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Everything posted by judygram

  1. TheFeatherHut wrote: So could I, maybe I will just have to steal Casper from you and then neither one of you will have him:laugh: Nah, just kidding, I wouldn't do that to ya Ronda and Jessie, this is your baby.B)
  2. Now that would be something I would be interested in, thanks Lyric for bringing that up, hmmmmm:laugh:
  3. In Hawaii of course. Where was your best vacation?
  4. There can't be just one. What are you afraid of most?
  5. I'm not gonna touch that with a ten foot pole.:blink: :woohoo:
  6. I know this was one of the hardest things you have had to do Tracy and my heart goes out to you right now, but know this, you did not fail Soldier. You did the best you could and that is all we would expect of you, but you have the others that were there first to consider and the situation was only gonna get worse. Please don't berate yourself over this, you are one of the most caring and compassionate people I know and you will get past this with our help. You have my help any time you need it Tracy, you know I am there for you.
  7. You may have to pm FairY and tell her which ones you want deleted as I don't think we can do that ourselves.
  8. Don't forget to browse thru the baby department, a lot of human baby toys are suitable for greys.
  9. That Ronda is a good person, I wished we could have met this past weekend but we will get another chance I'm sure.
  10. Thats wonderful to hear, and I bet the young one was helped along by the older one, you know like if you can say it so can I, now you won't be able to shut them up.
  11. Thanks Ronda that is a good one,lmao right now. {Feel-good-0002006E}
  12. Thanks for that link, Tracy:) Heather, why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us more about you and Megan:)
  13. Did you try www.avianconnection.com www.birdbreeders.com These are two sites that other members have had success with. Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room.
  14. All over Europe Where in the world would you like to be able to retire?
  15. I guess you could call that snuggling and most of us have some of some sort and Hannah I hope Juji does not grow out of it but she probably will to some extent.
  16. Oh I'm sure you and Ronda will come up with some more good ones and if I receive some I will share them with you unless it is inappropriate.:whistle: :silly:
  17. I don't see much of a problem if you change the paper several times a day so it stays clean so he can roll and play at his leisure.
  18. Well I am glad that your daughter will take on that responsibility and it is a mutual relationship, that makes a difference.
  19. With as many birds as you have Tiffani I am surprised that you could take them every time one of them shows a sign of something amiss but then it is your money and not mine.:laugh: But in this case there was a change in routine and that is enough to throw them off kilter and since eating and pooping is normal then I don't see the need to worry.
  20. She has plenty of time to start talking, Josey did not talk until she was a year old and she started out with the wolf whistle, my hubby made sure she learned that. Now she says all sorts of words and phrases, just give her some time and be patient and it will come. They usually will do the mimics first then the words and some will only talk when you are out of the room, hence the name closet talkers, but my Josey talks in the room with us and even answers back. She even talked a little on the ride up and back over the weekend, she was in the vehicle for 4 hours straight and she was also trying to whistle some tune I haven't been able to identify yet.:laugh:
  21. Kasia, if we had a photo of the foot we could maybe see what is going on and if it is normal or not.:huh:
  22. Gus check out this FAQ for the explanation of what karma is and how to use it. http://www.greyforums.net/faqs/page_2.html
  23. Been with for about 42 years, married for 40 years, do I get a medal for that, I should.:blink: :woohoo: If money were no object, how many kids would you have?
  24. Thats the best time to get them to try new things when they are more hungry after sleeping all night.
  25. Thanks Ronda for posting that link, very good information to have that we hope we never need but its here for reference, karma for you girl.
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