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Everything posted by TalonSis

  1. Congrats Judy!!!! Congrats! Melissa<br><br>Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2007/11/01 23:14
  2. I believe in the afterlife, but I'm like beccy. If I read a scary book, or watch a scary movie, I get so freaked out. Melissa
  3. Great pictures Makena!!! The beach is so pretty. Melissa
  4. Thank you guys so much!!!!! It really means alot. This is the first year I've done this club.(It's a school club) I guess we won't really have a lot of meetings, because of sports and stuff. The teacher in charge has set up a website where we can post our photos and stuff, and also we communicate by email. I guess the plan is to have a monthly field trip, I think next month we are going to a butterfly museum. Melissa
  5. My favorite food is pizza, but I absolutly LOVE my mom's homemade mac and cheese. :laugh: Melissa
  6. My mom accidently deleted the other thread when she was deleting a post from it. She's very sorry about it, so I'll start it up again! Congrats Makena!!! Melissa
  7. Then we were able to walk around the town a bit... ^I was taking a picture near this, and a squirrel popped out. It scared me so much. I guess it was snacking. ^Dinner time! Can you guess that I took all those pictures through a chain link fence? That's it!!! Enjoy. And out of 107 pictures I took, I only uploaded 54. Melissa
  8. Today the photography club at school went on a field trip to a historic town. So here's some pictures, just so I can prove to CD I didn't need my big zoom lens. No just kidding. :lol: Well first we started out in the cemetary. ^a flag was inbeteen 2 gravestones. ^a better look at the flag ^oh look, it's fall!! More pictures in my next post... Melissa
  9. Congrats Joe!!!! COngratulations Joe on reaching 1,000 posts! Melissa
  10. I have a Canon Rebel XT, I've had it for about 1 year. I have the 18-55 lens it came with, a Sigma 2.8 25-70? I think, and then the IS lens I got on my birthday. Melissa
  11. Nice photo's Heather! Look at the red in her tail. Melissa
  12. So, these three strings walk into a bar and sit down. One string goes up to the bartender to order. He says "I'd like 3 Bud Lites at that table". The bartender says "We don't serve beer to strings in this bar"! The string went and sat down and told his friends. The next string says "I'll go and get us a drink". He walks up to the bar and says to the bartender "I'd like 3 Bud Lites at that table over there". The bartender looks at him and says "We don't serve beer to strings in this bar". The second string went and sat down and told his friends they were not getting served. The third string says "Watch this, I'll get us a drink!" So he puts a loop in his neck, messes up his hair, and proceeds to walk up to the bar. The bartender looks at him and raises an eyebrow and says "Hey, aren't you a string?" The third string says......... "Afraid not!!" (A frayed knot) :laugh: :laugh: Melissa
  13. TalonSis

    new contest

    here's one, I was just fooling around with some other photos: It was a picture of one of the parakeets, I morphed one of the pictures with Talon. Melissa
  14. Thanks. Fairy, it's a flymask. It helps keep the flies from biting their ears and irrating their eyes. It's just mesh, they can see fine. Here's some pictures I took of Talon: ^I'm guessing this is her good side? I sure have a lot of pictures of this side Melissa
  15. thanks guys! Beccy well it's pretty easy for me. My dad grows carrots, so all I have to do is search in the bin of deformed carrots. :lol: Melissa
  16. pussycat, go here and scroll down to 'how to post pictures' http://www.greyforums.net/faqs/page_2.html Melissa
  17. ok here it is: A deformed carrot for the body/legs, the ends of 2 parsnips for arms, radish for the head, dried blueberry for the mouth(or nose) and hands, dried peas for the buttons, sunflower seeds for the eyes, and almonds for the feet, with peanut butter as the glue. Melissa
  18. I finished mine! Now I just need to finish uploading the picture. Talon is very afraid of it though, she would start to eat the head, then would see the rest of it and lean away. :lol:
  19. TalonSis

    new contest

    I'm working on it! I've been too busy with school, grrr. :angry: Melissa<br><br>Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2007/10/06 20:52
  20. SOrry for the delay, I've been busy. Congrats Mark!!!{Nature-0002008E} Melissa<br><br>Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2007/10/06 04:57
  21. Joeyfoto, I have a Canon Rebel XT. I used my 70-200mm 2.8f IS lens. At least I think that's what it is. Melissa
  22. I got a new lens, so I thought I'd share some pictures! http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/Wild_Horsefeathers/My%20Pictures/?action=view&current=IMG_4736.jpg ] I have more, but they still need to upload. Melissa
  23. The other day my mom sprayed Talon with Aloe Vera, and she loved it! Here's the aftermath: "I just had a bath! Yay!" "Ahh, it feels good!" I tihnk she's a little bit wet... "Ok, are you done yet?" a very fluffed up birdy blurry, but you can see Talon decided to give herself a bath afterwards. awwww She kept going to her water, throwing it on her, then going back onto her perch. It was very interesting. "See, I told you I wasnt wet enough!" Another blurry one, but she looks cute. Melissa
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