonSis replied to danmcq's topic in The GREY Lounge
:lol: :laugh: -
T-Shirt Naming Contest ("Bite Me Club Members Only
TalonSis replied to danmcq's topic in The GREY Lounge
Dan, we could have both but wouldnt that cost more? And whose paying for all of this?! Not me! -
T-Shirt Naming Contest ("Bite Me Club Members Only
TalonSis replied to danmcq's topic in The GREY Lounge
Nice ones guys!! I like that last one Tricky! Melissa -
T-Shirt Naming Contest ("Bite Me Club Members Only
TalonSis replied to danmcq's topic in The GREY Lounge
Ok here is an example of what Dan did... http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/Wild_Horsefeathers/Bite%20Me%20Club/ex1.jpg Obviously it was very quick, I didnt even use colors!:ohmy: -
T-Shirt Naming Contest ("Bite Me Club Members Only
TalonSis replied to danmcq's topic in The GREY Lounge
Good idea Dan!! And also, if you guys have any suggestions for the colors or such...don't be afraid to post! -
Yeah the book was better. I actually don't care if I don't see the rest...:blink: I've never seen the Pirates of the Caribbean, the 2nd and 3rd ones seems really good. Melissa
Dan, I did the "fist of iron" today and Talon still bit me hard enough to bleed.:pinch: Although it was further back toward my wrist so the skin wasnt as tight. But, I have noticed something. When you are dealing with horses alot of the time the horses will act up if they sense you are in a hurry. But if you act like you have all the time in the world, they are more willing to behave. I think grey's are like this too, because today I needed to put Talon in her cage so me and my brothers could get ice cream. But she knew that I was in a hurry, and that resulted in biting.:blink: Melissa
Welcome to the family! {Communicate-00020121} Melissa
Can I join the club? Talon's bitten me LOTS of times. A lot of times it's when I want her to step-up, but she won't. Sometimes I fall for the "sucker-punch' when she pretends she wants to step-up, then bites you! :pinch: I have gotten bitten by my horse, too. Once he bit my finger so hard, I have a scar now! :blink: Melissa
Nice job CD! Now I'm gonna be truthful and say I laughed at your accent, especially on the "forget about it" part. Nice "normal" accent!! I also liked at the ending, where your dogs were barking and you yelled at them. But the video lagged, so you'd be talking normal and then it'd show you yelling at the dogs {Feel-good-000200BB} Melissa
We went to see the movie today! Here's what happened: When we went to the movie we had to wait in line for 45 minutes until they would let us in. During that time, a group of people (I'm guessing 15 people?) tried to cut us. :angry: Finally someone who worked there made them go to the back of the line, although some people still stayed. What bothered us the most is they were being so rude, talking back to that guy. And then they complained about "how rude people were being" for getting made about them cutting. Then we finally got into the movie. it was packed!! I liked it, but during the beginning I kept complaining about things they left out. It also doesnt help that it's my favorite book. I have to say that they did a pretty good job so far. About an hour into the movie...the movie shuts off and the emergency lights come on. We had been having a bad thunderstorm and the power went out. Everyone just had to wait for the electricity to come back. So me and my mom went to go to the bathroom, and outside in the hall it was pitch black. So at the end of the halls there's a double door to the outside. All of a sudden this guy flings open the door, and he's complaining about being soaked. he left the door open, and outside it looked like a hurricane! :ohmy: It was pouring, and the wind looked terrible. Finally some guy manages to shut the door. Then we come back into the theater and the movie STILL isn't back on. After waiting for a half an hour a guy comes in and tells us to keep our movie stubs and come back "at a later time". I don't understand why you would go back just to sit through all of the movie so you can see the ending. Anyways, I think they had us leave so it wouldnt mess up their other sceduales, which was kind of disapointing. The rain had almost stopped by the time we got outside, and then when we were leaving a person cut our car off. So that's what happened when we saw part of the movie. Anyone else see it? Melissa<br><br>Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2007/07/15 23:13
