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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Birdhouse, nowhere do I see that Joe is being "criticized" for his decision. Some of us are SUGGESTING that perhaps with patience, he would not have to go that route. Ultimately, it is his decision, and one that I would Respect, even if I wish he could do things differently. NEVER have I seen a member COME DOWN on someone for their choices. I find these members here to be VERY respectful of others and their different opinions and situations. it is the WAY he was playing with us that I find offensive... Many members here have a wild caught grey.......I don't see a problem anywhere in the threads here with that. I DO see that some that have a wild caught are VERY sensitive and don't take kindly to anyone speaking their opinions about how they feel...
  2. If you think this way, you need to go back and read the thousands and thousands of posts here. You will see that EVERYONE is treated with dignity and respect, that is our motto here and always has been. Funny you think we don't like "outsiders" as this forum is international, members from every country possible and is based in ISRAEL.
  3. Of course no one here would send you a breeding pair. You are out of our mind thinking otherwise. FYI, as administrator, I don't take kindly to someone playing games here with our members. It was a cruel joke. What did it accomplish in proving your point? You were given excellent advice, that is the only thing accomplished here, but you discard it. Anyone with common sense would KNOW that your request is impossible from any other country, AND anyone even considering filling your request would be stupid as you have zero experience in breeding and don't have the funds to do it. Please continue to post as the valued member that you are, but if you post a topic, you do so with the understanding that you will get a variety of advice and opinions, like it or not.
  4. What an idea! A good one, however, you can not ship birds outside the US and into Lebanon.....HOWEVER. talking and enlightening others that these practices still go on every day here on this forum or any other, can only HELP people to motivate one another and do what we can to stop this practice.. Sitting here silently and making impossible wishes do nothing to help the cause. Just to set the record straight, many of us here are working lower middle class as well. Don't think we are wealthy just because we have an african gey. Many of us RESCUED them for little or no money....
  5. Hee hee! Yes many here have both.....I do know that a sun conure can be a loud screamer? Others here will home in who are more experienced with them.
  6. Yes,zippers never zip in my house. I have replaced most of our oats with metal zippers, but even those are no match for my greys....
  7. This was a difficult read for me.....I hate the fact that this is done to these poor innocent creatures.......too sad for my heart to think about.... Say what you want, but since I alone can't stop this, it pains me to know it still goes on in the world, and I prefer to only partially stick my head out of the sand...
  8. I'm with Dan, the list of things including my house is so long, it would be a tiny list of what they have NOT destroyed!
  9. I agree with the sentiment of the others. Slow down a bit,you are still grieving a loss that no other bird can fill as Twix did. You WILL find another when the time is right, and fall in love and fill that heart up again. I am totally against trying to tame a wild caught grey. The entire thought makes me very sad. They don't deserve it, they are wild, and that is how God intended. The right grey and opportunity will come along when you least expect it, and when the time is right.
  10. As for dealing with poop down my back. My birds rarely poop while on me, they prefer to get off, go to the edge of the counter or couch and squat over the edge. Occasionally my amazon will go on my shoulder, but as the others have said, Who cares? It means nothing when you are a bird owner......
  11. Very nice and pretty accurate. I especially like the part about how having a parrot is like having a child that never grows up!how true is that?
  12. I have 2 greys and one amazon. All are allowed on my shoulder at any time but only as long as they behave! If one tries anything, I spin very fast around, (a trained dancer) and off they go flying.
  13. That is the best photo ever! I want to see how she got herself out!
  14. Thanks Ray, I think I'm going to have to try that, my birds hate baths. They prefer a water bowl when they decide to!
  15. Yay! I'm so happy you are allowing her to have free flight like she was intended. I would almost bet that once she has mastered her flight abilities, and she will, that her plucking will definitely stop! Let us know and keep us posted on how she's learning with her new wings!
  16. That is sooo smart! Mine don't do manual labor either, their best qualities is to rip and destroy!!!
  17. Hi Ray, do you put water in it, or just let them perch on it?
  18. Talon


    Awww. She's adorable! Love the ladder, did your hubby make that?
  19. Awwww.. That's an adorable story!!! When Nilah hears the door from the garage open, she starts yelling "BIRD!" over and over again waiting to hear if I answer back with a "Hi Nilah!, Hi Birdies!" if I don't say anything, she thinks its someone else, and she stops saying anything. I LOVE that about her, if I leave and don't tell her, my daughter days she flies thru the house yelling, "BIRD!" Love these amazon stories!!!
  20. Yes, I am me of thoses members tat believe bigger is better. It may appear big at first, but once you fill it with toys, perches, boings, corner shelves etc. it actually becomes quite small.
  21. Talon

    Twix is sick!

    I'm so very sorry.....
  22. Please search on is forum for the many many threads regarding To clip or not to Clip. There are numerous posts about the subject.
  23. Oh my! That's so tiny, must be adorable. How delicate it must be. Thanks for this info. I love these fun facts you give us!!
  24. Boy do I like the way you think. Your last sentence in your last post is so true, most of us here believe the very same. It is the pets that suffer at people's selfishness for whatever reason.
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