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Everything posted by TalonSis

  1. Woah woah woah woah woah. Mom are you serious? We might be getting another grey? :woohoo: :woohoo: {Nature-0002008E} yay!!! haha I wouldnt kill you....well the other 2 might. :silly: Melissa ETA- when you told me to check the thread out i thought it was cause there was a big to-do or something, not this. :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2008/11/26 00:16
  2. This is awful, and I hope the birds get home safe quickly. My mom printed out the flyer, and we're going to make copies. I will keep an eye out, and be checking sites like craigslist to see if anything comes up. Melissa
  3. Nope, you dont have to have the owner in any of the categories, except for the one with the bird and their owner. Melissa
  4. Alright guys, lets see your best holiday photos!! This contest is going to be a bit different than most, I'm going to have categories for you guys to enter. Rules: -only 1 photo per category -must be taken by you, or include you in the photo. Basically, you cant steal a picture off the web. -older photos are fine! -you must specify which category the picture fits into. -you can enter the same photo in more than one category. Deadline is: ---JANUARY 3rd---- at 10 o'clock. It's a Saturday. Ok, here are the categories! 1. Winter/Fall Scene -what does the fall or winter look like where you live? 2. Holiday Decorations -get creative with your decorations, im looking for a nice artistic shot here. 3. My Birdy and Me -A nice holiday themed photo of your and your bird(s). 4. Bird Holidays -How does your bird celebrate the holidays? Alright, now get snapping! This contest ends Jan 3rd, so i expect LOTS of entries! Good luck! -Melissa
  5. Have you figured out what brand you want? Nikon and Canon are the best for digital SLRs. I have a Canon Rebel XT that i really like, but i know other members here have different types too. Melissa
  6. Slmclean, do you want to try to email the video to one of the moderator so they can post it for you? Melissa
  7. Broomer, of course not. The more the merrier! Our birds are pretty spoiled too, so don't worry. I ought to take some pictures of all our birds stands and everything. Everyone that comes here says that the birds have taken over the house. The cage and playstand look good! All that's missing is a ton of toys hanging from them. :silly: Toni, my mom says they are. I know talon likes to chew on the stuffed animals in my room sometimes. Melissa<br><br>Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2008/08/25 03:10
  8. Christian, please do not leave the site. As other members have said here, it is a wonderful source of information. I know you may have felt like you were being attacked for doing what the people at the pet store had said to do, but believe me, you were not. The members here are just deeply concerned for the wellness of your bird. it can sometimes seem overwhelming when you have many people responding to your post as they care about your bird. Anyways, now that you are getting done with school you can spend all your time with Gatiep, right? This forum is a wonderful place to share and learn, and i hope you stay an active member for a while. Please keep us updated on Gatiep. Melissa
  9. Great pictures! Ponti and Maggie are very cute. Melissa
  10. you could post the youtube link in a thread if you wanted to, but if you wanted it in your profile, maybe put it in the about me section? Melissa
  11. I've noticed that more people are having trouble with posting pictures, so i'm going to revise the tutorial. This one will be using www.photobucket.com, and will require you to make an account there(don't worry, it's free) So you have the account, now what? In your album, click on 'choose files' and select the picture(s) you want. Once you click the pictures, it will start to upload right away. Once it's uploaded, you will need to resize it. So click on the thumbnail, then click on resize. I prefer to resize my pictures to the large option. To post your picture, you can copy the IMG code and paste it on your post. Once you paste the link on your post, just click add reply, and you are all done. I hope this makes more sense than the other post. Like always, free free to ask questions if this doesnt make any sense. And if you still can't get it, just email any of the mods with your pictures and they will post it for you. Melissa
  12. Have you tried uploading your videos or pictures on photobucket.com? You can use youtube also, for your videos. Melissa
  13. :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: if anyone asks.....it wasnt me! :pinch: Here's a pic of my mom: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/Wild_Horsefeathers/mom.jpg?t=1218310427 {Feel-bad-00020063} :laugh: :laugh: Melissa
  14. See how many countries you can name? http://www.canyouname.com/Countries
  15. Alright, here's some new Rikki pictures for you guys. First a couple of Talon :laugh: Now Rikki: ^She found a dorito piece on the table, I didnt give it to her...I swear! Rikki's even got some red factoring, that's the most noticeable spot. That's all I have, all Rikki wants to do is stay on our shoulder. It's a little hard to take pictures while she's on me. :laugh: Melissa<br><br>Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2008/07/13 23:44
  16. Great pictures! I liked the rainbow one the best. I'm expecting to see tons of pictures once you get your grey Melissa
  17. Hi Mel, try this link: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-photography-room/45269-how-to-post-pictures.html There's also one in the FAQ's also. Good luck! Melissa
  18. Here are some pictures, I only got a few cause i didnt want to scare her. She is very pretty. Rikki talks alot more than Talon, earlier she looked right at me and said "Hello" :laugh: These were after she climbed up on my mom's arm. Rikki's become very attached to mom. :laugh: Melissa
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