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Everything posted by judygram

  1. Thats great that they can eat from the same bowl without attacking each other, must make you very proud, thanks for sharing those pictures with us.
  2. Josey has one of them bells and it is her favorite toy, she loves to bang it around, its a must for all greys.
  3. It is beneficial for them to get some sunshine but in your climate where it is so hot do not put them out without providing some shade they can get into to escape the sun and keep an eye on them to make sure they don't overheat. Yes this place has been a godsend for a lot of us.
  4. I have one similar to the ones Janet and Dan have and it wasn't much over $50, I got mine from American Weigh Scales and they have all kinds and prices, here is a link to their site: http://www.americanweigh.com/index.php?cPath=102&sort=2a&filter_id=10&page=1
  5. Wow Dave you finally did it, loved watching the little birds in the nest, you could see them trying their wings between mom and dad coming to feed them, thanks for sharing that with us.
  6. Yes she will soon grow out of that but at least she wants to be with you and that is good she is eating her veggies and pellets.
  7. That is so true, thanks for sharing that with us.
  8. Thats great work getting Jack to step up and some advice for your girlfriend or anyone when a bird comes at your head to land, put your arm up and direct the bird away or wave your arm and slightly tip off balance to keep them off your head, keep doing that and eventually Jack will learn the head is no landing spot.
  9. Hello Happy, yes she doesn't look so happy right now but she will live up to her name I'm sure, greyt pictures.
  10. Well one out of two isn't bad Susan, glad to hear it was Chloe who loved it and its good for her.
  11. I think Dorian was trying to sing along at several points but he is just going along with the flow, you sing beautifully and no wonder Dorian accompanies you so well, thanks for sharing that with us Marguerite.
  12. You have a couple of cute doggie friends, bet they just make your day, thanks for sharing the pictures with us.
  13. Hello Dogu and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing a lot more about you and Jack. He is a handsome fells from the pics you shared. You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and be sure to check out the bird food room for lots of ideas and suggestions of what to feed Jack and even what not to offer, some things are toxic to our birds. Thanks for sharing some pictures of Jack in your intro post.
  14. You can also put some aloe vera jel on it too, just smooth it in.
  15. Thats great to hear Steve that you found a solution to Misty taking a bath and thanks for sharing it and some pictures with us.
  16. Thats an excelent color harness to go with a grey and Sunny looks nice in it, thanks for sharing the pictures with us.
  17. Thats such a good picture and Valentino is being a good sport to allow Sunny on his back, thanks for sharing that with us.
  18. Georgia is doing well so far to have only been in your home for a few days and yes it is perfectly normal for them to not want to interact sometimes, after all they have a mind of their own and like to make some decisions for themselves, I think you are doing just fine so keep up the good work.
  19. That one is a good one especially since it has varying diameters and contours to it, thats what you want, it helps to exercise their feet.
  20. Josey has a couple of cement perches and they help but hers are still rather sharp, she probably doesn't use them as much as she should, I might need to move them a little to better utilize them but they certainly help.
  21. Most of us here are of the opinion to leave the wings unclipped, birds were meant to fly, that why they are born with wings. It is a decision each owner has to decide for themselves and you know your own situation and whether a flighted bird is safe in your home. Go thru the threads that Jayd has provided a link to and read them and make your decision based on the facts presented and your own household.
  22. All this talk of pumpkin is making me want to go out and get one to bake for my fids. I will have to check my cookbook for birds that I bought this summer and see if any of the recipes use pumpkin, will get back to you on that.
  23. Josey is bonded to me but she tolerates my hubby, she will go to him sometimes and give him kisses, its a different relationship with him but then he doesn't really care for a one on one with her, the birds are mine plain and simple. I can see that Sully will continue to amaze you in the coming months and years with what he can do and say, its never too soon to start teaching him but do keep the sessions short to keep them fun like Birdnut said.
  24. Yeah the wolf whistle, my hubby made sure Josey could do that, she is a beauty from the pictures you shared, I am sure a name will come to mind soon for you can't keep calling her "the beast" not for such a precious looking thing.
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