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Everything posted by TalonSis

  1. Great pictures Heather!!!! Out of the last 2, I like the 2nd one. Melissa
  2. lovemygreys, if you search for a free trial of photoshop or paint shop pro then you could enter. Melissa
  3. Amazing pictures! I love the last one. That looks like an amazing trip, I want to go to ALaska now! Melissa
  4. (I would have put this in the game room, but it's mainly your pictures, so I figured this would be a better place. ) In this game,(or scavenger hunt) 5 subjects are posted. You need to be able to find and post at least 4 pictures that fit into any 4 of the 5 topics, to be a winner. Once you get at least four posted, you can post 5 more topics for someone to post. These MUST be your pictures, no stealing someone else's, or taking it off the internet. That's cheating. Also, if no one can get 4 of those five, then we'll go with just 3 I figured this would be a great topic to see everyone's pictures. If you need help posting your pictures, please refer to the HOW TO POST PICTURES thread, which is a sticky up top. Ok first: 1)Photo of your grey doing something silly 2)Photo taken during your favorite season 3)Photo that includes a person in it. 4)Photo of any type of domesticated animal 5)Photo of a sunset. Good luck! If you get 4,(or 5) post the next topics. Melissa <br><br>Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2007/11/18 00:12
  5. Well, it seems to me we need a post that explains how to post pictures. There's really 2 ways to easily post photos here. The first, is to attach your picture to your post. Second, by using a free photo uploading site, such as www.photobucket.com To attach a picture to your post, you have to be in the FULL REPLY page not the quick reply that's usually down at the bottom of a thread. Toward the bottom there will be an option to 'select Image file to attach'. Click on the browse button, and select the picture from your computer. Then when you finish typing your post, hit submit, and it should show up in your post. The way I use, is by getting an account on a photo uploading site. I myself use photobucket, but you can use whichever you prefer. Once you upload your photos onto there, you will need to resize them. This is done by clicking on your photo, and there will be several options directly above it. They say things like rotate, resize, etc. Click on rezize, and normally selecting the size 'message board' is a good size. Once your picture is resized, then you can post it. On photobucket and some other picture uploading sites, the link is provided there for you. The easiest is to look for the code. The one with [img*] and [*/IMG] around it. Copy that link, and paste it into your post. This way is easiest because you can put several pictures into your post, where the other option you can only do one. And if all else fails, just feel free to pm a moderator with your email, and if you email the picture to them, they can post it for you. Any questions? Melissa<br><br>Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2007/11/16 00:30
  6. Great pictures everyone!!! This is tough competition. B) Yup, post the photos here! And all landsape photos count. Good luck! Melissa
  7. Don't forget, it ends the 29th!!! You only have 15 more days, so get your entries in!! {Feel-good-000200BB} Melissa
  8. I love that first picture! I've always liked geckos. Melissa
  9. Congratulations Dan!!!!!!!! {Nature-000200C9} Melissa
  10. Well we have a tripod, no idea of the cost or whatever. I think it was originally for our video camera... Mostly I'll only use it for when I'm taking pictures of group shots, with me in it. So then I can set it on the timer. I do have a photography book that has a ton of tips in it, and one of the tips is to ALWAYS use a tripod, to get really sharp shots.(It also says that's what separates the pros from amateurs, the pros go the extra mile to get the good shots) Personally I don't like them, they seem really bulky for me. Melissa
  11. The first ever photography contest! :laugh: This contest is for landscape photos, I want to see your best entry. It could be a beach, winter scene, sunset, etc. 1st place gets 20 karma, 2nd 10, and 3rd, 5 karma. Contest ends Nov. 29th at 10 O'clock eastern time, and 1 entry per person. Get snapping! (I can't enter this one, so you actually have a chance of winning. {Feel-good-0002006E}Just kidding ) Good luck! ---- This contest is now CLOSED. Melissa<br><br>Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2007/11/30 21:46
  12. What a great picture Tari!! I agree, that's a nice one to frame. Melissa
  13. ccilia, the picture doesnt seem to be working. Maybe this will help? http://www.greyforums.net/faqs/page_2.html Melissa
  14. I love that sunset picture Joe!! nice job! Melissa
  15. Thanks so much guys!!! {Feel-good-00020114} I have a lot of ideas for contests, and I'm looking forward for seeing all your pictures!! Melissa
  16. ^Grooming her... ^One of my most favorite shots. Ok that's it. But maybe its just the resizing and such, but alot of them seem blurry, even some of the bird ones. Do you know why? b:huh: And thank you CD! Melissa<br><br>Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2007/11/04 03:37
  17. There weren't many birds here, but my mom sure was tempted to take home a sun conure. ^I forget what kind of bird this was, but it sure was pretty! I love the pink. ^The perches you'll see are what likes like camera tripods, with a T perch screwed on. ^In the middle of dancing. ^A miniature horse still more... Melissa
  18. ^I think he disapproved of the height. Alright more pictures next post... Melissa
  19. This next show, was a competition I guess. The dogs had to run down, jump over the jumps, grab a ball off the platform, then run/jump back. Some of these dogs jumped, landed, then jumped again. It was VERY fast. ^Superdog! Ok, next post, some *much* higher jumping dogs! Melissa
  20. Here's some pictures from the Pet Expo me and my mom went to. It was alot of fun, and I got a lot of pictures with my big lens. Everyone kept commenting on what a big lens it was. :laugh: A lady did suggest I take pictures for cat shows(she was selling cat related stuff) and I could make alot of money that way. Anyways, here's the pictures!(Some of these first set are blurry because they werent on the shutter speed mode, but I didnt want to take a ton of pictures without looking at them, and realize that they all came out super dark, cause the lighting wasn't the best.) First, we watched this dog agility thing. At first the guy was doing trick frisbee catching, but I didnt get any pictures of that. Then he came back out with a bunch of dogs in a large box, and they lined up all neatly on this platform. The first thing he did... ...was throw rings, and the dog caught them in on its neck. Then he showed off an army crawl this dog could do. Then did some other tricks. This was one of my favorite tricks he did. The dogs went in a circle through his hands. This was so cute. While he was still in a handstand, he had those two do that, while the other went through. I know this is blurry, but look at that flip! Then he got out his jumprope weave through the cones... This sign said "applause" on the front, and "please" on the back. The end. Up next, jumping dogs! Melissa
  21. I learned so much at the workshop. I definitly agree with my mom, if you saw the difference in these birds you would be amazed. One of the things he really stressed was that you need to be confident, and have a good energy level. If your afraid the bird is gonna bite when it steps up, you'll be showing that with your movements of your hand, and body. I also noticed several things he taught us that I reconize, like Dan's fist of iron. Melissa
  22. Thanks guys!!! Tari thank you for the banner, it's great! Congrats everyone!!!! Melissa<br><br>Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2007/11/03 02:21
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