Well, it seems a lot of people want to learn how to alter pictures. So I decided to make a tutorial on it. First, you need a picture of the vict-I mean...model. I'm going to use this picture: Now, you need to figure out what exactly you want to transform them into. I decided to make CD a mechanic.(I was going to do a ballerina, but all i could find was images that looked really bad resized.) So what I do is I look around google for a picture of the outfit i want him in. But its VERY important it's facing the same way as the person. I chose this picture: Now what you want to do is save the pictures, and then open them up in photoshop. file>open. You can ignore CD's picture right now, we need to cut out the mechanic's clothing. Go over to your toolbar and select the 'MAGNETIC LASSO TOOL'.This is what you are going to use to cut out the picture. Once you have it selected, click somewhere on the OUTSIDE of the clothing. then trace over the outline, and the line kind of 'sticks' to it. Just incase it doesnt go the way you want it to, you can click, and it will go there. (It's hard to explain, just experiment) Then once you get all the way back to where you started, click. It should all of a sudden start to animate, and have the dashes "dance". now right click inside your selection, and select 'FEATHER'. This makes it so it softens the edge of it, so it isnt rough. I usually put 1 or 2. This time I'm choosing 1. Then click ok. Now right click again inside your selection, and select 'LAYER VIA CUT' Now the dashes went away, and you see you now have 2 layers in your layer box. (A layer is like a piece of paper, for the image. If you had one peice, then you cut it out, you'd have 2.) Now select your move tool. It is diagonal to the lasso, it looks kinda like a cursor. Make sure your new cut out peice is selected, then click, and drag it over to CD's picture. You should now have the layer you cut out AND cd's picture together. You can get rid of the other open file, we don't need that anymore. Now, we want it to fit CD, and face the same way as him. So go up to the screen toolbar, and hit EDIT>TRANSFORM>FLIP HORIZONTAL. As you can see, it's kind of small for CD. So go up to EDIT>FREE TRANSFORM. (^I forgot to flip them when I took these screenshots) It should look kind of like this: You can basically do anything to the picture in this mode. Resize it, widen it, scrunch it up, tilt it, play around. And the effects aren't permanent, until you click a tool, and hit apply. So play around here with it, try and make it big enough/wide enough to fit CD. I had to resize it, and tilt it slightly. This is what mine looks like so far: Ok, so now we need to see CD's arms. Make that layer invisable by clicking on the box by the layer, with the eye in it. The eye will disappear, and so will the image. Make sure you select the CD layer before you do anything! Now take the magnetic lasso and go around Cd's arms, and camera if you want to. Make the dashes 'dance', right click FEATHER>1, OK. Then right click LAYER VIA CUT again. Now click on the layer with CD's arms in it, and drag it up above the other layer, that you have invisable. (You can click where the eye was to make it reappear.) Now take the eraser tool(it looks like a block eraser) and click where it shows you in the picture. Those are the settings I used.(Oh, and the hardness is how much "feather" is around it.) Now I erased the arms until the arms of the outfit ended, but I see that Cd's arms need to be tilted. So I go to edit, free transform again to tilt it. Then I adjust where the arms are, and clean up the erasing job, so it looks normal. Then I kind of tweak it with the eraser, alittle, fixing the edges it it's rough, eraser part of the shirt neck...now it's time to fix it so Cd's brown shirt doesnt show. Select CD's layer, and find the CLONE TOOL. This tool, when you hold ALT and click, will copy the area from where you clicked, to another spot. It is often used for getting rid of unwanted things from a picture. Anways, hold ALT and click somewhere on the gravel behind CD. Then just click normal, wherever you see the shirt. You can adjust the size of the brush and everything as needed. Now you are ALMOST done. Just need to sharpen up the outfit, so it looks like it's part of CD. Click the outfit layer, then head up to FILTER>SHARPEN>SHARPEN. You can do it a little bit more if you want, I did it twice. You can add anything using this way, I'm just gonna end here, because I'm really getting tired. Here's mine, but it's not all that great. I think it needs to be sharpened more. Now, the best way to save this would be to go to FILE>SAVE AS, then select .JPG as a file. Then upload it wherever. (If you want to go back and edit it laer, save it as a .PSD Let me see your finished products!! And any questions, don't be afraid to ask!! Melissa<br><br>Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2007/07/14 05:11
you've seen these before... the resta are not really an 'alteration' but... in this I painted over this picture. here's a tiger animation I made... this was turning pictures into brushes... look inside the words... well...that's all for now. Melissa
:silly: Melissa
I need to do another one, this is for Judy. :silly: But I hope you like the tiara. I'll have to do some more searching, its really hard to find an outfit for that angle. Melissa