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Everything posted by judygram

  1. Thanks for that Dan, a very enlightening read.
  2. We have a garden but no composter, we just throw everything in a pile at the edge of the garden but I will have to show this to my hubby and see if he can't fashion one like it, we love our fresh vegetables and right now we still have turnips, kale and mustard greens.
  3. Wow has it been a year already, I hope he got over his fear of that beautiful bread to have some of it, after all the work you went thru to make it for him, glad to hear he is allowing you to indulge in some precious moments with him, a long time coming but you savor every morsel of it.
  4. What adorable babies, keep em coming as we never get enough.
  5. Nancy, I can see the beam in your face all the way over here in Virginia, it is so bright, way to go Sophie.
  6. I am so glad things are going well for you both, it just takes time and lots of patience but its so worth it as you are beginning to see, now these are the types of updates I like to hear, would be perfect if we had a picture or two.
  7. Hello Lara and welcome to our family. You have a beautiful grey, he has some of those red feathers which appears to ring his neck, interesting how they appear that way. You have come a long way in just a few months so you must be doing something right even if it is your first bird. Do read thru the many threads here for lots of useful information as many questions have been asked and answered but if you have some questions please feel free to ask us anything and we will help you in any way we can. Thanks for including pictures in your intro post and I must say you make a cute couple.
  8. Hello Jke and welcome to our family. Oh they love to find something annoying to us and he can tell by your reaction that you do not like the sound but it is entertaining to him, like the others have said you need to find something else to distract him to and Dave's suggestion of a bell is the best one. Greys love bells and a heavy stainless steel one is the answer, no grey should be without one as they love to ring it and at times they will fight it with gusto trying to beat the hell out of it. Be sure to browse thru the threads as you will find lots of useful information, answers to questions you never thought to ask and if you do have any questions feel free to ask us anything. Pictures are always welcomed if you have some of Jasper and even the U2.
  9. Happy Birthday

  10. They both are precious and it will be a tough decision but with one of those two how can you go wrong.
  11. Tango says nothing but the best shall pass his lips.
  12. Hello Sarah and welcome to our family. Trinity is an adorable baby grey and I see you have a sun conure also, mine is about 8 years old and she is one spoilt bird.
  13. Hello Natasha and welcome to our family. So glad you could give Sadiee a new forever home and yes it happens that they pick someone other than the person who wanted the bird in the first place but its great that your hubby has allowed her to have his heart in return. I highly doubt she hates you, she just prefers him more than you but don't give up as you can still have a good relationship with her and who knows one day she might just prefer you as it has happened before. You will probably be able to interact with her more when he isn't around but do be the one who gives her treats.
  14. Yes they do, whatever they see us eat they think they should have some also, my conure is the big stealer in my flock, if she can grab a piece she will defend it to the hilt, you can expect a sharp bite from her if you try to take it away.
  15. I have to admit when I first saw the title of this thread I had a lump in my throat for I thought another baby grey had died but so glad its only that Brandi has chosen your hubby as her favorite, yes it might stay that way and it may not, you may be second choice in her eyes but you will still have a good relationship with her if you work at it so all is not lost.
  16. It can take up to two years for all the feathers to be replaced so you will have to be patient but all good things take time.
  17. Looks like molting to me, she doesn't have any bald spots and its normal for them to lose a few feathers like that when molting so put your mind at ease.
  18. Multiple Bird Syndrome, when one bird is not enough and most of us have more than one bird and sometimes we just want one more.
  19. She probably saw something fly by outside the window and it spooked her, they will fly carelessly like that when they are flying away from some perceived danger, glad to hear she wasn't hurt except for a couple of marks and thats to be expected. I don't have that trouble with my grey but my sun conure does not like being close to any windows as she picks up anything she sees outside as a predator and she will spook like that, sometimes when she sits on my shoulder and I am at the sink in the kitchen which is in front of a window she will go part way down my back so she can't see out the window, I think if she sees a plane in the sky she thinks its a predator.
  20. By jove I think you got it! I would think she will be much more willing to step up from that perch outside the cage than trying to get her to do it from inside, small steps it is.
  21. Oh we all love those dark baby eyes but they do change and it is happening for Storm now, it will take up to two years for that light yellow to fully emerge but he is a long way away from being a mature bird so continue to enjoy the formative years.
  22. I think we are all on that list at some point and at my age I gave up caring what other people think of me, its what my fids think that matters.
  23. "For the Love of Greys" by Bobbi Brinker is the best one I have found.
  24. Anything for medium sized parrots, just try an assortment of different things as some love wood to chew, some go for acrylic type but include things that can be chewed, destroyed or dismantled, foraging toys are good too as you can hide treats inside for them to figure out how to get to them. Above all things do include a big heavy duty stainless steel bell, you can find them on the internet, most greys love them and they like to play fight with them, my grey loves her bell and it is the one thing I do not rotate out. Be sure to take a good look thru the toys and playstands room for lots of ideas of toys especially ones you can make yourself from common items found in the house.
  25. The red palm oil that others mentioned is really the only supplement they need unless others are prescribed by an avian vet and most will take it if mixed in with other foods, some just drizzle it over their foods.
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