Hello >^..^< and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your fids.
I like your log in "name" but would you share your first name with us.
I won't go into detail of what I would have said to the pet store clerk but she should mind her own business if she wants my business, enough said.
It doesn't surprise me that no one spoke in favor of clipping the wings but we do have a few members who do clip their birds wings and it is a personal choice and they may have very good reasons for doing so but most members do not clip and it is our responsibility to make sure we make our homes bird safe and be diligent about keeping exterior doors closed to prevent a possible escape.
I commend you for taking in rescued birds and as you have found out they can make excellent pets, they just need some time and a lot of love.
Now we would like to see some pictures of your birds if you have some you would share with us.
BTW, what are your bird's names?