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Everything posted by TalonSis

  1. I'm trying to bounce it off the ceiling, but maybe I should have it at a striaghter angle to the ceiling...hmmm let me try this... Melissa
  2. :blush: :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2007/05/18 03:51
  3. CeasarsDad wrote: B) Here's mine: Pop up flash: http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s98/talon1013/IMG_2790.jpg External: http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s98/talon1013/IMG_2962.jpg http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s98/talon1013/IMG_2964.jpg
  4. have fun on your trip!! I cant wait to see pics, I've never been to Hawaii. :laugh:
  5. Monique wrote: The Wii is very fun...we have it. Just think, they wont be sitting around all day playing video games, they'll be getting exercise! a couple fun games are Wario Ware and Wii Sports....:laugh: In my spare time I ride my horses, take pictures, or go on here. :whistle: Melissa
  6. oooh Ceasar might get a new buddy.....{Feel-good-00020069} :laugh: Melissa
  7. Talon wrote: jingle balls?:huh: http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s98/talon1013/IMG_2534.jpg :laugh: Melissa
  8. nice pictures! Must have been pretty to be there splint. CD, I'm not sure what you mean by close-cropping. SOmething like this? Melissa
  9. yup that makes much more sense! Thanks. I'll go do some editing in photoshop...
  10. Alright here's my question: How do you get the sky in your pictures? Because this picture I took would have looked really cool, but instead of sky there's a bunch of white. Is it something to do with the exposure? a more zoomed in version: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/Wild_Horsefeathers/My%20Pictures/IMG_2921.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/Wild_Horsefeathers/My%20Pictures/IMG_2920.jpg Thanks! Melissa<br><br>Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2007/05/14 22:21
  11. Hey all, this is Melissa. I got my own account. B) There's a huge difference with the two flashes! Nice pictures CD! And thank you FairY. I went out yesterday and took some pictures of the horses. I think they came out great! (Except I forgot to lower my ISO ) http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/Wild_Horsefeathers/My%20Pictures/IMG_2949.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/Wild_Horsefeathers/My%20Pictures/IMG_2946.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/Wild_Horsefeathers/My%20Pictures/IMG_2937.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/Wild_Horsefeathers/My%20Pictures/IMG_2932.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/Wild_Horsefeathers/My%20Pictures/IMG_2929.jpg And then I have a question in the next post... Melissa<br><br>Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2007/05/14 22:22
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